diff --git a/data/web/api/openapi.yaml b/data/web/api/openapi.yaml index 5e07c4b3..65bd1211 100644 --- a/data/web/api/openapi.yaml +++ b/data/web/api/openapi.yaml @@ -3176,8 +3176,10 @@ paths: example: attr: ban_time: "86400" + ban_time_increment: "1" blacklist: "," max_attempts: "5" + max_ban_time: "86400" netban_ipv4: "24" netban_ipv6: "64" retry_window: "600" @@ -3191,11 +3193,17 @@ paths: description: the backlisted ips or hostnames separated by comma type: string ban_time: - description: the time a ip should be banned + description: the time an ip should be banned type: number + ban_time_increment: + description: if the time of the ban should increase each time + type: boolean max_attempts: description: the maximum numbe of wrong logins before a ip is banned type: number + max_ban_time: + description: the maximum time an ip should be banned + type: number netban_ipv4: description: the networks mask to ban for ipv4 type: number @@ -4113,10 +4121,12 @@ paths: response: value: ban_time: 604800 + ban_time_increment: 1 blacklist: |- max_attempts: 1 + max_ban_time: 604800 netban_ipv4: 32 netban_ipv6: 128 perm_bans: diff --git a/data/web/inc/functions.fail2ban.inc.php b/data/web/inc/functions.fail2ban.inc.php index 2a7f11e8..2c4aa41d 100644 --- a/data/web/inc/functions.fail2ban.inc.php +++ b/data/web/inc/functions.fail2ban.inc.php @@ -239,7 +239,9 @@ function fail2ban($_action, $_data = null) { $is_now = fail2ban('get'); if (!empty($is_now)) { $ban_time = intval((isset($_data['ban_time'])) ? $_data['ban_time'] : $is_now['ban_time']); + $ban_time_increment = (isset($_data['ban_time_increment']) && $_data['ban_time_increment'] == "1") ? 1 : 0; $max_attempts = intval((isset($_data['max_attempts'])) ? $_data['max_attempts'] : $is_now['max_attempts']); + $max_ban_time = intval((isset($_data['max_ban_time'])) ? $_data['max_ban_time'] : $is_now['max_ban_time']); $retry_window = intval((isset($_data['retry_window'])) ? $_data['retry_window'] : $is_now['retry_window']); $netban_ipv4 = intval((isset($_data['netban_ipv4'])) ? $_data['netban_ipv4'] : $is_now['netban_ipv4']); $netban_ipv6 = intval((isset($_data['netban_ipv6'])) ? $_data['netban_ipv6'] : $is_now['netban_ipv6']); @@ -256,6 +258,8 @@ function fail2ban($_action, $_data = null) { } $f2b_options = array(); $f2b_options['ban_time'] = ($ban_time < 60) ? 60 : $ban_time; + $f2b_options['ban_time_increment'] = ($ban_time_increment == 1) ? true : false; + $f2b_options['max_ban_time'] = ($max_ban_time < 60) ? 60 : $max_ban_time; $f2b_options['netban_ipv4'] = ($netban_ipv4 < 8) ? 8 : $netban_ipv4; $f2b_options['netban_ipv6'] = ($netban_ipv6 < 8) ? 8 : $netban_ipv6; $f2b_options['netban_ipv4'] = ($netban_ipv4 > 32) ? 32 : $netban_ipv4; diff --git a/data/web/lang/lang.de-de.json b/data/web/lang/lang.de-de.json index 8ff1cf06..4bd4b3fa 100644 --- a/data/web/lang/lang.de-de.json +++ b/data/web/lang/lang.de-de.json @@ -175,10 +175,12 @@ "empty": "Keine Einträge vorhanden", "excludes": "Diese Empfänger ausschließen", "f2b_ban_time": "Bannzeit in Sekunden", + "f2b_ban_time_increment": "Bannzeit erhöht sich mit jedem Bann", "f2b_blacklist": "Blacklist für Netzwerke und Hosts", "f2b_filter": "Regex-Filter", "f2b_list_info": "Ein Host oder Netzwerk auf der Blacklist wird immer eine Whitelist-Einheit überwiegen. Die Aktualisierung der Liste dauert einige Sekunden.", "f2b_max_attempts": "Max. Versuche", + "f2b_max_ban_time": "Maximale Bannzeit in Sekunden", "f2b_netban_ipv4": "Netzbereich für IPv4-Banns (8-32)", "f2b_netban_ipv6": "Netzbereich für IPv6-Banns (8-128)", "f2b_parameters": "Fail2ban-Parameter", diff --git a/data/web/lang/lang.en-gb.json b/data/web/lang/lang.en-gb.json index bfac011e..df83987c 100644 --- a/data/web/lang/lang.en-gb.json +++ b/data/web/lang/lang.en-gb.json @@ -177,10 +177,12 @@ "empty": "No results", "excludes": "Excludes these recipients", "f2b_ban_time": "Ban time (s)", + "f2b_ban_time_increment": "Ban time is incremented with each ban", "f2b_blacklist": "Blacklisted networks/hosts", "f2b_filter": "Regex filters", "f2b_list_info": "A blacklisted host or network will always outweigh a whitelist entity. List updates will take a few seconds to be applied.", "f2b_max_attempts": "Max. attempts", + "f2b_max_ban_time": "Max. ban time (s)", "f2b_netban_ipv4": "IPv4 subnet size to apply ban on (8-32)", "f2b_netban_ipv6": "IPv6 subnet size to apply ban on (8-128)", "f2b_parameters": "Fail2ban parameters", diff --git a/data/web/lang/lang.es-es.json b/data/web/lang/lang.es-es.json index d9c3bfd3..e56e6bdd 100644 --- a/data/web/lang/lang.es-es.json +++ b/data/web/lang/lang.es-es.json @@ -141,9 +141,11 @@ "empty": "Sin resultados", "excludes": "Excluye a estos destinatarios", "f2b_ban_time": "Tiempo de restricción (s)", + "f2b_ban_time_increment": "Tiempo de restricción se incrementa con cada restricción", "f2b_blacklist": "Redes y hosts en lista negra", "f2b_list_info": "Un host o red en lista negra siempre superará a una entidad de la lista blanca. Las actualizaciones de la lista tardarán unos segundos en aplicarse.", "f2b_max_attempts": "Max num. de intentos", + "f2b_max_ban_time": "Max tiempo de restricción (s)", "f2b_netban_ipv4": "Tamaño de subred IPv4 para aplicar la restricción (8-32)", "f2b_netban_ipv6": "Tamaño de subred IPv6 para aplicar la restricción (8-128)", "f2b_parameters": "Parametros Fail2ban", diff --git a/data/web/lang/lang.fr-fr.json b/data/web/lang/lang.fr-fr.json index 402e66f9..d64f62f7 100644 --- a/data/web/lang/lang.fr-fr.json +++ b/data/web/lang/lang.fr-fr.json @@ -172,11 +172,13 @@ "edit": "Editer", "empty": "Aucun résultat", "excludes": "Exclure ces destinataires", - "f2b_ban_time": "Durée du bannissement(s)", + "f2b_ban_time": "Durée du bannissement (s)", + "f2b_ban_time_increment": "Durée du bannissement est augmentée à chaque bannissement", "f2b_blacklist": "Réseaux/Domaines sur Liste Noire", "f2b_filter": "Filtre(s) Regex", "f2b_list_info": "Un hôte ou un réseau sur liste noire l'emportera toujours sur une entité de liste blanche. L'application des mises à jour de liste prendra quelques secondes.", "f2b_max_attempts": "Nb max. de tentatives", + "f2b_max_ban_time": "Max. durée du bannissement (s)", "f2b_netban_ipv4": "Taille du sous-réseau IPv4 pour l'application du bannissement (8-32)", "f2b_netban_ipv6": "Taille du sous-réseau IPv6 pour l'application du bannissement (8-128)", "f2b_parameters": "Paramètres Fail2ban", diff --git a/data/web/lang/lang.it-it.json b/data/web/lang/lang.it-it.json index d8d6978c..4d21547c 100644 --- a/data/web/lang/lang.it-it.json +++ b/data/web/lang/lang.it-it.json @@ -175,10 +175,12 @@ "empty": "Nessun risultato", "excludes": "Esclude questi destinatari", "f2b_ban_time": "Tempo di blocco (s)", + "f2b_ban_time_increment": "Tempo di blocco aumenta ad ogni blocco", "f2b_blacklist": "Host/reti in blacklist", "f2b_filter": "Filtri Regex", "f2b_list_info": "Un host oppure una rete in blacklist, avrà sempre un peso maggiore rispetto ad una in whitelist. L'aggiornamento della lista richiede alcuni secondi per la sua entrata in azione.", "f2b_max_attempts": "Tentativi massimi", + "f2b_max_ban_time": "Tempo massimo di blocco (s)", "f2b_netban_ipv4": "IPv4 subnet size to apply ban on (8-32)", "f2b_netban_ipv6": "IPv6 subnet size to apply ban on (8-128)", "f2b_parameters": "Parametri Fail2ban", diff --git a/data/web/lang/lang.nl-nl.json b/data/web/lang/lang.nl-nl.json index 774627ca..4c2ea0b1 100644 --- a/data/web/lang/lang.nl-nl.json +++ b/data/web/lang/lang.nl-nl.json @@ -168,10 +168,12 @@ "empty": "Geen resultaten", "excludes": "Exclusief", "f2b_ban_time": "Verbanningstijd (s)", + "f2b_ban_time_increment": "Verbanningstijd wordt verhoogd met elk verbanning", "f2b_blacklist": "Netwerken/hosts op de blacklist", "f2b_filter": "Regex-filters", "f2b_list_info": "Een host of netwerk op de blacklist staat altijd boven eenzelfde op de whitelist. Het doorvoeren van wijzigingen kan enkele seconden in beslag nemen.", "f2b_max_attempts": "Maximaal aantal pogingen", + "f2b_max_ban_time": "Maximaal verbanningstijd (s)", "f2b_netban_ipv4": "Voer de IPv4-subnetgrootte in waar de verbanning van kracht moet zijn (8-32)", "f2b_netban_ipv6": "Voer de IPv6-subnetgrootte in waar de verbanning van kracht moet zijn (8-128)", "f2b_parameters": "Fail2ban", diff --git a/data/web/templates/admin/tab-config-f2b.twig b/data/web/templates/admin/tab-config-f2b.twig index bbd3e367..c15fb72f 100644 --- a/data/web/templates/admin/tab-config-f2b.twig +++ b/data/web/templates/admin/tab-config-f2b.twig @@ -12,6 +12,14 @@ +