<?php /* Copyright (c) 2014 Yubico AB * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ namespace u2flib_server; /** Constant for the version of the u2f protocol */ const U2F_VERSION = "U2F_V2"; /** Error for the authentication message not matching any outstanding * authentication request */ const ERR_NO_MATCHING_REQUEST = 1; /** Error for the authentication message not matching any registration */ const ERR_NO_MATCHING_REGISTRATION = 2; /** Error for the signature on the authentication message not verifying with * the correct key */ const ERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE = 3; /** Error for the challenge in the registration message not matching the * registration challenge */ const ERR_UNMATCHED_CHALLENGE = 4; /** Error for the attestation signature on the registration message not * verifying */ const ERR_ATTESTATION_SIGNATURE = 5; /** Error for the attestation verification not verifying */ const ERR_ATTESTATION_VERIFICATION = 6; /** Error for not getting good random from the system */ const ERR_BAD_RANDOM = 7; /** Error when the counter is lower than expected */ const ERR_COUNTER_TOO_LOW = 8; /** Error decoding public key */ const ERR_PUBKEY_DECODE = 9; /** Error user-agent returned error */ const ERR_BAD_UA_RETURNING = 10; /** Error old OpenSSL version */ const ERR_OLD_OPENSSL = 11; /** @internal */ const PUBKEY_LEN = 65; class U2F { /** @var string */ private $appId; /** @var null|string */ private $attestDir; /** @internal */ private $FIXCERTS = array( '349bca1031f8c82c4ceca38b9cebf1a69df9fb3b94eed99eb3fb9aa3822d26e8', 'dd574527df608e47ae45fbba75a2afdd5c20fd94a02419381813cd55a2a3398f', '1d8764f0f7cd1352df6150045c8f638e517270e8b5dda1c63ade9c2280240cae', 'd0edc9a91a1677435a953390865d208c55b3183c6759c9b5a7ff494c322558eb', '6073c436dcd064a48127ddbf6032ac1a66fd59a0c24434f070d4e564c124c897', 'ca993121846c464d666096d35f13bf44c1b05af205f9b4a1e00cf6cc10c5e511' ); /** * @param string $appId Application id for the running application * @param string|null $attestDir Directory where trusted attestation roots may be found * @throws Error If OpenSSL older than 1.0.0 is used */ public function __construct($appId, $attestDir = null) { if(OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10000000) { throw new Error('OpenSSL has to be at least version 1.0.0, this is ' . OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, ERR_OLD_OPENSSL); } $this->appId = $appId; $this->attestDir = $attestDir; } /** * Called to get a registration request to send to a user. * Returns an array of one registration request and a array of sign requests. * * @param array $registrations List of current registrations for this * user, to prevent the user from registering the same authenticator several * times. * @return array An array of two elements, the first containing a * RegisterRequest the second being an array of SignRequest * @throws Error */ public function getRegisterData(array $registrations = array()) { $challenge = $this->createChallenge(); $request = new RegisterRequest($challenge, $this->appId); $signs = $this->getAuthenticateData($registrations); return array($request, $signs); } /** * Called to verify and unpack a registration message. * * @param RegisterRequest $request this is a reply to * @param object $response response from a user * @param bool $includeCert set to true if the attestation certificate should be * included in the returned Registration object * @return Registration * @throws Error */ public function doRegister($request, $response, $includeCert = true) { if( !is_object( $request ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$request of doRegister() method only accepts object.'); } if( !is_object( $response ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$response of doRegister() method only accepts object.'); } if( property_exists( $response, 'errorCode') && $response->errorCode !== 0 ) { throw new Error('User-agent returned error. Error code: ' . $response->errorCode, ERR_BAD_UA_RETURNING ); } if( !is_bool( $includeCert ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$include_cert of doRegister() method only accepts boolean.'); } $rawReg = $this->base64u_decode($response->registrationData); $regData = array_values(unpack('C*', $rawReg)); $clientData = $this->base64u_decode($response->clientData); $cli = json_decode($clientData); if($cli->challenge !== $request->challenge) { throw new Error('Registration challenge does not match', ERR_UNMATCHED_CHALLENGE ); } $registration = new Registration(); $offs = 1; $pubKey = substr($rawReg, $offs, PUBKEY_LEN); $offs += PUBKEY_LEN; // decode the pubKey to make sure it's good $tmpKey = $this->pubkey_to_pem($pubKey); if($tmpKey === null) { throw new Error('Decoding of public key failed', ERR_PUBKEY_DECODE ); } $registration->publicKey = base64_encode($pubKey); $khLen = $regData[$offs++]; $kh = substr($rawReg, $offs, $khLen); $offs += $khLen; $registration->keyHandle = $this->base64u_encode($kh); // length of certificate is stored in byte 3 and 4 (excluding the first 4 bytes) $certLen = 4; $certLen += ($regData[$offs + 2] << 8); $certLen += $regData[$offs + 3]; $rawCert = $this->fixSignatureUnusedBits(substr($rawReg, $offs, $certLen)); $offs += $certLen; $pemCert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\r\n"; $pemCert .= chunk_split(base64_encode($rawCert), 64); $pemCert .= "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; if($includeCert) { $registration->certificate = base64_encode($rawCert); } if($this->attestDir) { if(openssl_x509_checkpurpose($pemCert, -1, $this->get_certs()) !== true) { throw new Error('Attestation certificate can not be validated', ERR_ATTESTATION_VERIFICATION ); } } if(!openssl_pkey_get_public($pemCert)) { throw new Error('Decoding of public key failed', ERR_PUBKEY_DECODE ); } $signature = substr($rawReg, $offs); $dataToVerify = chr(0); $dataToVerify .= hash('sha256', $request->appId, true); $dataToVerify .= hash('sha256', $clientData, true); $dataToVerify .= $kh; $dataToVerify .= $pubKey; if(openssl_verify($dataToVerify, $signature, $pemCert, 'sha256') === 1) { return $registration; } else { throw new Error('Attestation signature does not match', ERR_ATTESTATION_SIGNATURE ); } } /** * Called to get an authentication request. * * @param array $registrations An array of the registrations to create authentication requests for. * @return array An array of SignRequest * @throws Error */ public function getAuthenticateData(array $registrations) { $sigs = array(); foreach ($registrations as $reg) { if( !is_object( $reg ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$registrations of getAuthenticateData() method only accepts array of object.'); } $sig = new SignRequest(); $sig->appId = $this->appId; $sig->keyHandle = $reg->keyHandle; $sig->challenge = $this->createChallenge(); $sigs[] = $sig; } return $sigs; } /** * Called to verify an authentication response * * @param array $requests An array of outstanding authentication requests * @param array $registrations An array of current registrations * @param object $response A response from the authenticator * @return Registration * @throws Error * * The Registration object returned on success contains an updated counter * that should be saved for future authentications. * If the Error returned is ERR_COUNTER_TOO_LOW this is an indication of * token cloning or similar and appropriate action should be taken. */ public function doAuthenticate(array $requests, array $registrations, $response) { if( !is_object( $response ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$response of doAuthenticate() method only accepts object.'); } if( property_exists( $response, 'errorCode') && $response->errorCode !== 0 ) { throw new Error('User-agent returned error. Error code: ' . $response->errorCode, ERR_BAD_UA_RETURNING ); } /** @var object|null $req */ $req = null; /** @var object|null $reg */ $reg = null; $clientData = $this->base64u_decode($response->clientData); $decodedClient = json_decode($clientData); foreach ($requests as $req) { if( !is_object( $req ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$requests of doAuthenticate() method only accepts array of object.'); } if($req->keyHandle === $response->keyHandle && $req->challenge === $decodedClient->challenge) { break; } $req = null; } if($req === null) { throw new Error('No matching request found', ERR_NO_MATCHING_REQUEST ); } foreach ($registrations as $reg) { if( !is_object( $reg ) ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('$registrations of doAuthenticate() method only accepts array of object.'); } if($reg->keyHandle === $response->keyHandle) { break; } $reg = null; } if($reg === null) { throw new Error('No matching registration found', ERR_NO_MATCHING_REGISTRATION ); } $pemKey = $this->pubkey_to_pem($this->base64u_decode($reg->publicKey)); if($pemKey === null) { throw new Error('Decoding of public key failed', ERR_PUBKEY_DECODE ); } $signData = $this->base64u_decode($response->signatureData); $dataToVerify = hash('sha256', $req->appId, true); $dataToVerify .= substr($signData, 0, 5); $dataToVerify .= hash('sha256', $clientData, true); $signature = substr($signData, 5); if(openssl_verify($dataToVerify, $signature, $pemKey, 'sha256') === 1) { $ctr = unpack("Nctr", substr($signData, 1, 4)); $counter = $ctr['ctr']; /* TODO: wrap-around should be handled somehow.. */ if($counter > $reg->counter) { $reg->counter = $counter; return $reg; } else { throw new Error('Counter too low.', ERR_COUNTER_TOO_LOW ); } } else { throw new Error('Authentication failed', ERR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE ); } } /** * @return array */ private function get_certs() { $files = array(); $dir = $this->attestDir; if($dir && $handle = opendir($dir)) { while(false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) { if(is_file("$dir/$entry")) { $files[] = "$dir/$entry"; } } closedir($handle); } return $files; } /** * @param string $data * @return string */ private function base64u_encode($data) { return trim(strtr(base64_encode($data), '+/', '-_'), '='); } /** * @param string $data * @return string */ private function base64u_decode($data) { return base64_decode(strtr($data, '-_', '+/')); } /** * @param string $key * @return null|string */ private function pubkey_to_pem($key) { if(strlen($key) !== PUBKEY_LEN || $key[0] !== "\x04") { return null; } /* * Convert the public key to binary DER format first * Using the ECC SubjectPublicKeyInfo OIDs from RFC 5480 * * SEQUENCE(2 elem) 30 59 * SEQUENCE(2 elem) 30 13 * OID1.2.840.10045.2.1 (id-ecPublicKey) 06 07 2a 86 48 ce 3d 02 01 * OID1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 (secp256r1) 06 08 2a 86 48 ce 3d 03 01 07 * BIT STRING(520 bit) 03 42 ..key.. */ $der = "\x30\x59\x30\x13\x06\x07\x2a\x86\x48\xce\x3d\x02\x01"; $der .= "\x06\x08\x2a\x86\x48\xce\x3d\x03\x01\x07\x03\x42"; $der .= "\0".$key; $pem = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n"; $pem .= chunk_split(base64_encode($der), 64); $pem .= "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"; return $pem; } /** * @return string * @throws Error */ private function createChallenge() { $challenge = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32, $crypto_strong ); if( $crypto_strong !== true ) { throw new Error('Unable to obtain a good source of randomness', ERR_BAD_RANDOM); } $challenge = $this->base64u_encode( $challenge ); return $challenge; } /** * Fixes a certificate where the signature contains unused bits. * * @param string $cert * @return mixed */ private function fixSignatureUnusedBits($cert) { if(in_array(hash('sha256', $cert), $this->FIXCERTS)) { $cert[strlen($cert) - 257] = "\0"; } return $cert; } } /** * Class for building a registration request * * @package u2flib_server */ class RegisterRequest { /** Protocol version */ public $version = U2F_VERSION; /** Registration challenge */ public $challenge; /** Application id */ public $appId; /** * @param string $challenge * @param string $appId * @internal */ public function __construct($challenge, $appId) { $this->challenge = $challenge; $this->appId = $appId; } } /** * Class for building up an authentication request * * @package u2flib_server */ class SignRequest { /** Protocol version */ public $version = U2F_VERSION; /** Authentication challenge */ public $challenge; /** Key handle of a registered authenticator */ public $keyHandle; /** Application id */ public $appId; } /** * Class returned for successful registrations * * @package u2flib_server */ class Registration { /** The key handle of the registered authenticator */ public $keyHandle; /** The public key of the registered authenticator */ public $publicKey; /** The attestation certificate of the registered authenticator */ public $certificate; /** The counter associated with this registration */ public $counter = -1; } /** * Error class, returned on errors * * @package u2flib_server */ class Error extends \Exception { /** * Override constructor and make message and code mandatory * @param string $message * @param int $code * @param \Exception|null $previous */ public function __construct($message, $code, \Exception $previous = null) { parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); } }