rspamd_config.MAILCOW_AUTH = { callback = function(task) local uname = task:get_user() if uname then return 1 end end } rspamd_config.MAILCOW_MOO = function (task) return true end modify_subject_map = rspamd_config:add_map({ url = '', type = 'map', description = 'Map of users to use subject tags for' }) auth_domain_map = rspamd_config:add_map({ url = '', type = 'map', description = 'Map of domains we are authoritative for' }) rspamd_config:register_post_filter(function(task) local util = require("rspamd_util") local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local tagged_rcpt = task:get_symbol("TAGGED_RCPT") local user = task:get_recipients(0)[1]['user'] local domain = task:get_recipients(0)[1]['domain'] local rcpt = user .. '@' .. domain local authdomain = auth_domain_map:get_key(domain) if tagged_rcpt[1].options[1] then local tag = tagged_rcpt[1].options[1] rspamd_logger.infox("found tag: %s", tag) local action = task:get_metric_action('default') rspamd_logger.infox("metric action now: %s", action) if action ~= 'no action' and action ~= 'greylist' then rspamd_logger.infox("skipping tag handler for action: %s", action) return false end if authdomain then rspamd_logger.infox("found mailcow domain %s", domain) rspamd_logger.infox("querying tag settings for user %s", rcpt) if modify_subject_map:get_key(rcpt) then rspamd_logger.infox("user wants subject modified for tagged mail") local sbj = task:get_header('Subject') new_sbj = '=?UTF-8?B?' .. tostring(util.encode_base64('[' .. tag .. '] ' .. sbj)) .. '?=' task:set_rmilter_reply({ remove_headers = {['Subject'] = 1}, add_headers = {['Subject'] = new_sbj} }) else rspamd_logger.infox("Add X-Moo-Tag header") task:set_rmilter_reply({ add_headers = {['X-Moo-Tag'] = 'YES'} }) end else rspamd_logger.infox("skip delimiter handling for unknown domain") end return false end end) rspamd_config.MRAPTOR = { callback = function(task) local parts = task:get_parts() local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger" local rspamd_regexp = require "rspamd_regexp" if parts then for _,p in ipairs(parts) do local mtype,subtype = p:get_type() local re = rspamd_regexp.create_cached('/(office|word|excel)/i') if re:match(subtype) then local content = tostring(p:get_content()) local filename = p:get_filename() local file = os.tmpname() f =, "a+") f:write(content) f:close() local scan = assert(io.popen('PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin mraptor ' .. file .. '> /dev/null 2>&1; echo $?', 'r')) local result = scan:read('*all') local exit_code = string.match(result, "%d+") rspamd_logger.infox(exit_code) scan:close() if exit_code == "20" then rspamd_logger.infox("Reject dangerous macro in office file " .. filename) task:set_pre_result(rspamd_actions['reject'], 'Dangerous macro in office file ' .. filename) end end end end end }