Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
const LOCALE = undefined;
year: "numeric",
month: "2-digit",
day: "2-digit",
hour: "2-digit",
minute: "2-digit",
second: "2-digit"
$(document).ready(function() {
// Parse seconds ago to date
// Get "now" timestamp
var ts_now = Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000);
$('.parse_s_ago').each(function(i, parse_s_ago) {
var started_s_ago = parseInt($(this).text(), 10);
if (typeof started_s_ago != 'NaN') {
var started_date = new Date((ts_now - started_s_ago) * 1000);
if (started_date instanceof Date && !isNaN(started_date)) {
var started_local_date = started_date.toLocaleDateString(LOCALE, DATETIME_FORMAT);
} else {
// Parse general dates
$('.parse_date').each(function(i, parse_date) {
var started_date = new Date(Date.parse($(this).text()));
if (typeof started_date != 'NaN') {
var started_local_date = started_date.toLocaleDateString(LOCALE, DATETIME_FORMAT);
// set update loop container list
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
containersToUpdate = {};
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
// set default ChartJs Font Color
Chart.defaults.color = '#999';
// create host cpu and mem charts
// check for new version
if (mailcow_info.branch === "master"){
check_update(mailcow_info.version_tag, mailcow_info.project_url);
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
if (mailcow_cc_role !== "admin" && mailcow_cc_role !== "domainadmin" || mailcow_info.branch !== "master")
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
showVersionModal("Version " + mailcow_info.version_tag, mailcow_info.version_tag);
// get public ips
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-06 08:40:26 +01:00
window.fetch("/api/v1/get/status/host/ip", { method:'GET', cache:'no-cache' }).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(data) {
// display host ips
if (data.ipv4)
if (data.ipv6)
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-06 08:40:26 +01:00
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
if (localStorage.getItem("current_page") === null) {
var current_page = {};
} else {
var current_page = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('current_page'));
var entityMap={"&":"&","<":"<",">":">",'"':""","'":"'","/":"/","`":"`","=":"="};
function escapeHtml(n){return String(n).replace(/[&<>"'`=\/]/g,function(n){return entityMap[n]})}
function humanFileSize(i){if(Math.abs(i)<1024)return i+" B";var B=["KiB","MiB","GiB","TiB","PiB","EiB","ZiB","YiB"],e=-1;do{i/=1024,++e}while(Math.abs(i)>=1024&&e<B.length-1);return i.toFixed(1)+" "+B[e]}
function hashCode(t){for(var n=0,r=0;r<t.length;r++)n=t.charCodeAt(r)+((n<<5)-n);return n}
function intToRGB(t){var n=(16777215&t).toString(16).toUpperCase();return"00000".substring(0,6-n.length)+n}
$(".refresh_table").on('click', function(e) {
var table_name = $(this).data('table');
$('#' + table_name).DataTable().ajax.reload();
function createSortableDate(td, cellData) {
"data-order": cellData,
"data-sort": cellData
function draw_autodiscover_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#autodiscover_log') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#autodiscover_log').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-autodiscover-logs', '#autodiscover_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/autodiscover/100",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'autodiscover_log');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
responsivePriority: 1,
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: 'User-Agent',
data: 'ua',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md',
responsivePriority: 5
title: 'Username',
data: 'user',
defaultContent: '',
responsivePriority: 4
title: 'IP',
data: 'ip',
defaultContent: '',
responsivePriority: 2
title: 'Service',
data: 'service',
defaultContent: '',
responsivePriority: 3
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-autodiscover-logs', '#autodiscover_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_postfix_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#postfix_log') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#postfix_log').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-postfix-logs', '#postfix_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/postfix",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: lang.priority,
data: 'priority',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.message,
data: 'message',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md text-break'
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-postfix-logs', '#postfix_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_watchdog_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#watchdog_log') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#watchdog_log').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-watchdog-logs', '#watchdog_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/watchdog",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'watchdog');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: 'Service',
data: 'service',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Trend',
data: 'trend',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.message,
data: 'message',
defaultContent: ''
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-watchdog-logs', '#watchdog_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_api_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#api_log') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#api_log').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-api-logs', '#api_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/api",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'apilog');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: 'URI',
data: 'uri',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md dtr-break-all'
title: 'Method',
data: 'method',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'IP',
data: 'remote',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Data',
data: 'data',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md dtr-break-all'
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-api-logs', '#api_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_rl_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#rl_log') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#rl_log').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-rl-logs', '#rl_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/ratelimited",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'rllog');
columns: [
title: ' ',
data: 'indicator',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: lang.rate_name,
data: 'rl_name',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.sender,
data: 'from',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.recipients,
data: 'rcpt',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.authed_user,
data: 'user',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Msg ID',
data: 'message_id',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Header From',
data: 'header_from',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Subject',
data: 'header_subject',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Hash',
data: 'rl_hash',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Rspamd QID',
data: 'qid',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'IP',
data: 'ip',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.action,
data: 'action',
defaultContent: ''
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-rl-logs', '#rl_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_ui_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#ui_logs') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#ui_logs').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-ui-logs', '#ui_logs');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/ui",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'mailcow_ui');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: 'Type',
data: 'type',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Task',
data: 'task',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'User',
data: 'user',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-sm'
title: 'Role',
data: 'role',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-sm'
title: 'IP',
data: 'remote',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md dtr-break-all'
title: lang.message,
data: 'msg',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md dtr-break-all'
title: 'Call',
data: 'call',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'none dtr-col-md dtr-break-all'
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-ui-logs', '#ui_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_sasl_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#sasl_logs') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#sasl_logs').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-sasl-logs', '#sasl_logs');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/sasl",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'sasl_log_table');
columns: [
title: lang.username,
data: 'username',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.service,
data: 'service',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'IP',
data: 'real_rip',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md text-break'
title: lang.login_time,
data: 'datetime',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
2022-12-27 13:56:09 +01:00
cellData = Math.floor((new Date(cellData.replace(/-/g, "/"))).getTime() / 1000);
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-sasl-logs', '#sasl_logs');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_acme_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#acme_log') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#acme_log').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-acme-logs', '#acme_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/acme",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: lang.message,
data: 'message',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md dtr-break-all'
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-acme-logs', '#acme_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_netfilter_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#netfilter_log') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#netfilter_log').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-netfilter-logs', '#netfilter_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/netfilter",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: lang.priority,
data: 'priority',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.message,
data: 'message',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md text-break'
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-netfilter-logs', '#netfilter_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_sogo_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#sogo_log') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#sogo_log').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-sogo-logs', '#sogo_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/sogo",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: lang.priority,
data: 'priority',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.message,
data: 'message',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md text-break'
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-sogo-logs', '#sogo_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function draw_dovecot_logs() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#dovecot_log') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#dovecot_log').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-dovecot-logs', '#dovecot_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/dovecot",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'general_syslog');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
data: 'time',
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: lang.priority,
data: 'priority',
defaultContent: ''
title: lang.message,
data: 'message',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'dtr-col-md text-break'
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-dovecot-logs', '#dovecot_log');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function rspamd_pie_graph() {
url: '/api/v1/get/rspamd/actions',
async: true,
success: function(data){
var total = 0;
$(data).map(function(){total += this[1];});
var labels = $.makeArray($(data).map(function(){return this[0] + ' ' + Math.round(this[1]/total * 100) + '%';}));
var values = $.makeArray($(data).map(function(){return this[1];}));
var graphdata = {
labels: labels,
datasets: [{
data: values,
backgroundColor: ['#DC3023', '#59ABE3', '#FFA400', '#FFA400', '#26A65B']
var options = {
responsive: true,
maintainAspectRatio: false,
plugins: {
datalabels: {
color: '#FFF',
font: {
weight: 'bold'
display: function(context) {
return[context.dataIndex] !== 0;
formatter: function(value, context) {
return Math.round(value/total*100) + '%';
var chartcanvas = document.getElementById('rspamd_donut');
if(typeof chart == 'undefined') {
chart = new Chart(chartcanvas.getContext("2d"), {
plugins: [ChartDataLabels],
type: 'doughnut',
data: graphdata,
options: options
else {
chart = new Chart(chartcanvas.getContext("2d"), {
plugins: [ChartDataLabels],
type: 'doughnut',
data: graphdata,
options: options
function draw_rspamd_history() {
// just recalc width if instance already exists
if ($.fn.DataTable.isDataTable('#rspamd_history') ) {
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
var table = $('#rspamd_history').DataTable({
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
responsive: true,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
processing: true,
serverSide: false,
2023-01-06 13:45:52 +01:00
stateSave: true,
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
pageLength: log_pagination_size,
2023-01-06 15:03:04 +01:00
dom: "<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-6'f><'col-sm-12 col-md-6'l>>" +
"tr" +
"<'row'<'col-sm-12 col-md-5'i><'col-sm-12 col-md-7'p>>",
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
language: lang_datatables,
2022-12-24 18:29:46 +01:00
order: [[0, 'desc']],
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
initComplete: function(){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-rspamd-logs', '#rspamd_history');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ajax: {
type: "GET",
url: "/api/v1/get/logs/rspamd-history",
dataSrc: function(data){
return process_table_data(data, 'rspamd_history');
columns: [
title: lang.time,
2022-12-24 18:10:57 +01:00
data: 'unix_time',
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
createSortableDate(td, cellData)
title: 'IP address',
data: 'ip',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'From',
data: 'sender_mime',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'To',
data: 'rcpt',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Subject',
data: 'subject',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Action',
data: 'action',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Score',
data: 'score',
2022-12-24 18:18:28 +01:00
defaultContent: '',
2023-04-21 20:14:43 +02:00
class: 'text-nowrap',
2022-12-24 18:18:28 +01:00
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
"data-order": cellData.sortBy,
"data-sort": cellData.sortBy
2023-04-21 20:14:43 +02:00
render: function (data) {
return data.value;
2022-12-24 18:18:28 +01:00
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
title: 'Symbols',
data: 'symbols',
defaultContent: '',
className: 'none dtr-col-md'
title: 'Msg size',
data: 'size',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Scan Time',
data: 'scan_time',
2022-12-24 18:18:28 +01:00
defaultContent: '',
createdCell: function(td, cellData) {
"data-order": cellData.sortBy,
"data-sort": cellData.sortBy
2023-04-27 10:45:11 +02:00
render: function (data) {
return data.value;
2022-12-24 18:18:28 +01:00
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
title: 'ID',
data: 'message-id',
defaultContent: ''
title: 'Authenticated user',
data: 'user',
defaultContent: ''
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
table.on('responsive-resize', function (e, datatable, columns){
hideTableExpandCollapseBtn('#tab-rspamd-history', '#rspamd_history');
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
function process_table_data(data, table) {
if (table == 'rspamd_history') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item.rcpt_mime != "") {
item.rcpt = escapeHtml(item.rcpt_mime.join(", "));
else {
item.rcpt = escapeHtml(item.rcpt_smtp.join(", "));
item.symbols = Object.keys(item.symbols).sort(function (a, b) {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
if (item.symbols[a].score === 0) return 1;
if (item.symbols[b].score === 0) return -1;
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
if (item.symbols[b].score < 0 && item.symbols[a].score < 0) {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
return item.symbols[a].score - item.symbols[b].score;
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
if (item.symbols[b].score > 0 && item.symbols[a].score > 0) {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
return item.symbols[b].score - item.symbols[a].score;
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
return item.symbols[b].score - item.symbols[a].score;
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
}).map(function(key) {
var sym = item.symbols[key];
if (sym.score < 0) {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
sym.score_formatted = '(<span class="text-success"><b>' + sym.score + '</b></span>)';
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
else if (sym.score === 0) {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
sym.score_formatted = '(<span><b>' + sym.score + '</b></span>)';
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
else {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
sym.score_formatted = '(<span class="text-danger"><b>' + sym.score + '</b></span>)';
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
var str = '<strong>' + key + '</strong> ' + sym.score_formatted;
if (sym.options) {
str += ' [' + escapeHtml(sym.options.join(", ")) + "]";
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
return str;
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
item.subject = escapeHtml(item.subject);
var scan_time = item.time_real.toFixed(3);
if (item.time_virtual) {
scan_time += ' / ' + item.time_virtual.toFixed(3);
item.scan_time = {
2022-12-24 18:18:28 +01:00
"sortBy": item.time_real,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
"value": scan_time
if (item.action === 'clean' || item.action === 'no action') {
item.action = "<div class='badge fs-6 bg-success'>" + item.action + "</div>";
} else if (item.action === 'rewrite subject' || item.action === 'add header' || item.action === 'probable spam') {
item.action = "<div class='badge fs-6 bg-warning'>" + item.action + "</div>";
} else if (item.action === 'spam' || item.action === 'reject') {
item.action = "<div class='badge fs-6 bg-danger'>" + item.action + "</div>";
} else {
item.action = "<div class='badge fs-6 bg-info'>" + item.action + "</div>";
var score_content;
if (item.score < item.required_score) {
score_content = "[ <span class='text-success'>" + item.score.toFixed(2) + " / " + item.required_score + "</span> ]";
} else {
score_content = "[ <span class='text-danger'>" + item.score.toFixed(2) + " / " + item.required_score + "</span> ]";
item.score = {
2022-12-24 18:18:28 +01:00
"sortBy": item.score,
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
"value": score_content
if (item.user == null) {
item.user = "none";
} else if (table == 'autodiscover_log') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if ( == null) {
| = 'unknown';
} else {
| = escapeHtml(;
| = '<span style="font-size:small">' + + '</span>';
if (item.service == "activesync") {
item.service = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-info">ActiveSync</span>';
else if (item.service == "imap") {
item.service = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-success">IMAP, SMTP, Cal-/CardDAV</span>';
else {
item.service = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-danger">' + escapeHtml(item.service) + '</span>';
} else if (table == 'watchdog') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item.message == null) {
item.message = 'Health level: ' + item.lvl + '% (' + item.hpnow + '/' + item.hptotal + ')';
if (item.hpdiff < 0) {
item.trend = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-danger"><i class="bi bi-caret-down-fill"></i> ' + item.hpdiff + '</span>';
else if (item.hpdiff == 0) {
item.trend = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-info"><i class="bi bi-caret-right-fill"></i> ' + item.hpdiff + '</span>';
else {
item.trend = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-success"><i class="bi bi-caret-up-fill"></i> ' + item.hpdiff + '</span>';
else {
item.trend = '';
item.service = '';
} else if (table == 'mailcow_ui') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item === null) { return true; }
item.user = escapeHtml(item.user);
| = escapeHtml(;
item.task = '<code>' + item.task + '</code>';
item.type = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-' + item.type + '">' + item.type + '</span>';
} else if (table == 'sasl_log_table') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item === null) { return true; }
item.username = escapeHtml(item.username);
item.service = '<div class="badge fs-6 bg-secondary">' + item.service.toUpperCase() + '</div>';
} else if (table == 'general_syslog') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item === null) { return true; }
if (item.message.match("^base64,")) {
try {
item.message = atob(item.message.slice(7)).replace(/\\n/g, "<br />");
} catch(e) {
item.message = item.message.slice(7);
} else {
item.message = escapeHtml(item.message);
| = escapeHtml(;
var danger_class = ["emerg", "alert", "crit", "err"];
var warning_class = ["warning", "warn"];
var info_class = ["notice", "info", "debug"];
if (jQuery.inArray(item.priority, danger_class) !== -1) {
item.priority = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-danger">' + item.priority + '</span>';
} else if (jQuery.inArray(item.priority, warning_class) !== -1) {
item.priority = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-warning">' + item.priority + '</span>';
} else if (jQuery.inArray(item.priority, info_class) !== -1) {
item.priority = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-info">' + item.priority + '</span>';
} else if (table == 'apilog') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item === null) { return true; }
if (item.method == 'GET') {
item.method = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-success">' + item.method + '</span>';
} else if (item.method == 'POST') {
item.method = '<span class="badge fs-6 bg-warning">' + item.method + '</span>';
| = escapeHtml(;
} else if (table == 'rllog') {
$.each(data, function (i, item) {
if (item.user == null) {
item.user = "none";
if (item.rl_hash == null) {
item.rl_hash = "err";
item.indicator = '<span style="border-right:6px solid #' + intToRGB(hashCode(item.rl_hash)) + ';padding-left:5px;"> </span>';
if (item.rl_hash != 'err') {
item.action = '<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-hash" data-api-url="delete/rlhash" data-item="' + encodeURI(item.rl_hash) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><i class="bi bi-trash"></i> ' + lang.reset_limit + '</a>';
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
return data;
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
$('.add_log_lines').on('click', function (e) {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
var log_table= $(this).data("table");
var new_nrows = $(this).data("nrows");
var post_process = $(this).data("post-process");
var log_url = $(this).data("log-url");
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
if (log_table === undefined || new_nrows === undefined || post_process === undefined || log_url === undefined) {
console.log("no data-table or data-nrows or log_url or data-post-process attr found");
if (table = $('#' + log_table).DataTable()) {
var heading = $('#' + log_table).closest('.card').find('.card-header');
2023-03-08 10:35:23 +01:00
var load_rows = ( + 1) + '-' + ( + new_nrows)
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
$.get('/api/v1/get/logs/' + log_url + '/' + load_rows).then(function(data){
if (data.length === undefined) { mailcow_alert_box(lang.no_new_rows, "info"); return; }
var rows = process_table_data(data, post_process);
var rows_now = ( + data.length);
mailcow_alert_box(data.length + lang.additional_rows, "success");
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
function hideTableExpandCollapseBtn(tab, table){
if ($(table).hasClass('collapsed'))
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
2023-01-16 15:38:35 +01:00
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
// detect element visibility changes
function onVisible(element, callback) {
$(document).ready(function() {
element_object = document.querySelector(element);
if (element_object === null) return;
new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
entries.forEach(entry => {
if(entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
// Draw Table if tab is active
onVisible("[id^=postfix_log]", () => draw_postfix_logs());
onVisible("[id^=dovecot_log]", () => draw_dovecot_logs());
onVisible("[id^=sogo_log]", () => draw_sogo_logs());
onVisible("[id^=watchdog_log]", () => draw_watchdog_logs());
onVisible("[id^=autodiscover_log]", () => draw_autodiscover_logs());
onVisible("[id^=acme_log]", () => draw_acme_logs());
onVisible("[id^=api_log]", () => draw_api_logs());
onVisible("[id^=rl_log]", () => draw_rl_logs());
onVisible("[id^=ui_logs]", () => draw_ui_logs());
onVisible("[id^=sasl_logs]", () => draw_sasl_logs());
onVisible("[id^=netfilter_log]", () => draw_netfilter_logs());
onVisible("[id^=rspamd_history]", () => draw_rspamd_history());
onVisible("[id^=rspamd_donut]", () => rspamd_pie_graph());
// start polling host stats if tab is active
onVisible("[id^=tab-containers]", () => update_stats());
// start polling container stats if collapse is active
var containerElements = document.querySelectorAll(".container-details-collapse");
for (let i = 0; i < containerElements.length; i++){
new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
entries.forEach(entry => {
if(entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
if (!containerElements[i].classList.contains("show")){
var container = containerElements[i].id.replace("Collapse", "");
var container_id = containerElements[i].getAttribute("data-id");
// check if chart exists or needs to be created
if (!Chart.getChart(container + "_DiskIOChart"))
createReadWriteChart(container + "_DiskIOChart", "Read", "Write");
if (!Chart.getChart(container + "_NetIOChart"))
createReadWriteChart(container + "_NetIOChart", "Recv", "Sent");
// add container to polling list
containersToUpdate[container] = {
id: container_id,
state: "idle"
// stop polling if collapse is closed
containerElements[i].addEventListener('', function () {
var diskIOCtx = Chart.getChart(container + "_DiskIOChart");
var netIOCtx = Chart.getChart(container + "_NetIOChart");
|[0].data = [];
|[1].data = [];
| = [];
|[0].data = [];
|[1].data = [];
| = [];
delete containersToUpdate[container];
// update system stats - every 5 seconds if system & container tab is active
function update_stats(timeout=5){
if (!$('#tab-containers').hasClass('active')) {
// tab not active - dont fetch stats - run again in n seconds
window.fetch("/api/v1/get/status/host", {method:'GET',cache:'no-cache'}).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(data) {
if (data){
// display table data
$("#host_cpu_usage").text(parseInt(data.cpu.usage).toString() + "%");
$("#host_memory_total").text(( / (1024 ** 3)).toFixed(2).toString() + "GB");
$("#host_memory_usage").text(parseInt(data.memory.usage).toString() + "%");
// update cpu and mem chart
var cpu_chart = Chart.getChart("host_cpu_chart");
var mem_chart = Chart.getChart("host_mem_chart");
|" ")[1]);
if ( > 30);
|" ")[1]);
if ( > 30);
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
if ([0].data.length > 30)[0].data.shift();
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
if ([0].data.length > 30)[0].data.shift();
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
// run again in n seconds
setTimeout(update_stats, timeout * 1000);
// update specific container stats - every n (default 5s) seconds
function update_container_stats(timeout=5){
if ($('#tab-containers').hasClass('active')) {
for (let container in containersToUpdate){
container_id = containersToUpdate[container].id;
// check if container update stats is already running
if (containersToUpdate[container].state == "running")
containersToUpdate[container].state = "running";
window.fetch("/api/v1/get/status/container/" + container_id, {method:'GET',cache:'no-cache'}).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(data) {
var diskIOCtx = Chart.getChart(container + "_DiskIOChart");
var netIOCtx = Chart.getChart(container + "_NetIOChart");
prev_stats = null;
if (data.length >= 2){
prev_stats = data[data.length -2];
// hide spinners if we collected enough data
$('#' + container + "_DiskIOChart").removeClass('d-none');
$('#' + container + "_DiskIOChart").prev().addClass('d-none');
$('#' + container + "_NetIOChart").removeClass('d-none');
$('#' + container + "_NetIOChart").prev().addClass('d-none');
data = data[data.length -1];
if (prev_stats != null){
// calc time diff
var time_diff = (new Date( - new Date( / 1000;
// calc disk io b/s
if ('io_service_bytes_recursive' in prev_stats.blkio_stats && prev_stats.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive !== null){
var prev_read_bytes = 0;
var prev_write_bytes = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < prev_stats.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive.length; i++){
if (prev_stats.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive[i].op == "read")
prev_read_bytes = prev_stats.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive[i].value;
else if (prev_stats.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive[i].op == "write")
prev_write_bytes = prev_stats.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive[i].value;
var read_bytes = 0;
var write_bytes = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < data.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive.length; i++){
if (data.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive[i].op == "read")
read_bytes = data.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive[i].value;
else if (data.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive[i].op == "write")
write_bytes = data.blkio_stats.io_service_bytes_recursive[i].value;
var diff_bytes_read = (read_bytes - prev_read_bytes) / time_diff;
var diff_bytes_write = (write_bytes - prev_write_bytes) / time_diff;
// calc net io b/s
if ('networks' in prev_stats){
var prev_recv_bytes = 0;
var prev_sent_bytes = 0;
for (var key in prev_stats.networks){
prev_recv_bytes += prev_stats.networks[key].rx_bytes;
prev_sent_bytes += prev_stats.networks[key].tx_bytes;
var recv_bytes = 0;
var sent_bytes = 0;
for (var key in data.networks){
recv_bytes += data.networks[key].rx_bytes;
sent_bytes += data.networks[key].tx_bytes;
var diff_bytes_recv = (recv_bytes - prev_recv_bytes) / time_diff;
var diff_bytes_sent = (sent_bytes - prev_sent_bytes) / time_diff;
addReadWriteChart(diskIOCtx, diff_bytes_read, diff_bytes_write, "");
addReadWriteChart(netIOCtx, diff_bytes_recv, diff_bytes_sent, "");
// run again in n seconds
containersToUpdate[container].state = "idle";
}).catch(err => {
// run again in n seconds
setTimeout(update_container_stats, timeout * 1000);
// format hosts uptime seconds to readable string
function formatUptime(seconds){
seconds = Number(seconds);
var d = Math.floor(seconds / (3600*24));
var h = Math.floor(seconds % (3600*24) / 3600);
var m = Math.floor(seconds % 3600 / 60);
var s = Math.floor(seconds % 60);
var dFormat = d > 0 ? d + "D " : "";
var hFormat = h > 0 ? h + "H " : "";
var mFormat = m > 0 ? m + "M " : "";
var sFormat = s > 0 ? s + "S" : "";
return dFormat + hFormat + mFormat + sFormat;
// format bytes to readable string
function formatBytes(bytes){
// b
if (bytes < 1000) return bytes.toFixed(2).toString()+' B/s';
// b to kb
bytes = bytes / 1024;
if (bytes < 1000) return bytes.toFixed(2).toString()+' KB/s';
// kb to mb
bytes = bytes / 1024;
if (bytes < 1000) return bytes.toFixed(2).toString()+' MB/s';
// final mb to gb
return (bytes / 1024).toFixed(2).toString()+' GB/s';
// create read write line chart
function createReadWriteChart(chart_id, read_lable, write_lable){
var ctx = document.getElementById(chart_id);
var dataNet = {
labels: [],
datasets: [{
label: read_lable,
backgroundColor: "rgba(41, 187, 239, 0.3)",
borderColor: "rgba(41, 187, 239, 0.6)",
pointRadius: 1,
pointHitRadius: 6,
borderWidth: 2,
fill: true,
tension: 0.2,
data: []
}, {
label: write_lable,
backgroundColor: "rgba(239, 60, 41, 0.3)",
borderColor: "rgba(239, 60, 41, 0.6)",
pointRadius: 1,
pointHitRadius: 6,
borderWidth: 2,
fill: true,
tension: 0.2,
data: []
var optionsNet = {
interaction: {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
mode: 'index'
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
scales: {
yAxis: {
min: 0,
grid: {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
display: false
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ticks: {
callback: function(i, index, ticks) {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
return formatBytes(i);
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
xAxis: {
grid: {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
display: false
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
return new Chart(ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: dataNet,
options: optionsNet
// add to read write line chart
function addReadWriteChart(chart_context, read_point, write_point, time, limit = 30){
// push time label for x-axis
if ( > limit);
// push datapoints
// shift data if more than 20 entires exists
if ([0].data.length > limit)[0].data.shift();
if ([1].data.length > limit)[1].data.shift();
// create host cpu and mem chart
function createHostCpuAndMemChart(){
var cpu_ctx = document.getElementById("host_cpu_chart");
var mem_ctx = document.getElementById("host_mem_chart");
var dataCpu = {
labels: [],
datasets: [{
label: "CPU %",
backgroundColor: "rgba(41, 187, 239, 0.3)",
borderColor: "rgba(41, 187, 239, 0.6)",
pointRadius: 1,
pointHitRadius: 6,
borderWidth: 2,
fill: true,
tension: 0.2,
data: []
var optionsCpu = {
interaction: {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
mode: 'index'
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
scales: {
yAxis: {
min: 0,
grid: {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
display: false
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ticks: {
callback: function(i, index, ticks) {
return i.toFixed(0).toString() + "%";
xAxis: {
grid: {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
display: false
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
var dataMem = {
labels: [],
datasets: [{
label: "MEM %",
backgroundColor: "rgba(41, 187, 239, 0.3)",
borderColor: "rgba(41, 187, 239, 0.6)",
pointRadius: 1,
pointHitRadius: 6,
borderWidth: 2,
fill: true,
tension: 0.2,
data: []
var optionsMem = {
interaction: {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
mode: 'index'
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
scales: {
yAxis: {
min: 0,
grid: {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
display: false
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
ticks: {
callback: function(i, index, ticks) {
return i.toFixed(0).toString() + "%";
xAxis: {
grid: {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
display: false
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
var net_io_chart = new Chart(cpu_ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: dataCpu,
options: optionsCpu
var disk_io_chart = new Chart(mem_ctx, {
type: 'line',
data: dataMem,
options: optionsMem
// check for mailcow updates
function check_update(current_version, github_repo_url){
if (!current_version || !github_repo_url) return false;
var github_account = github_repo_url.split("/")[3];
var github_repo_name = github_repo_url.split("/")[4];
// get details about latest release
window.fetch(""+github_account+"/"+github_repo_name+"/releases/latest", {method:'GET',cache:'no-cache'}).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(latest_data) {
// get details about current release
window.fetch(""+github_account+"/"+github_repo_name+"/releases/tags/"+current_version, {method:'GET',cache:'no-cache'}).then(function(response) {
return response.json();
}).then(function(current_data) {
// compare releases
var date_current = new Date(current_data.created_at);
var date_latest = new Date(latest_data.created_at);
if (date_latest.getTime() <= date_current.getTime()){
// no update available
$("#mailcow_update").removeClass("text-warning text-danger").addClass("text-success");
$("#mailcow_update").html("<b>" + lang_debug.no_update_available + "</b>");
} else {
// update available
$("#mailcow_update").removeClass("text-danger text-success").addClass("text-warning");
$("#mailcow_update").html(lang_debug.update_available + ` <a href="#" id="mailcow_update_changelog">`+latest_data.tag_name+`</a>`);
if (mailcow_cc_role !== "admin" && mailcow_cc_role !== "domainadmin")
showVersionModal("New Release " + latest_data.tag_name, latest_data.tag_name);
}).catch(err => {
// err
$("#mailcow_update").removeClass("text-success text-warning").addClass("text-danger");
$("#mailcow_update").html("<b>"+ lang_debug.update_failed +"</b>");
}).catch(err => {
// err
$("#mailcow_update").removeClass("text-success text-warning").addClass("text-danger");
$("#mailcow_update").html("<b>"+ lang_debug.update_failed +"</b>");
// show version changelog modal
function showVersionModal(title, version){
type: 'GET',
url: '' + mailcow_info.project_owner + '/' + mailcow_info.project_repo + '/releases/tags/' + version,
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
var md = window.markdownit();
var result = md.render(data.body);
result = parseGithubMarkdownLinks(result);
<h3>` + + `</h3>
<span class="mt-4">` + result + `</span>
<span><b>Github Link:</b>
<a target="_blank" href="` + mailcow_info.project_owner + `/` + mailcow_info.project_repo + `/releases/tag/` + version + `">` + version + `</a>
new bootstrap.Modal(document.getElementById("showVersionModal"), {
backdrop: 'static',
keyboard: false
function parseGithubMarkdownLinks(inputText) {
var replacedText, replacePattern1;
replacePattern1 = /(\b(https?):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/gim;
replacedText = inputText.replace(replacePattern1, (matched, index, original, input_string) => {
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
if (matched.includes('')){
// return short link if it's github link
last_uri_path = matched.split('/');
last_uri_path = last_uri_path[last_uri_path.length - 1];
// adjust Full Changelog link to match last git version and new git version, if link is a compare link
if (matched.includes('/compare/') && mailcow_info.last_version_tag !== ''){
matched = matched.replace(last_uri_path, mailcow_info.last_version_tag + '...' + mailcow_info.version_tag);
last_uri_path = mailcow_info.last_version_tag + '...' + mailcow_info.version_tag;
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
return '<a href="' + matched + '" target="_blank">' + last_uri_path + '</a><br>';
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
2023-01-25 23:50:39 +01:00
// if it's not a github link, return complete link
return '<a href="' + matched + '" target="_blank">' + matched + '</a>';
Fix timestamps not sorting in datatables
Timestamps retrieved from the API were always converted to a browser
local format. The format specified for moment.js added in
5160eff29446ba94329116a6ed3787400b03e461 did not work because of this.
Additionally, the format specified used `dd` which looks for two letter
days, such as "Mo", "Tu", "We", etc. Furthermore, `mm` is used for
minutes, not months.
Because the locale formatted datetime can vary a lot, it is not easy to
get this into moment.js to enable the sorting of datetimes in the
datatables. In other words, there is no conversion from an
`Intl.DateTimeFormat` specifier string to moment.js. Adding many
`$.fn.dataTable.moment(format);` with different `format`s is not useful.
I have fixed this rewriting how the timestamps from the API are added
to the tables. It still uses the locale of the browser, because not
everyone wants to use ISO 8601, but no longer requires moment.js (which
has been removed).
Two data attributes are added to the `td`s of the timestamps:
- `data-order`
- `data-sort`
The values of these are the timestamps as returned by the server, which
are very easily sorted (as they are just UNIX timestamps). Then, when
creating the cell in the table, it will be converted to what the locale
of the browser specified (this has not changed).
2022-12-24 17:33:49 +01:00
return replacedText;
function convertTimestampToLocalFormat(timestamp) {
var date = new Date(timestamp ? timestamp * 1000 : 0);
return date.toLocaleDateString(LOCALE, DATETIME_FORMAT);