#!/bin/bash DB_HOST=${DB_HOST:-db} DB_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT=${DB_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT:-5432} MM_USERNAME=${MM_USERNAME:-mmuser} MM_PASSWORD=${MM_PASSWORD:-mmuser_password} MM_DBNAME=${MM_DBNAME:-mattermost} MM_CONFIG=/mattermost/config/config.json if [ "${1:0:1}" = '-' ]; then set -- platform "$@" fi if [ "$1" = 'platform' ]; then for ARG in $@; do case "$ARG" in -config=*) MM_CONFIG=${ARG#*=};; esac done echo "Using config file" $MM_CONFIG echo -ne "Configure database connection..." if [ ! -f $MM_CONFIG ] then cp /config.template.json $MM_CONFIG sed -Ei "s/DB_HOST/$DB_HOST/" $MM_CONFIG sed -Ei "s/DB_PORT/$DB_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT/" $MM_CONFIG sed -Ei "s/MM_USERNAME/$MM_USERNAME/" $MM_CONFIG sed -Ei "s/MM_PASSWORD/$MM_PASSWORD/" $MM_CONFIG sed -Ei "s/MM_DBNAME/$MM_DBNAME/" $MM_CONFIG echo OK else echo SKIP fi echo "Wait until database $DB_HOST:$DB_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT is ready..." until nc -z $DB_HOST $DB_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT do sleep 1 done # Wait to avoid "panic: Failed to open sql connection pq: the database system is starting up" sleep 1 echo "Starting platform" fi exec "$@"