<?php error_reporting(E_ERROR); //error_reporting(E_ALL); /* PLEASE USE THE FILE "vars.local.inc.php" TO OVERWRITE SETTINGS AND MAKE THEM PERSISTENT! This file will be reset on upgrades. */ // SQL database connection variables $database_type = 'mysql'; $database_sock = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'; $database_host = 'mysql'; $database_user = getenv('DBUSER'); $database_pass = getenv('DBPASS'); $database_name = getenv('DBNAME'); // Other variables $mailcow_hostname = getenv('MAILCOW_HOSTNAME'); $default_pass_scheme = getenv('MAILCOW_PASS_SCHEME'); // Autodiscover settings // === // Auto-detect HTTPS port => $https_port = strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ':'); if ($https_port === FALSE) { $https_port = 443; } else { $https_port = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $https_port+1); } // Alternatively select port here => //$https_port = 1234; // Other settings => $autodiscover_config = array( // General autodiscover service type: "activesync" or "imap" // emClient uses autodiscover, but does not support ActiveSync. mailcow excludes emClient from ActiveSync. // With SOGo disabled, the type will always fallback to imap. CalDAV and CardDAV will be excluded, too. 'autodiscoverType' => 'activesync', // If autodiscoverType => activesync, also use ActiveSync (EAS) for Outlook desktop clients (>= Outlook 2013 on Windows) // Outlook for Mac does not support ActiveSync 'useEASforOutlook' => 'no', // Please don't use STARTTLS-enabled service ports in the "port" variable. // The autodiscover service will always point to SMTPS and IMAPS (TLS-wrapped services). // The autoconfig service will additionally announce the STARTTLS-enabled ports, specified in the "tlsport" variable. 'imap' => array( 'server' => $mailcow_hostname, 'port' => (int)filter_var(substr(getenv('IMAPS_PORT'), strrpos(getenv('IMAPS_PORT'), ':')), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT), 'tlsport' => (int)filter_var(substr(getenv('IMAP_PORT'), strrpos(getenv('IMAP_PORT'), ':')), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) ), 'pop3' => array( 'server' => $mailcow_hostname, 'port' => (int)filter_var(substr(getenv('POPS_PORT'), strrpos(getenv('POPS_PORT'), ':')), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT), 'tlsport' => (int)filter_var(substr(getenv('POP_PORT'), strrpos(getenv('POP_PORT'), ':')), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) ), 'smtp' => array( 'server' => $mailcow_hostname, 'port' => (int)filter_var(substr(getenv('SMTPS_PORT'), strrpos(getenv('SMTPS_PORT'), ':')), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT), 'tlsport' => (int)filter_var(substr(getenv('SUBMISSION_PORT'), strrpos(getenv('SUBMISSION_PORT'), ':')), FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT) ), 'activesync' => array( 'url' => 'https://' . $mailcow_hostname . ($https_port == 443 ? '' : ':' . $https_port) . '/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync', ), 'caldav' => array( 'server' => $mailcow_hostname, 'port' => $https_port, ), 'carddav' => array( 'server' => $mailcow_hostname, 'port' => $https_port, ), ); // If false, we will use DEFAULT_LANG // Uses HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE header $DETECT_LANGUAGE = true; // Change default language $DEFAULT_LANG = 'en-gb'; // Available languages // https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IETF_language_tag $AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES = array( // 'ca-es' => 'Català (Catalan)', 'cs-cz' => 'Čeština (Czech)', 'da-dk' => 'Danish (Dansk)', 'de-de' => 'Deutsch (German)', 'en-gb' => 'English', 'es-es' => 'Español (Spanish)', 'fi-fi' => 'Suomi (Finish)', 'fr-fr' => 'Français (French)', 'gr-gr' => 'Ελληνικά (Greek)', 'hu-hu' => 'Magyar (Hungarian)', 'it-it' => 'Italiano (Italian)', 'ko-kr' => '한국어 (Korean)', 'lv-lv' => 'latviešu (Latvian)', 'nb-no' => 'Norsk (Norwegian)', 'nl-nl' => 'Nederlands (Dutch)', 'pl-pl' => 'Język Polski (Polish)', 'pt-br' => 'Português brasileiro (Brazilian Portuguese)', 'pt-pt' => 'Português (Portuguese)', 'ro-ro' => 'Română (Romanian)', 'ru-ru' => 'Pусский (Russian)', 'si-si' => 'Slovenščina (Slovenian)', 'sk-sk' => 'Slovenčina (Slovak)', 'sv-se' => 'Svenska (Swedish)', 'tr-tr' => 'Türkçe (Turkish)', 'uk-ua' => 'Українська (Ukrainian)', 'zh-cn' => '简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)', 'zh-tw' => '繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)', ); // default theme is lumen // additional themes can be found here: https://bootswatch.com/ // copy them to data/web/css/themes/{THEME-NAME}-bootstrap.css $UI_THEME = "lumen"; // Show DKIM private keys - false by default $SHOW_DKIM_PRIV_KEYS = false; // mailcow Apps - buttons on login screen $MAILCOW_APPS = array( array( 'name' => 'Webmail', 'link' => '/SOGo/', ) ); // Logo max file size in bytes $LOGO_LIMITS['max_size'] = 15 * 1024 * 1024; // 15MB // Logo max width in pixels $LOGO_LIMITS['max_width'] = 1920; // Logo max height in pixels $LOGO_LIMITS['max_height'] = 1920; // Rows until pagination begins $PAGINATION_SIZE = 25; // Default number of rows/lines to display (log table) $LOG_LINES = 1000; // Rows until pagination begins (log table) $LOG_PAGINATION_SIZE = 50; // Session lifetime in seconds $SESSION_LIFETIME = 10800; // Label for OTP devices $OTP_LABEL = "mailcow UI"; // How long to wait (in s) for cURL Docker requests $DOCKER_TIMEOUT = 60; // Split DKIM key notation (bind format) $SPLIT_DKIM_255 = false; // OAuth2 settings $REFRESH_TOKEN_LIFETIME = 2678400; $ACCESS_TOKEN_LIFETIME = 86400; // Logout from mailcow after first OAuth2 session profile request $OAUTH2_FORGET_SESSION_AFTER_LOGIN = false; // Set a limit for mailbox and domain tagging $TAGGING_LIMIT = 25; // MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES define default attributes for new mailboxes // These settings will not change existing mailboxes // Force incoming TLS for new mailboxes by default $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['tls_enforce_in'] = false; // Force outgoing TLS for new mailboxes by default $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['tls_enforce_out'] = false; // Force password change on next login (only allows login to mailcow UI) $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['force_pw_update'] = false; // Enable SOGo access (set to false to disable access by default) $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['sogo_access'] = true; // Send notification when quarantine is not empty (never, hourly, daily, weekly) $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['quarantine_notification'] = 'hourly'; // Mailbox has IMAP access by default $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['imap_access'] = true; // Mailbox has POP3 access by default $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['pop3_access'] = true; // Mailbox has SMTP access by default $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['smtp_access'] = true; // Mailbox has sieve access by default $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['sieve_access'] = true; // Mailbox receives notifications about... // "add_header" - mail that was put into the Junk folder // "reject" - mail that was rejected // "all" - mail that was rejected and put into the Junk folder $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['quarantine_category'] = 'reject'; // Default mailbox format, should not be changed unless you know exactly, what you do, keep the trailing ":" // Check dovecot.conf for further changes (e.g. shared namespace) $MAILBOX_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES['mailbox_format'] = 'maildir:'; // Show last IMAP and POP3 logins $SHOW_LAST_LOGIN = true; // UV flag handling in FIDO2/WebAuthn - defaults to false to allow iOS logins // true = required // false = preferred // string 'required' 'preferred' 'discouraged' $WEBAUTHN_UV_FLAG_REGISTER = false; $WEBAUTHN_UV_FLAG_LOGIN = false; $WEBAUTHN_USER_PRESENT_FLAG = true; $FIDO2_UV_FLAG_REGISTER = 'preferred'; $FIDO2_UV_FLAG_LOGIN = 'preferred'; // iOS ignores the key via NFC if required - known issue $FIDO2_USER_PRESENT_FLAG = true; $FIDO2_FORMATS = array('apple', 'android-key', 'android-safetynet', 'fido-u2f', 'none', 'packed', 'tpm'); // Set visible Rspamd maps in mailcow UI, do not change unless you know what you are doing $RSPAMD_MAPS = array( 'regex' => array( 'Header-From: Blacklist' => 'global_mime_from_blacklist.map', 'Header-From: Whitelist' => 'global_mime_from_whitelist.map', 'Envelope Sender Blacklist' => 'global_smtp_from_blacklist.map', 'Envelope Sender Whitelist' => 'global_smtp_from_whitelist.map', 'Recipient Blacklist' => 'global_rcpt_blacklist.map', 'Recipient Whitelist' => 'global_rcpt_whitelist.map', 'Fishy TLDS (only fired in combination with bad words)' => 'fishy_tlds.map', 'Bad Words (only fired in combination with fishy TLDs)' => 'bad_words.map', 'Bad Words DE (only fired in combination with fishy TLDs)' => 'bad_words_de.map', 'Bad Languages' => 'bad_languages.map', 'Bulk Mail Headers' => 'bulk_header.map', 'Bad (Junk) Mail Headers' => 'bad_header.map', 'Monitoring Hosts' => 'monitoring_nolog.map' ) ); $IMAPSYNC_OPTIONS = array( 'whitelist' => array( 'abort', 'authmd51', 'authmd52', 'authmech1', 'authmech2', 'authuser1', 'authuser2', 'debug', 'debugcontent', 'debugcrossduplicates', 'debugflags', 'debugfolders', 'debugimap', 'debugimap1', 'debugimap2', 'debugmemory', 'debugssl', 'delete1emptyfolders', 'delete2folders', 'disarmreadreceipts', 'domain1', 'domain2', 'domino1', 'domino2', 'dry', 'errorsmax', 'exchange1', 'exchange2', 'exitwhenover', 'expunge1', 'f1f2', 'filterbuggyflags', 'folder', 'folderfirst', 'folderlast', 'folderrec', 'gmail1', 'gmail2', 'idatefromheader', 'include', 'inet4', 'inet6', 'justconnect', 'justfolders', 'justfoldersizes', 'justlogin', 'keepalive1', 'keepalive2', 'log', 'logdir', 'logfile', 'maxbytesafter', 'maxlinelength', 'maxmessagespersecond', 'maxsize', 'maxsleep', 'minage', 'minsize', 'noabletosearch', 'noabletosearch1', 'noabletosearch2', 'noexpunge1', 'noexpunge2', 'nofoldersizesatend', 'noid', 'nolog', 'nomixfolders', 'noresyncflags', 'nossl1', 'nossl2', 'nosyncacls', 'notls1', 'notls2', 'nouidexpunge2', 'nousecache', 'oauthaccesstoken1', 'oauthaccesstoken2', 'oauthdirect1', 'oauthdirect2', 'office1', 'office2', 'pidfile', 'pidfilelocking', 'prefix1', 'prefix2', 'proxyauth1', 'proxyauth2', 'resyncflags', 'resynclabels', 'search', 'search1', 'search2', 'sep1', 'sep2', 'showpasswords', 'skipemptyfolders', 'ssl2', 'sslargs1', 'sslargs2', 'subfolder1', 'subscribe', 'subscribed', 'syncacls', 'syncduplicates', 'syncinternaldates', 'synclabels', 'tests', 'testslive', 'testslive6', 'tls2', 'truncmess', 'usecache', 'useheader', 'useuid' ), 'blacklist' => array( 'skipmess', 'delete2foldersonly', 'delete2foldersbutnot', 'regexflag', 'regexmess', 'pipemess', 'regextrans2', 'maxlinelengthcmd' ) );