* Fix missing username in username_invalid message Fix missing username in username_invalid message * Fix missing username in username_invalid message 2 Fix missing username in username_invalid message * Disable refresh button, while refreshing Disable the refresh button, like in mailbox.js, while refreshing the table. Prevents empty view if the user clicks too fast.
710 lines
29 KiB
710 lines
29 KiB
if (localStorage.getItem("current_page") === null) {
var current_page = {};
} else {
var current_page = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('current_page'));
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24816/escaping-html-strings-with-jquery
var entityMap={"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",'"':""","'":"'","/":"/","`":"`","=":"="};
function escapeHtml(n){return String(n).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g,function(n){return entityMap[n]})}
function humanFileSize(i){if(Math.abs(i)<1024)return i+" B";var B=["KiB","MiB","GiB","TiB","PiB","EiB","ZiB","YiB"],e=-1;do{i/=1024,++e}while(Math.abs(i)>=1024&&e<B.length-1);return i.toFixed(1)+" "+B[e]}
function hashCode(t){for(var n=0,r=0;r<t.length;r++)n=t.charCodeAt(r)+((n<<5)-n);return n}
function intToRGB(t){var n=(16777215&t).toString(16).toUpperCase();return"00000".substring(0,6-n.length)+n}
$(".refresh_table").on('click', function(e) {
var table_name = $(this).data('table');
$('#' + table_name).find("tr.footable-empty").remove();
draw_table = $(this).data('draw');
eval(draw_table + '()');
function table_log_ready(ft, name) {
heading = ft.$el.parents('.panel').find('.panel-heading')
var ft_paging = ft.use(FooTable.Paging)
$('.refresh_table').prop("disabled", false);
return ft_paging.totalRows;
if (current_page[name]) {
function table_log_paging(ft, name) {
var ft_paging = ft.use(FooTable.Paging)
current_page[name] = ft_paging.current;
localStorage.setItem('current_page', JSON.stringify(current_page));
function draw_autodiscover_logs() {
ft_autodiscover_logs = FooTable.init('#autodiscover_log', {
"columns": [
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/autodiscover/100',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw autodiscover log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'autodiscover_log');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'autodiscover_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'autodiscover_logs');
function draw_postfix_logs() {
ft_postfix_logs = FooTable.init('#postfix_log', {
"columns": [
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/postfix',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw postfix log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'postfix_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'postfix_logs');
function draw_watchdog_logs() {
ft_watchdog_logs = FooTable.init('#watchdog_log', {
"columns": [
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/watchdog',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw watchdog log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'watchdog');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","connectors": false,"placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'postfix_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'postfix_logs');
function draw_api_logs() {
ft_api_logs = FooTable.init('#api_log', {
"columns": [
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
{"name":"data","title":"Data","breakpoints": "all","style":{"word-break":"break-all"}},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/api',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw api log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'apilog');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","connectors": false,"placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'api_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'api_logs');
function draw_rl_logs() {
ft_rl_logs = FooTable.init('#rl_log', {
"columns": [
{"name":"indicator","title":" ","style":{"width":"50px"}},
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.last_applied,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
{"name":"message_id","title":"Msg ID","breakpoints": "all","style":{"word-break":"break-all"}},
{"name":"header_from","title":"Header From","breakpoints": "all","style":{"word-break":"break-all"}},
{"name":"header_subject","title":"Subject","breakpoints": "all","style":{"word-break":"break-all"}},
{"name":"rl_hash","title":"Hash","breakpoints": "all","style":{"word-break":"break-all"}},
{"name":"qid","title":"Rspamd QID","breakpoints": "all","style":{"word-break":"break-all"}},
{"name":"ip","title":"IP","breakpoints": "all","style":{"word-break":"break-all"}},
{"name":"action","title":lang.action,"breakpoints": "all","style":{"word-break":"break-all"}},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/ratelimited',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw rl log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'rllog');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","connectors": false,"placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'rl_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'rl_logs');
function draw_ui_logs() {
ft_api_logs = FooTable.init('#ui_logs', {
"columns": [
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
{"name":"call","title":"Call","breakpoints": "all"},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/ui',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw ui log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'mailcow_ui');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","connectors": false,"placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'ui_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'ui_logs');
function draw_acme_logs() {
ft_acme_logs = FooTable.init('#acme_log', {
"columns": [
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/acme',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw acme log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","connectors": false,"placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'acme_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'acme_logs');
function draw_netfilter_logs() {
ft_netfilter_logs = FooTable.init('#netfilter_log', {
"columns": [
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/netfilter',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw netfilter log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","connectors": false,"placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'netfilter_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'netfilter_logs');
function draw_sogo_logs() {
ft_sogo_logs = FooTable.init('#sogo_log', {
"columns": [
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/sogo',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw sogo log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","connectors": false,"placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'sogo_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'sogo_logs');
function draw_dovecot_logs() {
ft_dovecot_logs = FooTable.init('#dovecot_log', {
"columns": [
{"name":"time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/dovecot',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw dovecot log table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","connectors": false,"placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'dovecot_logs');
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'dovecot_logs');
function rspamd_pie_graph() {
url: '/api/v1/get/rspamd/actions',
success: function(data){
var total = 0;
$(data).map(function(){total += this[1];});
var labels = $.makeArray($(data).map(function(){return this[0] + ' ' + Math.round(this[1]/total * 100) + '%';}));
var values = $.makeArray($(data).map(function(){return this[1];}));
var graphdata = {
labels: labels,
datasets: [{
data: values,
backgroundColor: ['#DC3023', '#59ABE3', '#FFA400', '#FFA400', '#26A65B']
var options = {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
plugins: {
datalabels: {
color: '#FFF',
font: {
weight: 'bold'
display: function(context) {
return context.dataset.data[context.dataIndex] !== 0;
formatter: function(value, context) {
return Math.round(value/total*100) + '%';
var chartcanvas = document.getElementById('rspamd_donut');
var chart = new Chart(chartcanvas.getContext("2d"), {
plugins: [ChartDataLabels],
type: 'doughnut',
data: graphdata,
options: options
function draw_rspamd_history() {
ft_rspamd_history = FooTable.init('#rspamd_history', {
"columns": [
{"name":"unix_time","formatter":function unix_time_format(tm) { var date = new Date(tm ? tm * 1000 : 0); return date.toLocaleString();},"title":lang.time,"style":{"width":"170px"}},
{"name": "ip","title": "IP address","breakpoints": "all","style": {"minWidth": 88}},
{"name": "sender_mime","title": "From","breakpoints": "xs sm md","style": {"minWidth": 100}},
{"name": "rcpt","title": "To","breakpoints": "xs sm md","style": {"minWidth": 100}},
{"name": "subject","title": "Subject","breakpoints": "all","style": {"word-break": "break-all","minWidth": 150}},
{"name": "action","title": "Action","style": {"minwidth": 82}},
{"name": "score","title": "Score","style": {"maxWidth": 110},},
{"name": "symbols","title": "Symbols","breakpoints": "all",},
{"name": "size","title": "Msg size","breakpoints": "all","style": {"minwidth": 50},"formatter": function(value){return humanFileSize(value);}},
{"name": "scan_time","title": "Scan time","breakpoints": "all","style": {"maxWidth": 72},},
{"name": "message-id","title": "ID","breakpoints": "all","style": {"minWidth": 130,"overflow": "hidden","textOverflow": "ellipsis","wordBreak": "break-all","whiteSpace": "normal"}},
{"name": "user","title": "Authenticated user","breakpoints": "xs sm md","style": {"minWidth": 100}}
"rows": $.ajax({
dataType: 'json',
url: '/api/v1/get/logs/rspamd-history',
jsonp: false,
error: function () {
console.log('Cannot draw rspamd history table');
success: function (data) {
return process_table_data(data, 'rspamd_history');
"empty": lang.empty,
"paging": {"enabled": true,"limit": 5,"size": log_pagination_size},
"filtering": {"enabled": true,"delay": 1200,"position": "left","connectors": false,"placeholder": lang.filter_table},
"sorting": {"enabled": true},
"on": {
"destroy.ft.table": function(e, ft){
$('.refresh_table').attr('disabled', 'true');
"ready.ft.table": function(e, ft){
table_log_ready(ft, 'rspamd_history');
heading = ft.$el.parents('.panel').find('.panel-heading')
var ft_paging = ft.use(FooTable.Paging)
return ft_paging.totalRows;
"after.ft.paging": function(e, ft){
table_log_paging(ft, 'rspamd_history');
function process_table_data(data, table) {
if (table == 'rspamd_history') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item.rcpt_mime != "") {
item.rcpt = item.rcpt_mime.join(", ");
else {
item.rcpt = item.rcpt_smtp.join(", ");
item.symbols = Object.keys(item.symbols).sort(function (a, b) {
if (item.symbols[a].score === 0) return 1
if (item.symbols[b].score === 0) return -1
if (item.symbols[b].score < 0 && item.symbols[a].score < 0) {
return item.symbols[a].score - item.symbols[b].score
if (item.symbols[b].score > 0 && item.symbols[a].score > 0) {
return item.symbols[b].score - item.symbols[a].score
return item.symbols[b].score - item.symbols[a].score
}).map(function(key) {
var sym = item.symbols[key];
if (sym.score < 0) {
sym.score_formatted = '(<span class="text-success"><b>' + sym.score + '</b></span>)'
else if (sym.score === 0) {
sym.score_formatted = '(<span><b>' + sym.score + '</b></span>)'
else {
sym.score_formatted = '(<span class="text-danger"><b>' + sym.score + '</b></span>)'
var str = '<strong>' + key + '</strong> ' + sym.score_formatted;
if (sym.options) {
str += ' [' + sym.options.join(", ") + "]";
return str
item.subject = escapeHtml(item.subject);
var scan_time = item.time_real.toFixed(3);
if (item.time_virtual) {
scan_time += ' / ' + item.time_virtual.toFixed(3);
item.scan_time = {
"options": {
"sortValue": item.time_real
"value": scan_time
if (item.action === 'clean' || item.action === 'no action') {
item.action = "<div class='label label-success'>" + item.action + "</div>";
} else if (item.action === 'rewrite subject' || item.action === 'add header' || item.action === 'probable spam') {
item.action = "<div class='label label-warning'>" + item.action + "</div>";
} else if (item.action === 'spam' || item.action === 'reject') {
item.action = "<div class='label label-danger'>" + item.action + "</div>";
} else {
item.action = "<div class='label label-info'>" + item.action + "</div>";
var score_content;
if (item.score < item.required_score) {
score_content = "[ <span class='text-success'>" + item.score.toFixed(2) + " / " + item.required_score + "</span> ]";
} else {
score_content = "[ <span class='text-danger'>" + item.score.toFixed(2) + " / " + item.required_score + "</span> ]";
item.score = {
"options": {
"sortValue": item.score
"value": score_content
if (item.user == null) {
item.user = "none";
} else if (table == 'autodiscover_log') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item.ua == null) {
item.ua = 'unknown';
} else {
item.ua = escapeHtml(item.ua);
item.ua = '<span style="font-size:small">' + item.ua + '</span>';
if (item.service == "activesync") {
item.service = '<span class="label label-info">ActiveSync</span>';
else if (item.service == "imap") {
item.service = '<span class="label label-success">IMAP, SMTP, Cal-/CardDAV</span>';
else {
item.service = '<span class="label label-danger">' + escapeHtml(item.service) + '</span>';
} else if (table == 'watchdog') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item.message == null) {
item.message = 'Health level: ' + item.lvl + '% (' + item.hpnow + '/' + item.hptotal + ')';
if (item.hpdiff < 0) {
item.trend = '<span class="label label-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-down"></span> ' + item.hpdiff + '</span>';
else if (item.hpdiff == 0) {
item.trend = '<span class="label label-info"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right"></span> ' + item.hpdiff + '</span>';
else {
item.trend = '<span class="label label-success"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up"></span> ' + item.hpdiff + '</span>';
else {
item.trend = '';
item.service = '';
} else if (table == 'mailcow_ui') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item === null) { return true; }
item.user = escapeHtml(item.user);
item.call = escapeHtml(item.call);
item.task = '<code>' + item.task + '</code>';
item.type = '<span class="label label-' + item.type + '">' + item.type + '</span>';
} else if (table == 'general_syslog') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item === null) { return true; }
if (item.message.match("^base64,")) {
item.message = atob(item.message.slice(7)).replace(/\\n/g, "<br />");
} else {
item.message = escapeHtml(item.message);
item.call = escapeHtml(item.call);
var danger_class = ["emerg", "alert", "crit", "err"];
var warning_class = ["warning", "warn"];
var info_class = ["notice", "info", "debug"];
if (jQuery.inArray(item.priority, danger_class) !== -1) {
item.priority = '<span class="label label-danger">' + item.priority + '</span>';
} else if (jQuery.inArray(item.priority, warning_class) !== -1) {
item.priority = '<span class="label label-warning">' + item.priority + '</span>';
} else if (jQuery.inArray(item.priority, info_class) !== -1) {
item.priority = '<span class="label label-info">' + item.priority + '</span>';
} else if (table == 'apilog') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item === null) { return true; }
if (item.method == 'GET') {
item.method = '<span class="label label-success">' + item.method + '</span>';
} else if (item.method == 'POST') {
item.method = '<span class="label label-warning">' + item.method + '</span>';
item.data = escapeHtml(item.data);
} else if (table == 'rllog') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item.user == null) {
item.user = "none";
if (item.rl_hash == null) {
item.rl_hash = "err";
item.indicator = '<span style="border-right:6px solid #' + intToRGB(hashCode(item.rl_hash)) + ';padding-left:5px;"> </span>';
if (item.rl_hash != 'err') {
item.action = '<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-hash" data-api-url="delete/rlhash" data-item="' + encodeURI(item.rl_hash) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang.reset_limit + '</a>';
return data
$('.add_log_lines').on('click', function (e) {
var log_table= $(this).data("table")
var new_nrows = $(this).data("nrows")
var post_process = $(this).data("post-process")
var log_url = $(this).data("log-url")
if (log_table === undefined || new_nrows === undefined || post_process === undefined || log_url === undefined) {
console.log("no data-table or data-nrows or log_url or data-post-process attr found");
if (ft = FooTable.get($('#' + log_table))) {
var heading = ft.$el.parents('.panel').find('.panel-heading')
var ft_paging = ft.use(FooTable.Paging)
var load_rows = (ft_paging.totalRows + 1) + '-' + (ft_paging.totalRows + new_nrows)
$.get('/api/v1/get/logs/' + log_url + '/' + load_rows).then(function(data){
if (data.length === undefined) { mailcow_alert_box(lang.no_new_rows, "info"); return; }
var rows = process_table_data(data, post_process);
var rows_now = (ft_paging.totalRows + data.length);
mailcow_alert_box(data.length + lang.additional_rows, "success");
ft.rows.load(rows, true);
// Initial table drawings
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('shown.bs.tab', function (e) {
var target = $(e.target).attr("href");
if ((target == '#tab-rspamd-history')) {