- The default Mattermost edition for this repo has changed from Team Edition to Enterprise Edition. Please see [Choose Edition](#choose-edition-to-install) section.
- To install this Docker project on AWS Elastic Beanstalk please see [AWS Elastic Beanstalk Guide](contrib/aws/README.md).
- To install Mattermost without Docker directly onto a Linux-based operating systems, please see [Admin Guide](https://docs.mattermost.com/guides/administrator.html#installing-mattermost).
This repository offer a Docker image for the Mattermost database. It is a customized PostgreSQL image that you should configure with following environment variables :
It is possible to use your own PostgreSQL database, or even use MySQL. But you will need to ensure that Application container can connect to the database (see [Application container](#application-container))
All four environment variables are required. It will enable completed WAL segments sent to archive storage (S3). The base backup and clean up can be done through the following command:
# Base backup
docker exec mattermost-db su - postgres sh -c "/usr/bin/envdir /etc/wal-e.d/env /usr/local/bin/wal-e backup-push /var/lib/postgresql/data"
# Keep the most recent 7 base backups and remove the old ones
docker exec mattermost-db su - postgres sh -c "/usr/bin/envdir /etc/wal-e.d/env /usr/local/bin/wal-e delete --confirm retain 7"
Those tasks can be executed through a cron job or systemd timer.
This image is optional, you should **not** use it when you have your own reverse-proxy. It is a simple front Web server for the Mattermost app container. If you use the provided `docker-compose.yml` file, you don't have to configure anything. But if your application container is reachable on custom host and/or port (eg. if you use a container provider), you should add those two environment variables :
Back up your mounted volumes to save your data. If you use the default `docker-compose.yml` file proposed on this repository, your data is on `./volumes/` folder.
Docker images for `4.9.0` release introduce some important changes from [PR #241](https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-docker/pull/241) to improve production use of Mattermost with Docker.
One important change is that we don't use `root` user by default to run the Mattermost application. So, as explained on [the README](https://github.com/mattermost/mattermost-docker#start), if you use host mounted volume you have to be sure that files on your host server have the correct UID/GID (by default those values are `2000`). In practice, you should just run following commands :
The second important change is the port used by Mattermost application container. The default port is now `8000`, and existing installations that use port `80` will not work without a little configuration change. You have to open your Mattermost configuration file (`./volumes/app/mattermost/config/config.json` by default) and change the key `ServiceSettings.ListenAddress` to `:8000`.