diff --git a/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/docker-entrypoint.sh b/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/docker-entrypoint.sh
index 9c626fa9..756dea7e 100755
--- a/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/docker-entrypoint.sh
+++ b/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/docker-entrypoint.sh
@@ -199,6 +199,8 @@ if [[ $(stat -c %U /var/vmail_index) != "vmail" ]] ; then chown -R vmail:vmail /
# Cleanup random user maildirs
rm -rf /var/vmail/mailcow.local/*
+# Cleanup PIDs
+[[ -f /tmp/quarantine_notify.pid ]] && rm /tmp/quarantine_notify.pid
# create sni configuration
echo "" > /etc/dovecot/sni.conf
diff --git a/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/quarantine_notify.py b/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/quarantine_notify.py
index adf3171c..3ab4430b 100755
--- a/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/quarantine_notify.py
+++ b/data/Dockerfiles/dovecot/quarantine_notify.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
import smtplib
import os
+import sys
import mysql.connector
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
@@ -15,137 +16,154 @@ import time
import html2text
import socket
-while True:
- try:
- r = redis.StrictRedis(host='redis', decode_responses=True, port=6379, db=0)
- r.ping()
- except Exception as ex:
- print('%s - trying again...' % (ex))
- time.sleep(3)
- else:
- break
+pid = str(os.getpid())
+pidfile = "/tmp/quarantine_notify.pid"
-time_now = int(time.time())
-mailcow_hostname = '__MAILCOW_HOSTNAME__'
+if os.path.isfile(pidfile):
+ print("%s already exists, exiting" % (pidfile))
+ sys.exit()
-max_score = float(r.get('Q_MAX_SCORE') or "9999.0")
-if max_score == "":
- max_score = 9999.0
+pid = str(os.getpid())
+f = open(pidfile, 'w')
-def query_mysql(query, headers = True, update = False):
while True:
- cnx = mysql.connector.connect(unix_socket = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', user='__DBUSER__', passwd='__DBPASS__', database='__DBNAME__', charset="utf8")
+ r = redis.StrictRedis(host='redis', decode_responses=True, port=6379, db=0)
+ r.ping()
except Exception as ex:
print('%s - trying again...' % (ex))
- cur = cnx.cursor()
- cur.execute(query)
- if not update:
- result = []
- columns = tuple( [d[0] for d in cur.description] )
- for row in cur:
- if headers:
- result.append(dict(list(zip(columns, row))))
- else:
- result.append(row)
- cur.close()
- cnx.close()
- return result
- else:
- cnx.commit()
- cur.close()
- cnx.close()
-def notify_rcpt(rcpt, msg_count, quarantine_acl, category):
- if category == "add_header": category = "add header"
- meta_query = query_mysql('SELECT SHA2(CONCAT(id, qid), 256) AS qhash, id, subject, score, sender, created, action FROM quarantine WHERE notified = 0 AND rcpt = "%s" AND score < %f AND (action = "%s" OR "all" = "%s")' % (rcpt, max_score, category, category))
- print("%s: %d of %d messages qualify for notification" % (rcpt, len(meta_query), msg_count))
- if len(meta_query) == 0:
- return
- msg_count = len(meta_query)
- if r.get('Q_HTML'):
- try:
- template = Template(r.get('Q_HTML'))
- except:
- print("Error: Cannot parse quarantine template, falling back to default template.")
+ time_now = int(time.time())
+ mailcow_hostname = '__MAILCOW_HOSTNAME__'
+ max_score = float(r.get('Q_MAX_SCORE') or "9999.0")
+ if max_score == "":
+ max_score = 9999.0
+ def query_mysql(query, headers = True, update = False):
+ while True:
+ try:
+ cnx = mysql.connector.connect(unix_socket = '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock', user='__DBUSER__', passwd='__DBPASS__', database='__DBNAME__', charset="utf8")
+ except Exception as ex:
+ print('%s - trying again...' % (ex))
+ time.sleep(3)
+ else:
+ break
+ cur = cnx.cursor()
+ cur.execute(query)
+ if not update:
+ result = []
+ columns = tuple( [d[0] for d in cur.description] )
+ for row in cur:
+ if headers:
+ result.append(dict(list(zip(columns, row))))
+ else:
+ result.append(row)
+ cur.close()
+ cnx.close()
+ return result
+ else:
+ cnx.commit()
+ cur.close()
+ cnx.close()
+ def notify_rcpt(rcpt, msg_count, quarantine_acl, category):
+ if category == "add_header": category = "add header"
+ meta_query = query_mysql('SELECT SHA2(CONCAT(id, qid), 256) AS qhash, id, subject, score, sender, created, action FROM quarantine WHERE notified = 0 AND rcpt = "%s" AND score < %f AND (action = "%s" OR "all" = "%s")' % (rcpt, max_score, category, category))
+ print("%s: %d of %d messages qualify for notification" % (rcpt, len(meta_query), msg_count))
+ if len(meta_query) == 0:
+ return
+ msg_count = len(meta_query)
+ if r.get('Q_HTML'):
+ try:
+ template = Template(r.get('Q_HTML'))
+ except:
+ print("Error: Cannot parse quarantine template, falling back to default template.")
+ with open('/templates/quarantine.tpl') as file_:
+ template = Template(file_.read())
+ else:
with open('/templates/quarantine.tpl') as file_:
template = Template(file_.read())
- else:
- with open('/templates/quarantine.tpl') as file_:
- template = Template(file_.read())
- html = template.render(meta=meta_query, username=rcpt, counter=msg_count, hostname=mailcow_hostname, quarantine_acl=quarantine_acl)
- text = html2text.html2text(html)
- count = 0
- while count < 15:
- count += 1
+ html = template.render(meta=meta_query, username=rcpt, counter=msg_count, hostname=mailcow_hostname, quarantine_acl=quarantine_acl)
+ text = html2text.html2text(html)
+ count = 0
+ while count < 15:
+ count += 1
+ try:
+ server = smtplib.SMTP('postfix', 590, 'quarantine')
+ server.ehlo()
+ msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
+ msg_from = r.get('Q_SENDER') or "quarantine@localhost"
+ # Remove non-ascii chars from field
+ msg['From'] = ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else '' for i in msg_from])
+ msg['Subject'] = r.get('Q_SUBJ') or "Spam Quarantine Notification"
+ msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime = True)
+ text_part = MIMEText(text, 'plain', 'utf-8')
+ html_part = MIMEText(html, 'html', 'utf-8')
+ msg.attach(text_part)
+ msg.attach(html_part)
+ msg['To'] = str(rcpt)
+ bcc = r.get('Q_BCC') or ""
+ redirect = r.get('Q_REDIRECT') or ""
+ text = msg.as_string()
+ if bcc == '':
+ if redirect == '':
+ server.sendmail(msg['From'], str(rcpt), text)
+ else:
+ server.sendmail(msg['From'], str(redirect), text)
+ else:
+ if redirect == '':
+ server.sendmail(msg['From'], [str(rcpt)] + [str(bcc)], text)
+ else:
+ server.sendmail(msg['From'], [str(redirect)] + [str(bcc)], text)
+ server.quit()
+ for res in meta_query:
+ query_mysql('UPDATE quarantine SET notified = 1 WHERE id = "%d"' % (res['id']), update = True)
+ r.hset('Q_LAST_NOTIFIED', record['rcpt'], time_now)
+ break
+ except Exception as ex:
+ server.quit()
+ print('%s' % (ex))
+ time.sleep(3)
+ records = query_mysql('SELECT IFNULL(user_acl.quarantine, 0) AS quarantine_acl, count(id) AS counter, rcpt FROM quarantine LEFT OUTER JOIN user_acl ON user_acl.username = rcpt WHERE notified = 0 AND score < %f AND rcpt in (SELECT username FROM mailbox) GROUP BY rcpt' % (max_score))
+ for record in records:
+ attrs = ''
+ attrs_json = ''
+ time_trans = {
+ "hourly": 3600,
+ "daily": 86400,
+ "weekly": 604800
+ }
- server = smtplib.SMTP('postfix', 590, 'quarantine')
- server.ehlo()
- msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative')
- msg_from = r.get('Q_SENDER') or "quarantine@localhost"
- # Remove non-ascii chars from field
- msg['From'] = ''.join([i if ord(i) < 128 else '' for i in msg_from])
- msg['Subject'] = r.get('Q_SUBJ') or "Spam Quarantine Notification"
- msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime = True)
- text_part = MIMEText(text, 'plain', 'utf-8')
- html_part = MIMEText(html, 'html', 'utf-8')
- msg.attach(text_part)
- msg.attach(html_part)
- msg['To'] = str(rcpt)
- bcc = r.get('Q_BCC') or ""
- redirect = r.get('Q_REDIRECT') or ""
- text = msg.as_string()
- if bcc == '':
- if redirect == '':
- server.sendmail(msg['From'], str(rcpt), text)
- else:
- server.sendmail(msg['From'], str(redirect), text)
- else:
- if redirect == '':
- server.sendmail(msg['From'], [str(rcpt)] + [str(bcc)], text)
- else:
- server.sendmail(msg['From'], [str(redirect)] + [str(bcc)], text)
- server.quit()
- for res in meta_query:
- query_mysql('UPDATE quarantine SET notified = 1 WHERE id = "%d"' % (res['id']), update = True)
- r.hset('Q_LAST_NOTIFIED', record['rcpt'], time_now)
- break
+ last_notification = int(r.hget('Q_LAST_NOTIFIED', record['rcpt']))
+ if last_notification > time_now:
+ print('Last notification is > time now, assuming never')
+ last_notification = 0
except Exception as ex:
- server.quit()
- print('%s' % (ex))
- time.sleep(3)
-records = query_mysql('SELECT IFNULL(user_acl.quarantine, 0) AS quarantine_acl, count(id) AS counter, rcpt FROM quarantine LEFT OUTER JOIN user_acl ON user_acl.username = rcpt WHERE notified = 0 AND score < %f AND rcpt in (SELECT username FROM mailbox) GROUP BY rcpt' % (max_score))
-for record in records:
- attrs = ''
- attrs_json = ''
- time_trans = {
- "hourly": 3600,
- "daily": 86400,
- "weekly": 604800
- }
- try:
- last_notification = int(r.hget('Q_LAST_NOTIFIED', record['rcpt']))
- if last_notification > time_now:
- print('Last notification is > time now, assuming never')
+ print('Could not determine last notification for %s, assuming never' % (record['rcpt']))
last_notification = 0
- except Exception as ex:
- print('Could not determine last notification for %s, assuming never' % (record['rcpt']))
- last_notification = 0
- attrs_json = query_mysql('SELECT attributes FROM mailbox WHERE username = "%s"' % (record['rcpt']))
- attrs = attrs_json[0]['attributes']
- if isinstance(attrs, str):
- # if attr is str then just load it
- attrs = json.loads(attrs)
- else:
- # if it's bytes then decode and load it
- attrs = json.loads(attrs.decode('utf-8'))
- if attrs['quarantine_notification'] not in ('hourly', 'daily', 'weekly'):
- continue
- if last_notification == 0 or (last_notification + time_trans[attrs['quarantine_notification']]) < time_now:
- print("Notifying %s: Considering %d new items in quarantine (policy: %s)" % (record['rcpt'], record['counter'], attrs['quarantine_notification']))
- notify_rcpt(record['rcpt'], record['counter'], record['quarantine_acl'], attrs['quarantine_category'])
+ attrs_json = query_mysql('SELECT attributes FROM mailbox WHERE username = "%s"' % (record['rcpt']))
+ attrs = attrs_json[0]['attributes']
+ if isinstance(attrs, str):
+ # if attr is str then just load it
+ attrs = json.loads(attrs)
+ else:
+ # if it's bytes then decode and load it
+ attrs = json.loads(attrs.decode('utf-8'))
+ if attrs['quarantine_notification'] not in ('hourly', 'daily', 'weekly'):
+ continue
+ if last_notification == 0 or (last_notification + time_trans[attrs['quarantine_notification']]) < time_now:
+ print("Notifying %s: Considering %d new items in quarantine (policy: %s)" % (record['rcpt'], record['counter'], attrs['quarantine_notification']))
+ notify_rcpt(record['rcpt'], record['counter'], record['quarantine_acl'], attrs['quarantine_category'])
+ os.unlink(pidfile)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js b/data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66fd36a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+/* -*- Mode: javascript; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+(function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ angular.module('SOGo.Common')
+ .config(configure)
+ /**
+ * @ngInject
+ */
+ configure.$inject = ['$mdThemingProvider'];
+ function configure($mdThemingProvider) {
+ /**
+ * The SOGo palettes are defined in js/Common/Common.app.js:
+ *
+ * - sogo-green
+ * - sogo-blue
+ * - sogo-grey
+ *
+ * The Material palettes are also available:
+ *
+ * - red
+ * - pink
+ * - purple
+ * - deep-purple
+ * - indigo
+ * - blue
+ * - light-blue
+ * - cyan
+ * - teal
+ * - green
+ * - light-green
+ * - lime
+ * - yellow
+ * - amber
+ * - orange
+ * - deep-orange
+ * - brown
+ * - grey
+ * - blue-grey
+ *
+ * See https://material.angularjs.org/latest/Theming/01_introduction
+ * and https://material.io/archive/guidelines/style/color.html#color-color-palette
+ *
+ * You can also define your own palettes. See js/Common/Common.app.js.
+ */
+ // Create new background palette from grey palette
+ var greyMap = $mdThemingProvider.extendPalette('grey', {
+ // background color of sidebar selected item,
+ // background color of right panel,
+ // background color of menus (autocomplete and contextual menus)
+ '200': 'F5F5F5',
+ // background color of sidebar
+ '300': 'F3F3F3',
+ // background color of the busy periods of the attendees editor
+ '1000': '4C566A'
+ });
+ var greenCow = $mdThemingProvider.extendPalette('green', {
+ '600': 'f3f3f3'
+ });
+ $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('frost-grey', greyMap);
+ $mdThemingProvider.definePalette('green-cow', greenCow);
+ // Apply new palettes to the default theme, remap some of the hues
+ $mdThemingProvider.theme('default')
+ .primaryPalette('green-cow', {
+ 'default': '400', // background color of top toolbars
+ 'hue-1': '400',
+ 'hue-2': '600', // background color of sidebar toolbar
+ 'hue-3': 'A700'
+ })
+ .accentPalette('green', {
+ 'default': '600', // background color of fab buttons
+ 'hue-1': '300', // background color of center list toolbar
+ 'hue-2': '300',
+ 'hue-3': 'A700'
+ })
+ .backgroundPalette('frost-grey');
+ $mdThemingProvider.generateThemesOnDemand(false);
+ }
diff --git a/data/conf/sogo/sogo-full.svg b/data/conf/sogo/sogo-full.svg
index 98ff2fc3..b5d3adac 100644
--- a/data/conf/sogo/sogo-full.svg
+++ b/data/conf/sogo/sogo-full.svg
@@ -1,44 +1,55 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf b/data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf
index 78791d58..9f6568f5 100644
--- a/data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf
+++ b/data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf
@@ -14,7 +14,12 @@
SOGoEnableEMailAlarms = YES;
SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = YES;
SOGoForwardEnabled = YES;
- SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles = (js/custom-sogo.js);
+ SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles = (
+ js/theme.js,
+ js/custom-sogo.js
+ );
SOGoEnablePublicAccess = YES;
// Multi-domain setup
@@ -80,7 +85,7 @@
//LDAPDebugEnabled = YES;
//PGDebugEnabled = YES;
//MySQL4DebugEnabled = YES;
- //SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;
+ SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;
//WODontZipResponse = YES;
WOLogFile = "/dev/sogo_log";
diff --git a/docker-compose.yml b/docker-compose.yml
index 9de2c6c4..948f4f22 100644
--- a/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker-compose.yml
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ services:
- phpfpm
- image: mailcow/sogo:1.94
+ image: mailcow/sogo:1.95
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ services:
- ./data/conf/sogo/:/etc/sogo/:z
- ./data/web/inc/init_db.inc.php:/init_db.inc.php:Z
- ./data/conf/sogo/custom-sogo.js:/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/js/custom-sogo.js:z
+ - ./data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js:/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/js/theme.js:z
- mysql-socket-vol-1:/var/run/mysqld/:z
- sogo-web-vol-1:/sogo_web:z
- sogo-userdata-backup-vol-1:/sogo_backup:Z