#!/usr/bin/perl use DBI; use LockFile::Simple qw(lock trylock unlock); use Proc::ProcessTable; use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); use IPC::Run 'run'; use String::Util 'trim'; use File::Temp; use Try::Tiny; use sigtrap 'handler' => \&sig_handler, qw(INT TERM KILL QUIT); my $t = Proc::ProcessTable->new; my $imapsync_running = grep { $_->{cmndline} =~ /^\/usr\/bin\/perl \/usr\/local\/bin\/imapsync\s/ } @{$t->table}; if ($imapsync_running eq 1) { print "imapsync is active, exiting..."; exit; } $run_dir="/tmp"; $dsn = 'DBI:mysql:database=__DBNAME__;mysql_socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'; $lock_file = $run_dir . "/imapsync_busy"; $lockmgr = LockFile::Simple->make(-autoclean => 1, -max => 1); $lockmgr->lock($lock_file) || die "can't lock ${lock_file}"; $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, '__DBUSER__', '__DBPASS__', { mysql_auto_reconnect => 1, mysql_enable_utf8mb4 => 1 }); sub sig_handler { # Send die to force exception in "run" die "sig_handler received signal, preparing to exit...\n"; }; open my $file, '<', "/etc/sogo/sieve.creds"; my $creds = <$file>; close $file; my ($master_user, $master_pass) = split /:/, $creds; my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, user1, user2, host1, authmech1, password1, exclude, port1, enc1, delete2duplicates, maxage, subfolder2, delete1, delete2, automap, skipcrossduplicates, maxbytespersecond, custom_params, subscribeall, timeout1, timeout2 FROM imapsync WHERE active = 1 AND is_running = 0 AND ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_run) > mins_interval * 60 OR last_run IS NULL) ORDER BY last_run"); $sth->execute(); my $row; while ($row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) { $id = @$row[0]; $user1 = @$row[1]; $user2 = @$row[2]; $host1 = @$row[3]; $authmech1 = @$row[4]; $password1 = @$row[5]; $exclude = @$row[6]; $port1 = @$row[7]; $enc1 = @$row[8]; $delete2duplicates = @$row[9]; $maxage = @$row[10]; $subfolder2 = @$row[11]; $delete1 = @$row[12]; $delete2 = @$row[13]; $automap = @$row[14]; $skipcrossduplicates = @$row[15]; $maxbytespersecond = @$row[16]; $custom_params = @$row[17]; $subscribeall = @$row[18]; $timeout1 = @$row[19]; $timeout2 = @$row[20]; if ($enc1 eq "TLS") { $enc1 = "--tls1"; } elsif ($enc1 eq "SSL") { $enc1 = "--ssl1"; } else { undef $enc1; } my $template = $run_dir . '/imapsync.XXXXXXX'; my $passfile1 = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => $template); my $passfile2 = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE => $template); print $passfile1 "$password1\n"; print $passfile2 trim($master_pass) . "\n"; my $command = "/usr/local/bin/imapsync"; $command .= " --tmpdir /tmp"; $command .= " --pidfile /tmp/imapsync.pid"; $command .= " --nofoldersizes"; ($timeout1 gt "0" ? () : ($command .= " --timeout1 ${timeout1}")); ($timeout2 gt "0" ? () : ($command .= " --timeout2 ${timeout2}")); ($exclude eq "" ? () : ($command .= qq` --exclude ${exclude}`)); ($subfolder2 eq "" ? () : ($command .= qq` --subfolder2 ${subfolder2}`)); ($maxage eq "0" ? () : ($command .= " --maxage ${maxage}")); ($maxbytespersecond eq "0" ? () : ($command .= " --maxbytespersecond ${maxbytespersecond}")); ($delete2duplicates ne "1" ? () : ($command .= " --delete2duplicates")); ($subscribeall ne "1" ? () : ($command .= " --subscribeall")); ($delete1 ne "1" ? () : ($command .= " --delete")); ($delete2 ne "1" ? () : ($command .= " --delete2")); ($automap ne "1" ? () : ($command .= " --automap")); ($skipcrossduplicates ne "1" ? () : ($command .= " --skipcrossduplicates")); (!defined($enc1) ? () : ($command .= " ${enc1}")); $command .= " --host1 ${host1}"; $command .= qq` --user1 ${user1}`; $command .= " --passfile1 $passfile1->filename"; $command .= " --port1 ${port1}"; $command .= " --host2 localhost"; $command .= " --user2 ${user2}" . '*' . trim($master_user); $command .= " --passfile2 $passfile2->filename"; $command .= " --no-modulesversion"; ($custom_params eq "" ? () : ($command .= qq` ${custom_params}`)); try { $is_running = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE imapsync SET is_running = 1 WHERE id = ?"); $is_running->bind_param( 1, ${id} ); $is_running->execute(); my $stdout = `${command}` $update = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE imapsync SET returned_text = ?, last_run = NOW(), is_running = 0 WHERE id = ?"); $update->bind_param( 1, ${stdout} ); $update->bind_param( 2, ${id} ); $update->execute(); } catch { $update = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE imapsync SET returned_text = 'Could not start or finish imapsync' WHERE id = ?"); $update->bind_param( 1, ${id} ); $update->execute(); } finally { $update = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE imapsync SET last_run = NOW(), is_running = 0 WHERE id = ?"); $update->bind_param( 1, ${id} ); $update->execute(); $lockmgr->unlock($lock_file); }; } $sth->finish(); $dbh->disconnect(); $lockmgr->unlock($lock_file);