# Production Docker deployment for Mattermost This project enables deployment of a Mattermost server in a multi-node production configuration using Docker. [](https://travis-ci.org/mattermost/mattermost-docker) Notes: - The default Mattermost edition for this repo has changed from Team Edition to Enterprise Edition. Please see [Choose Edition](#choose-edition-to-install) section. - To install this Docker project on AWS Elastic Beanstalk please see [AWS Elastic Beanstalk Guide](contrib/aws/README.md). - To run Mattermost on Kubernetes you can start with the [manifest examples in the kubernetes folder](contrib/kubernetes/README.md) - To install Mattermost without Docker directly onto a Linux-based operating systems, please see [Admin Guide](https://docs.mattermost.com/guides/administrator.html#installing-mattermost). ## Installation using Docker Compose The following instructions deploy Mattermost in a production configuration using multi-node Docker Compose set up. ### Requirements * [docker] (version `1.12+`) * [docker-compose] (version `1.10.0+` to support Compose file version `3.0`) ### Choose Edition to Install If you want to install Enterprise Edition, you can skip this section. To install the team edition, comment out the two following lines in docker-compose.yaml file: ```yaml args: - edition=team ``` The `app` Dockerfile will read the `edition` build argument to install Team (`edition = 'team'`) or Entreprise (`edition != team`) edition. ### Database container This repository offer a Docker image for the Mattermost database. It is a customized PostgreSQL image that you should configure with following environment variables : * `POSTGRES_USER`: database username * `POSTGRES_PASSWORD`: database password * `POSTGRES_DB`: database name It is possible to use your own PostgreSQL database, or even use MySQL. But you will need to ensure that Application container can connect to the database (see [Application container](#application-container)) #### AWS If deploying to AWS, you could also set following variables to enable [Wal-E](https://github.com/wal-e/wal-e) backup to S3 : * `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`: AWS access key * `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`: AWS secret * `WALE_S3_PREFIX`: AWS s3 bucket name * `AWS_REGION`: AWS region All four environment variables are required. It will enable completed WAL segments sent to archive storage (S3). The base backup and clean up can be done through the following command: ```bash # Base backup docker exec mattermost-db su - postgres sh -c "/usr/bin/envdir /etc/wal-e.d/env /usr/local/bin/wal-e backup-push /var/lib/postgresql/data" # Keep the most recent 7 base backups and remove the old ones docker exec mattermost-db su - postgres sh -c "/usr/bin/envdir /etc/wal-e.d/env /usr/local/bin/wal-e delete --confirm retain 7" ``` Those tasks can be executed through a cron job or systemd timer. ### Application container Application container run the Mattermost application. You should configure it with following environment variables : * `MM_USERNAME`: database username * `MM_PASSWORD`: database password * `MM_DBNAME`: database name If your database use some custom host and port, it is also possible to configure them : * `DB_HOST`: database host address * `DB_PORT_NUMBER`: database port If you use a Mattermost configuration file on a different location than the default one (`/mattermost/config/config.json`) : * `MM_CONFIG`: configuration file location inside the container. If you choose to use MySQL instead of PostgreSQL, you should set a different datasource and SQL driver : * `DB_PORT_NUMBER` : `3306` * `MM_SQLSETTINGS_DRIVERNAME` : `mysql` * `MM_SQLSETTINGS_DATASOURCE` : `MM_USERNAME:MM_PASSWORD@tcp(DB_HOST:DB_PORT_NUMBER)/MM_DBNAME?charset=utf8mb4,utf8&readTimeout=30s&writeTimeout=30s` Don't forget to replace all entries (beginning by `MM_` and `DB_`) in `MM_SQLSETTINGS_DATASOURCE` with the real variables values. If you want to push Mattermost application to **Cloud Foundry**, use a `manifest.yml` like this one (with external PostgreSQL service): ``` --- applications: - name: mattermost docker: image: mattermost/mattermost-prod-app instances: 1 memory: 1G disk_quota: 256M env: DB_HOST: database host address DB_PORT_NUMBER: database port MM_DBNAME: database name MM_USERNAME: database username MM_PASSWORD: database password ``` ### Web server container This image is optional, you should **not** use it when you have your own reverse-proxy. It is a simple front Web server for the Mattermost app container. If you use the provided `docker-compose.yml` file, you don't have to configure anything. But if your application container is reachable on custom host and/or port (eg. if you use a container provider), you should add those two environment variables : * `APP_HOST`: application host address * `APP_PORT_NUMBER`: application HTTP port #### Install with SSL certificate Put your SSL certificate as `./volumes/web/cert/cert.pem` and the private key that has no password as `./volumes/web/cert/key-no-password.pem`. If you don't have them you may generate a self-signed SSL certificate. ### Starting/Stopping Docker #### Start If you are running docker with non root user, make sure the UID and GID in app/Dockerfile are the same as your current UID/GID ``` mkdir -p ./volumes/app/mattermost/{data,logs,config} chown -R 2000:2000 ./volumes/app/mattermost/ docker-compose start ``` #### Stop ``` docker-compose stop ``` ### Removing Docker #### Remove the containers ``` docker-compose stop && docker-compose rm ``` #### Remove the data and settings of your Mattermost instance ``` sudo rm -rf volumes ``` ## Update Mattermost to latest version First, shutdown your containers to back up your data. ``` docker-compose down ``` Back up your mounted volumes to save your data. If you use the default `docker-compose.yml` file proposed on this repository, your data is on `./volumes/` folder. Then run the following commands. ``` git pull docker-compose build docker-compose up -d ``` Your Docker image should now be on the latest Mattermost version. ## Upgrading Mattermost to 4.9+ Docker images for `4.9.0` release introduce some important changes from [PR #241](https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-docker/pull/241) to improve production use of Mattermost with Docker. **There are 2 important changes for existing installations** One important change is that we don't use `root` user by default to run the Mattermost application. So, as explained on [the README](https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-docker#start), if you use host mounted volume you have to be sure that files on your host server have the correct UID/GID (by default those values are `2000`). In practice, you should just run following commands : ``` mkdir -p ./volumes/app/mattermost/{data,logs,config} chown -R 2000:2000 ./volumes/app/mattermost/ ``` The second important change is the port used by Mattermost application container. The default port is now `8000`, and existing installations that use port `80` will not work without a little configuration change. You have to open your Mattermost configuration file (`./volumes/app/mattermost/config/config.json` by default) and change the key `ServiceSettings.ListenAddress` to `:8000`. Also if you use your own web-server/reverse-proxy you need to change its configuration to reach port `8000` of the Mattermost container. ## Upgrading to Team Edition 3.0.x from 2.x You need to migrate your database before upgrading Mattermost to `3.0.x` from `2.x`. Run these commands in the latest `mattermost-docker` directory. ``` docker-compose rm -f app docker-compose build app docker-compose run app -upgrade_db_30 docker-compose up -d ``` See the [offical Upgrade Guide](http://docs.mattermost.com/administration/upgrade.html) for more details. ## Installation using Docker Swarm Mode The following instructions deploy Mattermost in a production configuration using docker swarm mode on one node. Running containerized applications on multi-node swarms involves specific data portability and replication handling that are not covered here. ### Requirements * [docker] (1.12.0+) ### Swarm Mode Installation First, create mattermost directory structure on the docker hosts: ``` mkdir -p /var/lib/mattermost/{cert,config,data,logs} ``` Then, fire up the stack in your swarm: ``` docker stack deploy -c contrib/swarm/docker-stack.yml mattermost ``` ## Known Issues * Do not modify the Listen Address in Service Settings. * Rarely `app` container fails to start because of "connection refused" to database. Workaround: Restart the container. ## More information If you want to know how to use docker-compose, see [the overview page](https://docs.docker.com/compose). For the server configurations, see [prod-ubuntu.rst] of Mattermost. [docker]: http://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/ [docker-compose]: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ [prod-ubuntu.rst]: https://docs.mattermost.com/install/install-ubuntu-1604.html