from flask import Flask from flask_restful import Resource, Api from flask import jsonify from flask import Response from flask import request from threading import Thread from OpenSSL import crypto import docker import uuid import signal import time import os import re import sys import ssl import socket docker_client = docker.DockerClient(base_url='unix://var/run/docker.sock', version='auto') app = Flask(__name__) api = Api(app) class containers_get(Resource): def get(self): containers = {} try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True): containers.update({container.attrs['Id']: container.attrs}) return containers except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) class container_get(Resource): def get(self, container_id): if container_id and container_id.isalnum(): try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}): return container.attrs except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) else: return jsonify(type='danger', msg='no or invalid id defined') class container_post(Resource): def post(self, container_id, post_action): if container_id and container_id.isalnum() and post_action: if post_action == 'stop': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}): container.stop() return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully') except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif post_action == 'start': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}): container.start() return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully') except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif post_action == 'restart': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}): container.restart() return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully') except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif post_action == 'top': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}): return jsonify(type='success', except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif post_action == 'stats': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(all=True, filters={"id": container_id}): return jsonify(type='success', msg=container.stats(decode=True, stream=False)) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif post_action == 'exec': if not request.json or not 'cmd' in request.json: return jsonify(type='danger', msg='cmd is missing') if request.json['cmd'] == 'mailq': if 'items' in request.json: r = re.compile("^[0-9a-fA-F]+$") filtered_qids = filter(r.match, request.json['items']) if filtered_qids: if request.json['task'] == 'delete': flagged_qids = ['-d %s' % i for i in filtered_qids] sanitized_string = str(' '.join(flagged_qids)); try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): postsuper_r = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postsuper " + sanitized_string]) return exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) if request.json['task'] == 'hold': flagged_qids = ['-h %s' % i for i in filtered_qids] sanitized_string = str(' '.join(flagged_qids)); try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): postsuper_r = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postsuper " + sanitized_string]) return exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) if request.json['task'] == 'unhold': flagged_qids = ['-H %s' % i for i in filtered_qids] sanitized_string = str(' '.join(flagged_qids)); try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): postsuper_r = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postsuper " + sanitized_string]) return exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) if request.json['task'] == 'deliver': flagged_qids = ['-i %s' % i for i in filtered_qids] try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): for i in flagged_qids: postqueue_r = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postqueue " + i], user='postfix') # todo: check each exit code return jsonify(type='success', msg=str("Scheduled immediate delivery")) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['task'] == 'list': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): mailq_return = container.exec_run(["/usr/sbin/postqueue", "-j"], user='postfix') return exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', mailq_return) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['task'] == 'flush': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): postqueue_r = container.exec_run(["/usr/sbin/postqueue", "-f"], user='postfix') return exec_run_handler('generic', postqueue_r) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['task'] == 'super_delete': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): postsuper_r = container.exec_run(["/usr/sbin/postsuper", "-d", "ALL"]) return exec_run_handler('generic', postsuper_r) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['cmd'] == 'system': if request.json['task'] == 'df': if 'dir' in request.json: try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): df_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/bin/df -H '" + request.json['dir'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' | /usr/bin/tail -n1 | /usr/bin/tr -s [:blank:] | /usr/bin/tr ' ' ','"], user='nobody') if df_return.exit_code == 0: return df_return.output.rstrip() else: return "0,0,0,0,0,0" except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['task'] == 'mysql_upgrade': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): sql_shell = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash"], stdin=True, socket=True, user='mysql') upgrade_cmd = "/usr/bin/mysql_upgrade -uroot -p'" + os.environ['DBROOT'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'\n" sql_socket = sql_shell.output; try : sql_socket.sendall(upgrade_cmd.encode('utf-8')) sql_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except socket.error: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str('socket error')) worker_response = recv_socket_data(sql_socket) matched = False for line in worker_response.split("\n"): if 'is already upgraded to' in line: matched = True if matched: return jsonify(type='success', msg='mysql_upgrade: already upgraded') else: container.restart() return jsonify(type='warning', msg='mysql_upgrade: upgrade was applied') except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['cmd'] == 'reload': if request.json['task'] == 'dovecot': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): reload_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/local/sbin/dovecot reload"]) return exec_run_handler('generic', reload_return) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) if request.json['task'] == 'postfix': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): reload_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/sbin/postfix reload"]) return exec_run_handler('generic', reload_return) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) if request.json['task'] == 'nginx': try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): reload_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/sh", "-c", "/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload"]) return exec_run_handler('generic', reload_return) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['cmd'] == 'sieve': if request.json['task'] == 'list': if 'username' in request.json: try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): sieve_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/local/bin/doveadm sieve list -u '" + request.json['username'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"]) return exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', sieve_return) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['task'] == 'print': if 'username' in request.json and 'script_name' in request.json: try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): sieve_return = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "/usr/local/bin/doveadm sieve get -u '" + request.json['username'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' '" + request.json['script_name'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "'"]) return exec_run_handler('utf8_text_only', sieve_return) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['cmd'] == 'maildir': if request.json['task'] == 'cleanup': if 'maildir' in request.json: try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): sane_name = re.sub(r'\W+', '', request.json['maildir']) maildir_cleanup = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash", "-c", "if [[ -d '/var/vmail/" + request.json['maildir'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' ]]; then /bin/mv '/var/vmail/" + request.json['maildir'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' '/var/vmail/_garbage/" + str(int(time.time())) + "_" + sane_name + "'; fi"], user='vmail') return exec_run_handler('generic', maildir_cleanup) except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) elif request.json['cmd'] == 'rspamd': if request.json['task'] == 'worker_password': if 'raw' in request.json: try: for container in docker_client.containers.list(filters={"id": container_id}): worker_shell = container.exec_run(["/bin/bash"], stdin=True, socket=True, user='_rspamd') worker_cmd = "/usr/bin/rspamadm pw -e -p '" + request.json['raw'].replace("'", "'\\''") + "' 2> /dev/null\n" worker_socket = worker_shell.output; try : worker_socket.sendall(worker_cmd.encode('utf-8')) worker_socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR) except socket.error: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str('socket error')) worker_response = recv_socket_data(worker_socket) matched = False for line in worker_response.split("\n"): if '$2$' in line: matched = True hash = line.strip() hash_out ='\$2\$.+$', hash).group(0) f = open("/", "w") f.write('enable_password = "' + re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z\$]+', '', hash_out.rstrip()) + '";\n') f.close() container.restart() if matched: return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully') else: return jsonify(type='danger', msg='command did not complete') except Exception as e: return jsonify(type='danger', msg=str(e)) else: return jsonify(type='danger', msg='Unknown command') else: return jsonify(type='danger', msg='invalid action') else: return jsonify(type='danger', msg='invalid container id or missing action') class GracefulKiller: kill_now = False def __init__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.exit_gracefully) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.exit_gracefully) def exit_gracefully(self, signum, frame): self.kill_now = True def startFlaskAPI(): create_self_signed_cert() try: ctx = ssl.create_default_context(ssl.Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH) ctx.check_hostname = False ctx.load_cert_chain(certfile='/cert.pem', keyfile='/key.pem') except: print "Cannot initialize TLS, retrying in 5s..." time.sleep(5), host='', port=443, threaded=True, ssl_context=ctx) def recv_socket_data(c_socket, timeout=10): c_socket.setblocking(0) total_data=[]; data=''; begin=time.time() while True: if total_data and time.time()-begin > timeout: break elif time.time()-begin > timeout*2: break try: data = c_socket.recv(8192) if data: total_data.append(data) #change the beginning time for measurement begin=time.time() else: #sleep for sometime to indicate a gap time.sleep(0.1) break except: pass return ''.join(total_data) def exec_run_handler(type, output): if type == 'generic': if output.exit_code == 0: return jsonify(type='success', msg='command completed successfully') else: return jsonify(type='danger', msg='command failed: ' + output.output) if type == 'utf8_text_only': r = Response(response=output.output, status=200, mimetype="text/plain") r.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=utf-8" return r def create_self_signed_cert(): success = False while not success: try: pkey = crypto.PKey() pkey.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 2048) cert = crypto.X509() cert.get_subject().O = "mailcow" cert.get_subject().CN = "dockerapi" cert.set_serial_number(int(uuid.uuid4())) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(10*365*24*60*60) cert.set_issuer(cert.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(pkey) cert.sign(pkey, 'sha512') cert = crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert) pkey = crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pkey) with os.fdopen('/cert.pem', os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o644), 'w') as handle: handle.write(cert) with os.fdopen('/key.pem', os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o600), 'w') as handle: handle.write(pkey) success = True except: time.sleep(1) try: os.remove('/cert.pem') os.remove('/key.pem') except OSError: pass api.add_resource(containers_get, '/containers/json') api.add_resource(container_get, '/containers/<string:container_id>/json') api.add_resource(container_post, '/containers/<string:container_id>/<string:post_action>') if __name__ == '__main__': api_thread = Thread(target=startFlaskAPI) api_thread.daemon = True api_thread.start() killer = GracefulKiller() while True: time.sleep(1) if killer.kill_now: break print "Stopping dockerapi-mailcow"