#!/bin/bash #exit on error and pipefail set -o pipefail for bin in curl docker-compose docker git awk sha1sum; do if [[ -z $(which ${bin}) ]]; then echo "Cannot find ${bin}, exiting..."; exit 1; fi done export LC_ALL=C DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S) BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) while (($#)); do case "${1}" in --check|-c) echo "Checking remote code for updates..." git fetch origin ${BRANCH} if [[ -z $(git log HEAD --pretty=format:"%H" | grep $(git rev-parse origin/${BRANCH})) ]]; then echo "Updated code is available." exit 0 else echo "No updates available." exit 3 fi ;; --ours) MERGE_STRATEGY=ours ;; esac done [[ ! -f mailcow.conf ]] && { echo "mailcow.conf is missing"; exit 1;} if grep --help 2>&1 | head -n 1 | grep -q -i "busybox"; then echo "BusybBox grep detected, please install gnu grep, \"apk add --no-cache --upgrade grep\""; exit 1; fi if cp --help 2>&1 | head -n 1 | grep -q -i "busybox"; then echo "BusybBox cp detected, please install coreutils, \"apk add --no-cache --upgrade coreutils\""; exit 1; fi CONFIG_ARRAY=( "SKIP_LETS_ENCRYPT" "USE_WATCHDOG" "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL" "SKIP_CLAMD" "SKIP_IP_CHECK" "ADDITIONAL_SAN" "DOVEADM_PORT" "IPV4_NETWORK" "IPV6_NETWORK" "LOG_LINES" "SNAT_TO_SOURCE" "SYSCTL_IPV6_DISABLED" "SQL_PORT" ) sed -i '$a\' mailcow.conf for option in ${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}; do if [[ ${option} == "ADDITIONAL_SAN" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo "${option}=" >> mailcow.conf fi elif [[ ${option} == "SYSCTL_IPV6_DISABLED" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo "# Disable IPv6" >> mailcow.conf echo "# mailcow-network will still be created as IPv6 enabled, all containers will be created" >> mailcow.conf echo "# without IPv6 support." >> mailcow.conf echo "# Use 1 for disabled, 0 for enabled" >> mailcow.conf echo "SYSCTL_IPV6_DISABLED=0" >> mailcow.conf fi elif [[ ${option} == "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=mailcow-dockerized" >> mailcow.conf fi elif [[ ${option} == "DOVEADM_PORT" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo "DOVEADM_PORT=" >> mailcow.conf fi elif [[ ${option} == "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL=" >> mailcow.conf fi elif [[ ${option} == "LOG_LINES" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo '# Max log lines per service to keep in Redis logs' >> mailcow.conf echo "LOG_LINES=9999" >> mailcow.conf fi elif [[ ${option} == "IPV4_NETWORK" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo '# Internal IPv4 /24 subnet, format n.n.n. (expands to n.n.n.0/24)' >> mailcow.conf echo "IPV4_NETWORK=172.22.1" >> mailcow.conf fi elif [[ ${option} == "IPV6_NETWORK" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo '# Internal IPv6 subnet in fc00::/7' >> mailcow.conf echo "IPV6_NETWORK=fd4d:6169:6c63:6f77::/64" >> mailcow.conf fi elif [[ ${option} == "SQL_PORT" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo '# Bind SQL to on port 13306' >> mailcow.conf echo "SQL_PORT=" >> mailcow.conf fi elif [[ ${option} == "SNAT_TO_SOURCE" ]]; then if ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo '# Use this IP for outgoing connections (SNAT)' >> mailcow.conf echo "#SNAT_TO_SOURCE=" >> mailcow.conf fi elif ! grep -q ${option} mailcow.conf; then echo "Adding new option \"${option}\" to mailcow.conf" echo "${option}=n" >> mailcow.conf fi done echo -en "Checking internet connection... " curl -o /dev/null google.com -sm3 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo -e "\e[31mfailed\e[0m" exit 1 else echo -e "\e[32mOK\e[0m" fi echo -e "\e[32mChecking for newer update script...\e[0m" SHA1_1=$(sha1sum update.sh) git fetch origin ${BRANCH} git checkout origin/${BRANCH} update.sh SHA1_2=$(sha1sum update.sh) if [[ ${SHA1_1} != ${SHA1_2} ]]; then echo "update.sh changed, please run this script again, exiting." chmod +x update.sh exit 0 fi if [[ -f mailcow.conf ]]; then source mailcow.conf else echo -e "\e[31mNo mailcow.conf - is mailcow installed?\e[0m" exit 1 fi read -r -p "Are you sure you want to update mailcow: dockerized? All containers will be stopped. [y/N] " response if [[ ! "$response" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]]; then echo "OK, exiting." exit 0 fi echo -e "Stopping mailcow... " sleep 2 docker-compose down # Silently fixing remote url from andryyy to mailcow git remote set-url origin https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized echo -e "\e[32mCommitting current status...\e[0m" git update-index --assume-unchanged data/conf/rspamd/override.d/worker-controller-password.inc git add -u git commit -am "Before update on ${DATE}" > /dev/null echo -e "\e[32mFetching updated code from remote...\e[0m" git fetch origin ${BRANCH} echo -e "\e[32mMerging local with remote code (recursive, strategy: \"${MERGE_STRATEGY:-theirs}\", options: \"patience\"...\e[0m" git config merge.defaultToUpstream true git merge -X${MERGE_STRATEGY:-theirs} -Xpatience -m "After update on ${DATE}" # Need to use a variable to not pass return codes of if checks MERGE_RETURN=$? if [[ ${MERGE_RETURN} == 128 ]]; then echo -e "\e[31m\nOh no, what happened?\n=> You most likely added files to your local mailcow instance that were now added to the official mailcow repository. Please move them to another location before updating mailcow.\e[0m" exit 1 elif [[ ${MERGE_RETURN} == 1 ]]; then echo -e "\e[93mPotenial conflict, trying to fix...\e[0m" git status --porcelain | grep -E "UD|DU" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs rm -v git add -A git commit -m "After update on ${DATE}" > /dev/null git checkout . echo -e "\e[32mRemoved and recreated files if necessary.\e[0m" elif [[ ${MERGE_RETURN} != 0 ]]; then echo -e "\e[31m\nOh no, something went wrong. Please check the error message above.\e[0m" echo echo "Run docker-compose up -d to restart your stack without updates or try again after fixing the mentioned errors." exit 1 fi echo -e "\e[32mFetching new docker-compose version...\e[0m" sleep 2 if [[ ! -z $(which pip) && $(pip list --local | grep -c docker-compose) == 1 ]]; then true #prevent breaking a working docker-compose installed with pip elif [[ $(curl -sL -w "%{http_code}" https://www.servercow.de/docker-compose/latest.php -o /dev/null) == "200" ]]; then LATEST_COMPOSE=$(curl -#L https://www.servercow.de/docker-compose/latest.php) curl -#L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/${LATEST_COMPOSE}/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) > $(which docker-compose) chmod +x $(which docker-compose) else echo -e "\e[33mCannot determine latest docker-compose version, skipping...\e[0m" fi echo -e "\e[32mFetching new images, if any...\e[0m" sleep 2 docker-compose pull --parallel # Fix missing SSL, does not overwrite existing files [[ ! -d data/assets/ssl ]] && mkdir -p data/assets/ssl cp -n data/assets/ssl-example/*.pem data/assets/ssl/ echo -e "Fix project name by removing dashes and underscores... " sed -i '/COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=.*/{s/-//}' mailcow.conf sed -i '/COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=.*/{s/_//}' mailcow.conf echo -e "\e[32mStarting mailcow...\e[0m" sleep 2 docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans echo -e "\e[32mCollecting garbage...\e[0m" IMGS_TO_DELETE=() for container in $(grep -oP "image: \Kmailcow.+" docker-compose.yml); do REPOSITORY=${container/:*} TAG=${container/*:} V_MAIN=${container/*.} V_SUB=${container/*.} EXISTING_TAGS=$(docker images | grep ${REPOSITORY} | awk '{ print $2 }') for existing_tag in ${EXISTING_TAGS[@]}; do V_MAIN_EXISTING=${existing_tag/*.} V_SUB_EXISTING=${existing_tag/*.} # Not an integer [[ ! $V_MAIN_EXISTING =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && continue [[ ! $V_SUB_EXISTING =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && continue if [[ $V_MAIN_EXISTING == "latest" ]]; then echo "Found deprecated label \"latest\" for repository $REPOSITORY, it should be deleted." IMGS_TO_DELETE+=($REPOSITORY:$existing_tag) elif [[ $V_MAIN_EXISTING -lt $V_MAIN ]]; then echo "Found tag $existing_tag for $REPOSITORY, which is older than the current tag $TAG and should be deleted." IMGS_TO_DELETE+=($REPOSITORY:$existing_tag) elif [[ $V_SUB_EXISTING -lt $V_SUB ]]; then echo "Found tag $existing_tag for $REPOSITORY, which is older than the current tag $TAG and should be deleted." IMGS_TO_DELETE+=($REPOSITORY:$existing_tag) fi done done if [[ ! -z ${IMGS_TO_DELETE[*]} ]]; then echo "Run the following command to delete unused image tags:" echo echo " docker rmi ${IMGS_TO_DELETE[*]}" echo read -r -p "Do you want to delete old image tags right now? [y/N] " response if [[ "$response" =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$ ]]; then docker rmi ${IMGS_TO_DELETE[*]} else echo "OK, skipped." fi fi echo -e "\e[32mFurther cleanup...\e[0m" echo "If you want to cleanup further garbage collected by Docker, please make sure all containers are up and running before cleaning your system by executing \"docker system prune\"" #echo "In case you encounter any problem, hard-reset to a state before updating mailcow:" #echo #git reflog --color=always | grep "Before update on " #echo #echo "Use \"git reset --hard hash-on-the-left\" and run docker-compose up -d afterwards."