ported from mailcow 0.14 to work with mailcow-dockerized

This commit is contained in:
chaosbunker 2017-04-18 18:42:20 +02:00
parent 9633a34f9f
commit 7273fcaafc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# Postfix smtp_tls_security_level should be set to "may" to try an
# encrypted connection.
if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
then echo "Please run as root"
exit 1
# move into mailcow-dockerized base directory
cd ../../
if [[ ${1} == "reset" ]]; then
# Reset modified values to their defaults
sed -i "s/^relayhost\ \=.*/relayhost\ \=/" data/conf/postfix/main.cf
sed -i "s/^smtp\_sasl\_password\_maps.*/smtp\_sasl\_password\_maps\ \=/" data/conf/postfix/main.cf
sed -i "s/^smtp\_sasl\_security\_options.*/smtp\_sasl\_security\_options\ \=\ noplaintext\,\ noanonymous/" data/conf/postfix/main.cf
sed -i "s/^smtp\_sasl\_auth\_enable.*/smtp\_sasl\_auth\_enable\ \=\ no/" data/conf/postfix/main.cf
# Also delete the plaintext password file
rm -f data/conf/postfix/smarthost_passwd*
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow postfix reload
# Exit last exit code
exit $?
elif [[ ${1} == "restore-string" ]]; then
# Set parameter value of smtp_sasl_password_maps
# Get parameter value of relayhost
RELAYHOSTCFG=$(grep "relayhost\ =" data/conf/postfix/main.cf | awk '{print $3}')
# Exit if empty/unset
[[ -z ${RELAYHOSTCFG} ]] && exit 0
# Replace ':' by ' ' (white space)
# Replace '[' by '' (empty)
# Replace ']' by '' (empty) and create array of result
# Get 'username:password' from SASL password maps
# Grep relayhost without port and '[', ']' or ':' from SASL password map file without map type (e.g. 'hash:')
USRPWD=$(grep ${RELAYHOSTCFGARR[0]} $SMTPSASLPWDMAP | awk {'print $2'})
# Replace ':' by ' ' and create array of result
# Echo script name, all values in RELAYHOSTCFGARR, first and second value in USRPWDARR
# Why?
# Host and port are required, so we can print the whole array RELAYHOSTCFGARR.
# Password might be empty, so we print them separately.
echo ${0} ${RELAYHOSTCFGARR[@]} \'${USRPWDARR[0]}\' \'${USRPWDARR[1]}\'
exit 0
elif [[ -z ${1} ]] || [[ -z ${2} ]]; then
# Exit with code 1 if host and port are missing
echo "Usage: ${0} relayhost port (username) (password)"
echo "Username and password are optional parameters."
exit 1
# Try a simple connection to host:port but don't recieve any data
# Abort after 3 seconds
if ! nc -z -v -w3 ${1} ${2} 2>/dev/null; then
echo "Connection to relayhost ${1} failed, aborting..."
exit 1
# Use exact hostname as relayhost, don't lookup the MX record of relayhost
sed -i "s/relayhost\ \=.*/relayhost\ \=\ \[${1}\]\:${2}/" data/conf/postfix/main.cf
if grep -q "smtp_sasl_password_maps" data/conf/postfix/main.cf
sed -i "s/^smtp\_sasl\_password\_maps.*/smtp_sasl\_password\_maps\ \=\ hash\:\/opt\/postfix\/conf\/smarthost\_passwd/" data/conf/postfix/main.cf
echo "smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd" >> data/conf/postfix/main.cf
if grep -q "smtp_sasl_auth_enable" data/conf/postfix/main.cf
sed -i "s/^smtp\_sasl\_auth\_enable.*/smtp\_sasl\_auth\_enable\ \=\ yes/" data/conf/postfix/main.cf
echo "smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes" >> data/conf/postfix/main.cf
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow postconf -e "smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd"
# We can use anonymous and plain-text authentication, too (be warned)
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow postconf -e "smtp_sasl_security_options = "
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow postconf -e "smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes"
if [[ ! -z ${3} ]]; then
echo ${1} ${3}:${4} > data/conf/postfix/smarthost_passwd
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow postmap /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow chown root:postfix /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd.db
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow chmod 660 /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd.db
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow postfix reload
exit $?