symbols = {
    score = 3.5;
    score = 1.5;
  "RBL_SORBS" { 
    score = 0.0;  
    description = "Unrecognised result from SORBS RBL"; 
    score = 2.5;  
    description = "List of Open HTTP Proxy Servers."; 
    score = 2.5;  
    description = "List of Open SOCKS Proxy Servers.";  
    score = 1.0;  
    description = "List of open Proxy Servers not listed in the SOCKS or HTTP lists.";  
    score = 4.0;  
    description = "List of Open SMTP relay servers."; 
    score = 3.5;  
    description = "List of hosts that have been noted as sending spam/UCE/UBE to the admins of SORBS within the last 28 days (includes"; 
    score = 2.0;  
    description = "List of web (WWW) servers which have spammer abusable vulnerabilities (e.g. FormMail scripts)";  
    score = 2.0;  
    description = "Dynamic IP Address ranges (NOT a Dial Up list!)";  
    score = 0.5;  
    description = "List of hosts demanding that they never be tested by SORBS.";  
    score = 2.0;  
    description = "List of networks hijacked from their original owners, some of which have already used for spamming.";  
    weight = 0.0;
    description = "Received address is listed in ZEN XBL";