if /^\s*Received:.*Authenticated sender.*\(Postcow\)/ #/^Received: from .*? \([\w-.]* \[.*?\]\)\s+\(Authenticated sender: (.+)\)\s+by.+\(Postcow\) with (E?SMTPS?A?) id ([A-F0-9]+).+;.*?/ /^Received: from .*? \([\w-.]* \[.*?\]\)(.*|\n.*)\(Authenticated sender: (.+)\)\s+by.+\(Postcow\) with (.*)/ REPLACE Received: from [] (localhost []) by localhost (Mailerdaemon) with $3 endif if /^\s*Received: from.* \(.*dovecot-mailcow.*mailcow-network.*\).*\(Postcow\)/ /^Received: from.* (.*|\n.*)\((.+) (.+)\)\s+by (.+) \(Postcow\) with (.*)/ REPLACE Received: from sieve (sieve $3) by $4 (Postcow) with $5 endif if /^\s*Received: from.* \(.*rspamd-mailcow.*mailcow-network.*\).*\(Postcow\)/ /^Received: from.* (.*|\n.*)\((.+) (.+)\)\s+by (.+) \(Postcow\) with (.*)/ REPLACE Received: from rspamd (rspamd $3) by $4 (Postcow) with $5 endif /^\s*X-Enigmail/ IGNORE # Not removing Mailer by default, might be signed #/^\s*X-Mailer/ IGNORE /^\s*X-Originating-IP/ IGNORE /^\s*X-Forward/ IGNORE # Not removing UA by default, might be signed #/^\s*User-Agent/ IGNORE