@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ prefetch_images() {
RET_C = 0
until docker pull ${ image } ; do
until docker pull " ${ image } " ; do
RET_C = $(( RET_C + 1 ))
echo -e " \e[33m\nError pulling $image , retrying...\e[0m "
[ ${ RET_C } -gt 3 ] && { echo -e "\e[31m\nToo many failed retries, exiting\e[0m" ; exit 1; }
sleep 1
done < <( git show origin/${ BRANCH } :docker-compose.yml | grep "image:" | awk '{ gsub("image:","", $3); print $2 }' )
done < <( git show " origin/${ BRANCH } :docker-compose.yml" | grep "image:" | awk '{ gsub("image:","", $3); print $2 }' )
docker_garbage( ) {
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ docker_garbage() {
COMPOSE_IMAGES = ( $( grep -oP "image: \Kmailcow.+" " ${ SCRIPT_DIR } /docker-compose.yml " ) )
for existing_image in $( docker images --format "{{.ID}}:{{.Repository}}:{{.Tag}}" | grep 'mailcow/' ) ; do
ID = $( echo $existing_image | cut -d ':' -f 1)
REPOSITORY = $( echo $existing_image | cut -d ':' -f 2)
TAG = $( echo $existing_image | cut -d ':' -f 3)
ID = $( echo " $existing_image " | cut -d ':' -f 1)
REPOSITORY = $( echo " $existing_image " | cut -d ':' -f 2)
TAG = $( echo " $existing_image " | cut -d ':' -f 3)
if [ [ " ${ COMPOSE_IMAGES [@] } " = ~ " ${ REPOSITORY } : ${ TAG } " ] ] ; then
@ -109,12 +109,12 @@ migrate_docker_nat() {
echo -e "\e[33mWarning:\e[0m You seem to have modified the /etc/docker/daemon.json configuration by yourself and not fully/correctly activated the native IPv6 NAT implementation."
echo "You will need to merge your existing configuration manually or fix/delete the existing daemon.json configuration before trying the update process again."
echo -e "Please merge the following content and restart the Docker daemon:\n"
echo ${ NAT_CONFIG }
echo " ${ NAT_CONFIG } "
return 1
echo "Working on IPv6 NAT, please wait..."
echo ${ NAT_CONFIG } > /etc/docker/daemon.json
echo " ${ NAT_CONFIG } " > /etc/docker/daemon.json
ip6tables -F -t nat
[ [ -e /etc/rc.conf ] ] && rc-service docker restart || systemctl restart docker.service
if [ [ $? -ne 0 ] ] ; then
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ remove_obsolete_nginx_ports() {
detect_docker_compose_command( ) {
@ -176,11 +176,11 @@ if ! [[ "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION}" =~ ^(native|standalone)$ ]]; then
COMPOSE_COMMAND = "docker compose"
echo -e "\e[33mFound Docker Compose Plugin (native).\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[33mSetting the DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION Variable to native\e[0m"
sed -i 's/^DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=.*/DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=native/' " $SCRIPT_DIR /mailcow.conf "
sleep 2
echo -e "\e[33mNotice: You'll have to update this Compose Version via your Package Manager manually!\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose with a Version Higher than 2.X.X.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose with a Version Higher than 2.X.X.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mPlease update/install it manually regarding to this doc site: https://docs.mailcow.email/install/\e[0m"
exit 1
@ -191,58 +191,58 @@ if ! [[ "${DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION}" =~ ^(native|standalone)$ ]]; then
COMPOSE_COMMAND = "docker-compose"
echo -e "\e[33mFound Docker Compose Standalone.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[33mSetting the DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION Variable to standalone\e[0m"
sed -i 's/^DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=.*/DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=standalone/' $SCRIPT_DIR /mailcow.conf
sed -i 's/^DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=.*/DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=standalone/' " $SCRIPT_DIR /mailcow.conf"
sleep 2
echo -e "\e[33mNotice: For an automatic update of docker-compose please use the update_compose.sh scripts located at the helper-scripts folder.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose with a Version Higher than 2.X.X.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose with a Version Higher than 2.X.X.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mPlease update/install regarding to this doc site: https://docs.mailcow.email/install/\e[0m"
exit 1
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mPlease install it regarding to this doc site: https://docs.mailcow.email/install/\e[0m"
exit 1
elif [ " ${ DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION } " = = "native" ] ; then
COMPOSE_COMMAND = "docker compose"
# Check if Native Compose works and has not been deleted
# Check if Native Compose works and has not been deleted
if ! $COMPOSE_COMMAND > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
# IF it not exists/work anymore try the other command
COMPOSE_COMMAND = "docker-compose"
if ! $COMPOSE_COMMAND > /dev/null 2>& 1 || ! $COMPOSE_COMMAND --version | grep "^2." > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
# IF it cannot find Standalone in > 2.X, then script stops
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose or the Version is lower then 2.X.X.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose or the Version is lower then 2.X.X.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mPlease install it regarding to this doc site: https://docs.mailcow.email/install/\e[0m"
exit 1
# If it finds the standalone Plugin it will use this instead and change the mailcow.conf Variable accordingly
echo -e "\e[31mFound different Docker Compose Version then declared in mailcow.conf!\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mSetting the DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION Variable from native to standalone\e[0m"
sed -i 's/^DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=.*/DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=standalone/' $SCRIPT_DIR /mailcow.conf
sed -i 's/^DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=.*/DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=standalone/' " $SCRIPT_DIR /mailcow.conf "
sleep 2
elif [ " ${ DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION } " = = "standalone" ] ; then
COMPOSE_COMMAND = "docker-compose"
# Check if Standalone Compose works and has not been deleted
# Check if Standalone Compose works and has not been deleted
if ! $COMPOSE_COMMAND > /dev/null 2>& 1 && ! $COMPOSE_COMMAND --version > /dev/null 2>& 1 | grep "^2." > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
# IF it not exists/work anymore try the other command
COMPOSE_COMMAND = "docker compose"
if ! $COMPOSE_COMMAND > /dev/null 2>& 1; then
# IF it cannot find Native in > 2.X, then script stops
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker Compose.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mPlease install it regarding to this doc site: https://docs.mailcow.email/install/\e[0m"
exit 1
# If it finds the native Plugin it will use this instead and change the mailcow.conf Variable accordingly
echo -e "\e[31mFound different Docker Compose Version then declared in mailcow.conf!\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mSetting the DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION Variable from standalone to native\e[0m"
sed -i 's/^DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=.*/DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION=native/' " $SCRIPT_DIR /mailcow.conf "
sleep 2
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ if [[ "$(uname -r)" =~ ^4\.15\.0-60 ]]; then
if [ [ " $( uname -r) " = ~ ^4\. 4\. ] ] ; then
if grep -q Ubuntu <<< $( uname -a) ; then
if grep -q Ubuntu <<< " $( uname -a) " ; then
echo "Please update to linux-generic-hwe-16.04 by running \"apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-hwe-16.04\""
exit 1
@ -322,14 +322,14 @@ unset COMPOSE_COMMAND
for bin in curl docker git awk sha1sum grep cut; do
if [ [ -z $( command -v ${ bin } ) ] ] ; then
echo " Cannot find ${ bin } , exiting... "
if [ [ -z $( command -v ${ bin } ) ] ] ; then
echo " Cannot find ${ bin } , exiting... "
exit 1;
# Check Docker Version (need at least 24.X)
docker_version = $( docker -v | grep -oP '\d+\.\d+\.\d+' | cut -d '.' -f 1)
docker_version = $( docker -v | grep -oP '\d+\.\d+\.\d+' | cut -d '.' -f 1 | head - 1)
if [ [ $docker_version -lt 24 ] ] ; then
echo -e "\e[31mCannot find Docker with a Version higher or equals 24.0.0\e[0m"
@ -340,20 +340,20 @@ fi
export LC_ALL = C
DATE = $( date +%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S)
BRANCH = $( cd ${ SCRIPT_DIR } ; git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
BRANCH = " $( cd " ${ SCRIPT_DIR } " ; git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) "
while ( ( $# ) ) ; do
case " ${ 1 } " in
--check| -c)
echo "Checking remote code for updates..."
LATEST_REV = $( git ls-remote --exit-code --refs --quiet https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized ${ BRANCH } | cut -f1)
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
LATEST_REV = $( git ls-remote --exit-code --refs --quiet https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized " ${ BRANCH } " | cut -f1)
if [ " $? " -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "A problem occurred while trying to fetch the latest revision from github."
exit 99
if [ [ -z $( git log HEAD --pretty= format:"%H" | grep " ${ LATEST_REV } " ) ] ] ; then
echo -e "Updated code is available.\nThe changes can be found here: https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized/commits/master"
git log --date= short --pretty= format:"%ad - %s" $( git rev-parse --short HEAD) ..origin/master
git log --date= short --pretty= format:"%ad - %s" " $( git rev-parse --short HEAD) " ..origin/master
exit 0
echo "No updates available."
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ while (($#)); do
; ;
CURRENT_BRANCH = " $( cd ${ SCRIPT_DIR } ; git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) "
CURRENT_BRANCH = " $( cd " ${ SCRIPT_DIR } " ; git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) "
NEW_BRANCH = "master"
; ;
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ while (($#)); do
exit 0
; ;
CURRENT_BRANCH = " $( cd ${ SCRIPT_DIR } ; git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) "
CURRENT_BRANCH = " $( cd " ${ SCRIPT_DIR } " ; git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) "
NEW_BRANCH = "nightly"
; ;
@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ while (($#)); do
--nightly - Switch your mailcow updates to the unstable ( nightly) branch. FOR TESTING PURPOSES ONLY!!!!
--prefetch - Only prefetch new images and exit ( useful to prepare updates)
--skip-start - Do not start mailcow after update
--skip-ping-check - Skip ICMP Check to public DNS resolvers ( Use it only if you´ ve blocked any ICMP Connections to your mailcow machine)
--skip-ping-check - Skip ICMP Check to public DNS resolvers ( Use it only if you' ve blocked any ICMP Connections to your mailcow machine)
--stable - Switch your mailcow updates to the stable ( master) branch. Default unless you changed it with --nightly.
-f| --force - Force update, do not ask questions
-d| --dev - Enables Developer Mode ( No Checkout of update.sh for tests)
@ -499,19 +499,19 @@ CONFIG_ARRAY=(
sed -i --follow-symlinks '$a\' mailcow.conf
for option in ${ CONFIG_ARRAY [@] } ; do
for option in " ${ CONFIG_ARRAY [@] } " ; do
if [ [ ${ option } = = "ADDITIONAL_SAN" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo " ${ option } = " >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=mailcowdockerized" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "DOCKER_COMPOSE_VERSION" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo "# Used Docker Compose version" >> mailcow.conf
echo "# Switch here between native (compose plugin) and standalone" >> mailcow.conf
@ -521,73 +521,73 @@ for option in ${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}; do
echo "" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "DOVEADM_PORT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "DOVEADM_PORT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo "DOVEADM_PORT=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_EMAIL=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "LOG_LINES" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "LOG_LINES" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Max log lines per service to keep in Redis logs' >> mailcow.conf
echo "LOG_LINES=9999" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "IPV4_NETWORK" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "IPV4_NETWORK" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Internal IPv4 /24 subnet, format n.n.n. (expands to n.n.n.0/24)' >> mailcow.conf
echo "IPV4_NETWORK=172.22.1" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "IPV6_NETWORK" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "IPV6_NETWORK" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Internal IPv6 subnet in fc00::/7' >> mailcow.conf
echo "IPV6_NETWORK=fd4d:6169:6c63:6f77::/64" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "SQL_PORT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "SQL_PORT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Bind SQL to on port 13306' >> mailcow.conf
echo "SQL_PORT=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "API_KEY" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "API_KEY" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Create or override API key for web UI' >> mailcow.conf
echo "#API_KEY=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "API_KEY_READ_ONLY" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "API_KEY_READ_ONLY" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Create or override read-only API key for web UI' >> mailcow.conf
echo "#API_KEY_READ_ONLY=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "API_ALLOW_FROM" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "API_ALLOW_FROM" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Must be set for API_KEY to be active' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# IPs only, no networks (networks can be set via UI)' >> mailcow.conf
echo "#API_ALLOW_FROM=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "SNAT_TO_SOURCE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "SNAT_TO_SOURCE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Use this IPv4 for outgoing connections (SNAT)' >> mailcow.conf
echo "#SNAT_TO_SOURCE=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "SNAT6_TO_SOURCE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "SNAT6_TO_SOURCE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Use this IPv6 for outgoing connections (SNAT)' >> mailcow.conf
echo "#SNAT6_TO_SOURCE=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "MAILDIR_GC_TIME" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "MAILDIR_GC_TIME" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Garbage collector cleanup' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Deleted domains and mailboxes are moved to /var/vmail/_garbage/timestamp_sanitizedstring' >> mailcow.conf
@ -595,8 +595,8 @@ for option in ${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}; do
echo '# Check interval is hourly' >> mailcow.conf
echo 'MAILDIR_GC_TIME=1440' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "ACL_ANYONE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "ACL_ANYONE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Set this to "allow" to enable the anyone pseudo user. Disabled by default.' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# When enabled, ACL can be created, that apply to "All authenticated users"' >> mailcow.conf
@ -604,96 +604,96 @@ for option in ${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}; do
echo '# Otherwise a user might share data with too many other users.' >> mailcow.conf
echo 'ACL_ANYONE=disallow' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "SOLR_HEAP" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "SOLR_HEAP" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Solr heap size, there is no recommendation, please see Solr docs.' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Solr is a prone to run OOM on large systems and should be monitored. Unmonitored Solr setups are not recommended.' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Solr will refuse to start with total system memory below or equal to 2 GB.' >> mailcow.conf
echo "SOLR_HEAP=1024" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "SKIP_SOLR" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "SKIP_SOLR" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Solr is disabled by default after upgrading from non-Solr to Solr-enabled mailcows.' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Disable Solr or if you do not want to store a readable index of your mails in solr-vol-1.' >> mailcow.conf
echo "SKIP_SOLR=y" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "ENABLE_SSL_SNI" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "ENABLE_SSL_SNI" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Create seperate certificates for all domains - y/n' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# this will allow adding more than 100 domains, but some email clients will not be able to connect with alternative hostnames' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# see https://wiki.dovecot.org/SSL/SNIClientSupport' >> mailcow.conf
echo "ENABLE_SSL_SNI=n" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "SKIP_SOGO" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "SKIP_SOGO" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Skip SOGo: Will disable SOGo integration and therefore webmail, DAV protocols and ActiveSync support (experimental, unsupported, not fully implemented) - y/n' >> mailcow.conf
echo "SKIP_SOGO=n" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "MAILDIR_SUB" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "MAILDIR_SUB" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# MAILDIR_SUB defines a path in a users virtual home to keep the maildir in. Leave empty for updated setups.' >> mailcow.conf
echo "#MAILDIR_SUB=Maildir" >> mailcow.conf
echo "MAILDIR_SUB=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_WEBHOOK" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_WEBHOOK" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Send notifications to a webhook URL that receives a POST request with the content type "application/json".' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# You can use this to send notifications to services like Discord, Slack and others.' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_WEBHOOK_BODY" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_WEBHOOK_BODY" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# JSON body included in the webhook POST request. Needs to be in single quotes.' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Following variables are available: SUBJECT, BODY' >> mailcow.conf
WEBHOOK_BODY = '{"username": "mailcow Watchdog", "content": "**${SUBJECT}**\n${BODY}"}'
echo " #WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_WEBHOOK_BODY=' ${ WEBHOOK_BODY } ' " >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_BAN" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_BAN" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Notify about banned IP. Includes whois lookup.' >> mailcow.conf
echo "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_BAN=y" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_START" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_START" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Send a notification when the watchdog is started.' >> mailcow.conf
echo "WATCHDOG_NOTIFY_START=y" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "WATCHDOG_SUBJECT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "WATCHDOG_SUBJECT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Subject for watchdog mails. Defaults to "Watchdog ALERT" followed by the error message.' >> mailcow.conf
echo "#WATCHDOG_SUBJECT=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "WATCHDOG_EXTERNAL_CHECKS" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "WATCHDOG_EXTERNAL_CHECKS" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Checks if mailcow is an open relay. Requires a SAL. More checks will follow.' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# No data is collected. Opt-in and anonymous.' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Will only work with unmodified mailcow setups.' >> mailcow.conf
echo "WATCHDOG_EXTERNAL_CHECKS=n" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "SOGO_EXPIRE_SESSION" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "SOGO_EXPIRE_SESSION" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# SOGo session timeout in minutes' >> mailcow.conf
echo "SOGO_EXPIRE_SESSION=480" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "REDIS_PORT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "REDIS_PORT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo "REDIS_PORT=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "DOVECOT_MASTER_USER" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "DOVECOT_MASTER_USER" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# DOVECOT_MASTER_USER and _PASS must _both_ be provided. No special chars.' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Empty by default to auto-generate master user and password on start.' >> mailcow.conf
@ -701,22 +701,22 @@ for option in ${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}; do
echo '# LEAVE EMPTY IF UNSURE' >> mailcow.conf
echo "DOVECOT_MASTER_USER=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "DOVECOT_MASTER_PASS" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "DOVECOT_MASTER_PASS" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# LEAVE EMPTY IF UNSURE' >> mailcow.conf
echo "DOVECOT_MASTER_PASS=" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "MAILCOW_PASS_SCHEME" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "MAILCOW_PASS_SCHEME" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Password hash algorithm' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Only certain password hash algorithm are supported. For a fully list of supported schemes,' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# see https://docs.mailcow.email/models/model-passwd/' >> mailcow.conf
echo "MAILCOW_PASS_SCHEME=BLF-CRYPT" >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "ADDITIONAL_SERVER_NAMES" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "ADDITIONAL_SERVER_NAMES" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Additional server names for mailcow UI' >> mailcow.conf
echo '#' >> mailcow.conf
@ -728,8 +728,8 @@ for option in ${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}; do
echo 'ADDITIONAL_SERVER_NAMES=' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "AUTODISCOVER_SAN" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "AUTODISCOVER_SAN" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Obtain certificates for autodiscover.* and autoconfig.* domains.' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# This can be useful to switch off in case you are in a scenario where a reverse proxy already handles those.' >> mailcow.conf
@ -739,8 +739,8 @@ for option in ${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}; do
echo 'AUTODISCOVER_SAN=y' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "ACME_CONTACT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "ACME_CONTACT" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Lets Encrypt registration contact information' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Optional: Leave empty for none' >> mailcow.conf
@ -749,16 +749,16 @@ for option in ${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}; do
echo '# https://docs.mailcow.email/troubleshooting/debug-reset_tls/' >> mailcow.conf
echo 'ACME_CONTACT=' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "WEBAUTHN_ONLY_TRUSTED_VENDORS" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "WEBAUTHN_ONLY_TRUSTED_VENDORS" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo "# WebAuthn device manufacturer verification" >> mailcow.conf
echo '# After setting WEBAUTHN_ONLY_TRUSTED_VENDORS=y only devices from trusted manufacturers are allowed' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# root certificates can be placed for validation under mailcow-dockerized/data/web/inc/lib/WebAuthn/rootCertificates' >> mailcow.conf
echo 'WEBAUTHN_ONLY_TRUSTED_VENDORS=n' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "SPAMHAUS_DQS_KEY" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "SPAMHAUS_DQS_KEY" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo "# Spamhaus Data Query Service Key" >> mailcow.conf
echo '# Optional: Leave empty for none' >> mailcow.conf
@ -767,32 +767,32 @@ for option in ${CONFIG_ARRAY[@]}; do
echo '# Otherwise it will work as usual.' >> mailcow.conf
echo 'SPAMHAUS_DQS_KEY=' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "WATCHDOG_VERBOSE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "WATCHDOG_VERBOSE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Enable watchdog verbose logging' >> mailcow.conf
echo 'WATCHDOG_VERBOSE=n' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "SKIP_UNBOUND_HEALTHCHECK" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "SKIP_UNBOUND_HEALTHCHECK" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Skip Unbound (DNS Resolver) Healthchecks (NOT Recommended!) - y/n' >> mailcow.conf
echo 'SKIP_UNBOUND_HEALTHCHECK=n' >> mailcow.conf
elif [ [ ${ option } = = "DISABLE_NETFILTER_ISOLATION_RULE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif [ [ " ${ option } " = = "DISABLE_NETFILTER_ISOLATION_RULE" ] ] ; then
if ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo '# Prevent netfilter from setting an iptables/nftables rule to isolate the mailcow docker network - y/n' >> mailcow.conf
echo '# CAUTION: Disabling this may expose container ports to other neighbors on the same subnet, even if the ports are bound to localhost' >> mailcow.conf
elif ! grep -q ${ option } mailcow.conf; then
elif ! grep -q " ${ option } " mailcow.conf; then
echo " Adding new option \" ${ option } \" to mailcow.conf "
echo " ${ option } =n " >> mailcow.conf
if [ [ ( ${ SKIP_PING_CHECK } = = "y" ) ] ] ; then
if [ [ ( " ${ SKIP_PING_CHECK } " = = "y" ) ] ] ; then
echo -e "\e[32mSkipping Ping Check...\e[0m"
@ -805,14 +805,14 @@ else
if ! [ $NEW_BRANCH ] ; then
if ! [ " $NEW_BRANCH " ] ; then
echo -e "\e[33mDetecting which build your mailcow runs on...\e[0m"
sleep 1
if [ ${ BRANCH } = = "master" ] ; then
if [ " ${ BRANCH } " = = "master" ] ; then
echo -e "\e[32mYou are receiving stable updates (master).\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[33mTo change that run the update.sh Script one time with the --nightly parameter to switch to nightly builds.\e[0m"
elif [ ${ BRANCH } = = "nightly" ] ; then
elif [ " ${ BRANCH } " = = "nightly" ] ; then
echo -e "\e[31mYou are receiving unstable updates (nightly). These are for testing purposes only!!!\e[0m"
sleep 1
echo -e "\e[33mTo change that run the update.sh Script one time with the --stable parameter to switch to stable builds.\e[0m"
@ -823,12 +823,12 @@ if ! [ $NEW_BRANCH ]; then
echo -e "\e[33mThe mailcow stack might still work but it is recommended to switch to the master branch (stable builds).\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[33mTo change that run the update.sh Script one time with the --stable parameter to switch to stable builds.\e[0m"
elif [ $FORCE ] ; then
elif [ " $FORCE " ] ; then
echo -e "\e[31mYou are running in forced mode!\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mA Branch Switch can only be performed manually (monitored).\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[31mPlease rerun the update.sh Script without the --force/-f parameter.\e[0m"
sleep 1
elif [ $NEW_BRANCH = = "master" ] && [ $CURRENT_BRANCH != "master" ] ; then
elif [ " $NEW_BRANCH " = = "master" ] && [ " $CURRENT_BRANCH " != "master" ] ; then
echo -e "\e[33mYou are about to switch your mailcow updates to the stable (master) branch.\e[0m"
sleep 1
echo -e "\e[33mBefore you do: Please take a backup of all components to ensure that no data is lost...\e[0m"
@ -842,21 +842,21 @@ elif [ $NEW_BRANCH == "master" ] && [ $CURRENT_BRANCH != "master" ]; then
echo "OK. If you prepared yourself for that please run the update.sh Script with the --stable parameter again to trigger this process here."
exit 0
DIFF_DIRECTORY = update_diffs
DIFF_FILE = ${ DIFF_DIRECTORY } /diff_before_upgrade_to_master_$( date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" )
mv diff_before_upgrade* ${ DIFF_DIRECTORY } / 2> /dev/null
DIFF_FILE = " ${ DIFF_DIRECTORY } /diff_before_upgrade_to_master_$( date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" ) "
mv diff_before_upgrade* " ${ DIFF_DIRECTORY } /" 2> /dev/null
if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD; then
echo -e " \e[32mSaving diff to ${ DIFF_FILE } ...\e[0m "
mkdir -p ${ DIFF_DIRECTORY }
git diff ${ BRANCH } --stat > ${ DIFF_FILE }
git diff ${ BRANCH } >> ${ DIFF_FILE }
mkdir -p " ${ DIFF_DIRECTORY } "
git diff " ${ BRANCH } " --stat > " ${ DIFF_FILE } "
git diff " ${ BRANCH } " >> " ${ DIFF_FILE } "
echo -e " \e[32mSwitching Branch to ${ BRANCH } ...\e[0m "
git fetch origin
git checkout -f ${ BRANCH }
git checkout -f " ${ BRANCH } "
elif [ $NEW_BRANCH = = "nightly" ] && [ $CURRENT_BRANCH != "nightly" ] ; then
elif [ " $NEW_BRANCH " = = "nightly" ] && [ " $CURRENT_BRANCH " != "nightly" ] ; then
echo -e "\e[33mYou are about to switch your mailcow Updates to the unstable (nightly) branch.\e[0m"
sleep 1
echo -e "\e[33mBefore you do: Please take a backup of all components to ensure that no Data is lost...\e[0m"
@ -874,27 +874,27 @@ elif [ $NEW_BRANCH == "nightly" ] && [ $CURRENT_BRANCH != "nightly" ]; then
if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD; then
echo -e " \e[32mSaving diff to ${ DIFF_FILE } ...\e[0m "
mkdir -p ${ DIFF_DIRECTORY }
git diff ${ BRANCH } --stat > ${ DIFF_FILE }
git diff ${ BRANCH } >> ${ DIFF_FILE }
git diff " ${ BRANCH } " --stat > " ${ DIFF_FILE } "
git diff " ${ BRANCH } " >> " ${ DIFF_FILE } "
git fetch origin
git checkout -f ${ BRANCH }
git checkout -f " ${ BRANCH } "
if [ ! $DEV ] ; then
if [ ! " $DEV " ] ; then
echo -e "\e[32mChecking for newer update script...\e[0m"
SHA1_1 = $( sha1sum update.sh)
SHA1_1 = " $( sha1sum update.sh) "
git fetch origin #${BRANCH}
git checkout origin/${ BRANCH } update.sh
git checkout " origin/${ BRANCH } " update.sh
SHA1_2 = $( sha1sum update.sh)
if [ [ ${ SHA1_1 } != ${ SHA1_2 } ] ] ; then
if [ [ " ${ SHA1_1 } " != " ${ SHA1_2 } " ] ] ; then
echo "update.sh changed, please run this script again, exiting."
chmod +x update.sh
exit 2
if [ ! $FORCE ] ; then
if [ ! " $FORCE " ] ; then
read -r -p "Are you sure you want to update mailcow: dockerized? All containers will be stopped. [y/N] " response
if [ [ ! " ${ response } " = ~ ^( [ yY] [ eE] [ sS] | [ yY] ) +$ ] ] ; then
echo "OK, exiting."
@ -916,8 +916,8 @@ fi
echo -e "\e[32mChecking for conflicting bridges...\e[0m"
MAILCOW_BRIDGE = $( $COMPOSE_COMMAND config | grep -i com.docker.network.bridge.name | cut -d':' -f2)
while read NAT_ID; do
iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING $NAT_ID
done < <( iptables -L -vn -t nat --line-numbers | grep $IPV4_NETWORK | grep -E 'MASQUERADE.*all' | grep -v ${ MAILCOW_BRIDGE } | cut -d' ' -f1)
iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING " $NAT_ID "
done < <( iptables -L -vn -t nat --line-numbers | grep " $IPV4_NETWORK " | grep -E 'MASQUERADE.*all' | grep -v " ${ MAILCOW_BRIDGE } " | cut -d' ' -f1)
DIFF_DIRECTORY = update_diffs
DIFF_FILE = ${ DIFF_DIRECTORY } /diff_before_update_$( date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S" )
@ -925,8 +925,8 @@ mv diff_before_update* ${DIFF_DIRECTORY}/ 2> /dev/null
if ! git diff-index --quiet HEAD; then
echo -e " \e[32mSaving diff to ${ DIFF_FILE } ...\e[0m "
mkdir -p ${ DIFF_DIRECTORY }
git diff --stat > ${ DIFF_FILE }
git diff >> ${ DIFF_FILE }
git diff --stat > " ${ DIFF_FILE } "
git diff >> " ${ DIFF_FILE } "
echo -e "\e[32mPrefetching images...\e[0m"
@ -948,13 +948,13 @@ done
# Silently fixing remote url from andryyy to mailcow
# git remote set-url origin https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized
DEFAULT_REPO = https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized
DEFAULT_REPO = " https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized"
CURRENT_REPO = $( git config --get remote.origin.url)
if [ " $CURRENT_REPO " != " $DEFAULT_REPO " ] ; then
if [ " $CURRENT_REPO " != " $DEFAULT_REPO " ] ; then
echo "The Repository currently used is not the default Mailcow Repository."
echo " Currently Repository: $CURRENT_REPO "
echo " Default Repository: $DEFAULT_REPO "
if [ ! $FORCE ] ; then
if [ ! " $FORCE " ] ; then
read -r -p "Should it be changed back to default? [y/N] " repo_response
if [ [ " $repo_response " = ~ ^( [ yY] [ eE] [ sS] | [ yY] ) +$ ] ] ; then
git remote set-url origin $DEFAULT_REPO
@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ if [ "$CURRENT_REPO" != "$DEFAULT_REPO" ]; then
if [ ! $DEV ] ; then
if [ ! " $DEV " ] ; then
echo -e "\e[32mCommitting current status...\e[0m"
[ [ -z " $( git config user.name) " ] ] && git config user.name moo
[ [ -z " $( git config user.email) " ] ] && git config user.email moo@cow.moo
@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ if [ ! $DEV ]; then
git fetch origin #${BRANCH}
echo -e " \e[32mMerging local with remote code (recursive, strategy: \" ${ MERGE_STRATEGY :- theirs } \", options: \"patience\"...\e[0m "
git config merge.defaultToUpstream true
git merge -X${ MERGE_STRATEGY :- theirs } -Xpatience -m " After update on ${ DATE } "
git merge -X" ${ MERGE_STRATEGY :- theirs } " -Xpatience -m " After update on ${ DATE } "
# Need to use a variable to not pass return codes of if checks
if [ [ ${ MERGE_RETURN } = = 128 ] ] ; then
@ -995,7 +995,7 @@ if [ ! $DEV ]; then
echo " Run $COMPOSE_COMMAND up -d to restart your stack without updates or try again after fixing the mentioned errors. "
exit 1
elif [ $DEV ] ; then
elif [ " $DEV " ] ; then
echo -e "\e[33mDEVELOPER MODE: Not creating a git diff and commiting it to prevent development stuff within a backup diff...\e[0m"
@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ fi
# Set app_info.inc.php
if [ ${ BRANCH } = = "master" ] ; then
mailcow_git_version = $( git describe --tags ` git rev-list --tags --max-count= 1` )
mailcow_git_version = $( git describe --tags $( git rev-list --tags --max-count= 1) )
elif [ ${ BRANCH } = = "nightly" ] ; then
mailcow_git_version = $( git rev-parse --short $( git rev-parse @{ upstream} ) )
mailcow_last_git_version = ""
@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ else
mailcow_last_git_version = ""
mailcow_git_commit = $( git rev-parse origin/${ BRANCH } )
mailcow_git_commit = $( git rev-parse " origin/${ BRANCH } " )
mailcow_git_commit_date = $( git log -1 --format= %ci @{ upstream} )
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then