2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
acl _data = JSON . parse ( acl ) ;
FooTable . domainFilter = FooTable . Filtering . extend ( {
construct : function ( instance ) {
this . _super ( instance ) ;
this . def = 'All Domains' ;
this . $domain = null ;
} ,
$create : function ( ) {
this . _super ( ) ;
2019-05-16 08:20:21 +02:00
var self = this ;
var domains = [ ] ;
2019-11-11 09:55:15 +01:00
2019-05-16 08:20:21 +02:00
$ . each ( self . ft . rows . all , function ( i , row ) {
2019-05-16 10:15:37 +02:00
if ( ( row . val ( ) . domain != null ) && ( $ . inArray ( row . val ( ) . domain , domains ) === - 1 ) ) domains . push ( row . val ( ) . domain ) ;
2019-05-16 08:20:21 +02:00
} ) ;
2019-11-11 09:55:15 +01:00
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
$form _grp = $ ( '<div/>' , { 'class' : 'form-group' } )
. append ( $ ( '<label/>' , { 'class' : 'sr-only' , text : 'Domain' } ) )
. prependTo ( self . $form ) ;
self . $domain = $ ( '<select/>' , { 'class' : 'aform-control' } )
. on ( 'change' , { self : self } , self . _onDomainDropdownChanged )
. append ( $ ( '<option/>' , { text : self . def } ) )
. appendTo ( $form _grp ) ;
2019-05-16 08:20:21 +02:00
$ . each ( domains , function ( i , domain ) {
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
self . $domain . append ( $ ( '<option/>' ) . text ( domain ) ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
_onDomainDropdownChanged : function ( e ) {
var self = e . data . self ,
selected = $ ( this ) . val ( ) ;
if ( selected !== self . def ) {
self . addFilter ( 'domain' , selected , [ 'domain' ] ) ;
} else {
self . removeFilter ( 'domain' ) ;
self . filter ( ) ;
} ,
draw : function ( ) {
this . _super ( ) ;
var domain = this . find ( 'domain' ) ;
if ( domain instanceof FooTable . Filter ) {
this . $domain . val ( domain . query . val ( ) ) ;
} else {
this . $domain . val ( this . def ) ;
$ ( this . $domain ) . closest ( "select" ) . selectpicker ( ) ;
} ) ;
2020-02-16 20:08:36 +01:00
// todo
$ ( '[data-page-size]' ) . on ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
var newSize = $ ( this ) . data ( 'page-size' ) ;
var nextTable = $ ( this ) . nextAll ( '.table-responsive' ) . find ( 'table' ) ;
FooTable . get ( nextTable ) . pageSize ( newSize ) ;
} ) ;
2020-01-10 20:49:54 +01:00
// Clone mailbox mass actions
$ ( "div" ) . find ( "[data-actions-header='true'" ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . html ( $ ( this ) . nextAll ( '.mass-actions-mailbox:first' ) . html ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
// Auto-fill domain quota when adding new domain
auto _fill _quota = function ( domain ) {
$ . get ( "/api/v1/get/domain/" + domain , function ( data ) {
var result = $ . parseJSON ( JSON . stringify ( data ) ) ;
2019-07-27 18:56:51 +02:00
def _new _mailbox _quota = ( result . def _new _mailbox _quota / 1048576 ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
max _new _mailbox _quota = ( result . max _new _mailbox _quota / 1048576 ) ;
if ( max _new _mailbox _quota != '0' ) {
$ ( "#quotaBadge" ) . html ( 'max. ' + max _new _mailbox _quota + ' MiB' ) ;
$ ( '#addInputQuota' ) . attr ( { "disabled" : false , "value" : "" , "type" : "number" , "max" : max _new _mailbox _quota } ) ;
2019-07-27 18:56:51 +02:00
$ ( '#addInputQuota' ) . val ( def _new _mailbox _quota ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
else {
$ ( "#quotaBadge" ) . html ( 'max. ' + max _new _mailbox _quota + ' MiB' ) ;
$ ( '#addInputQuota' ) . attr ( { "disabled" : true , "value" : "" , "type" : "text" , "value" : "n/a" } ) ;
$ ( '#addInputQuota' ) . val ( max _new _mailbox _quota ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#addSelectDomain' ) . on ( 'change' , function ( ) {
auto _fill _quota ( $ ( '#addSelectDomain' ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
auto _fill _quota ( $ ( '#addSelectDomain' ) . val ( ) ) ;
$ ( ".goto_checkbox" ) . click ( function ( event ) {
$ ( "form[data-id='add_alias'] .goto_checkbox" ) . not ( this ) . prop ( 'checked' , false ) ;
if ( $ ( "form[data-id='add_alias'] .goto_checkbox:checked" ) . length > 0 ) {
$ ( '#textarea_alias_goto' ) . prop ( 'disabled' , true ) ;
else {
$ ( "#textarea_alias_goto" ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#addAliasModal' ) . on ( 'show.bs.modal' , function ( e ) {
if ( $ ( "form[data-id='add_alias'] .goto_checkbox:checked" ) . length > 0 ) {
$ ( '#textarea_alias_goto' ) . prop ( 'disabled' , true ) ;
else {
$ ( "#textarea_alias_goto" ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
} ) ;
// Log modal
$ ( '#syncjobLogModal' ) . on ( 'show.bs.modal' , function ( e ) {
var syncjob _id = $ ( e . relatedTarget ) . data ( 'syncjob-id' ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
url : '/inc/ajax/syncjob_logs.php' ,
data : { id : syncjob _id } ,
dataType : 'text' ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ ( e . currentTarget ) . find ( '#logText' ) . text ( data ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , status , error ) {
$ ( e . currentTarget ) . find ( '#logText' ) . text ( xhr . responseText ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Log modal
$ ( '#dnsInfoModal' ) . on ( 'show.bs.modal' , function ( e ) {
var domain = $ ( e . relatedTarget ) . data ( 'domain' ) ;
$ ( '.dns-modal-body' ) . html ( '<center><span style="font-size:18pt;margin:50px" class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh glyphicon-spin"></span></center>' ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
url : '/inc/ajax/dns_diagnostics.php' ,
data : { domain : domain } ,
dataType : 'text' ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ ( '.dns-modal-body' ) . html ( data ) ;
} ,
error : function ( xhr , status , error ) {
$ ( '.dns-modal-body' ) . html ( xhr . responseText ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Sieve data modal
$ ( '#sieveDataModal' ) . on ( 'show.bs.modal' , function ( e ) {
var sieveScript = $ ( e . relatedTarget ) . data ( 'sieve-script' ) ;
$ ( e . currentTarget ) . find ( '#sieveDataText' ) . html ( '<pre style="font-size:14px;line-height:1.1">' + sieveScript + '</pre>' ) ;
} ) ;
// Disable submit button on script change
2019-10-29 08:39:57 +01:00
$ ( '.textarea-code' ) . on ( 'keyup' , function ( ) {
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
$ ( '#add_filter_btns > #add_sieve_script' ) . attr ( { "disabled" : true } ) ;
} ) ;
// Validate script data
$ ( "#validate_sieve" ) . click ( function ( event ) {
event . preventDefault ( ) ;
var script = $ ( '#script_data' ) . val ( ) ;
$ . ajax ( {
2019-10-29 08:39:57 +01:00
dataType : 'json' ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
url : "/inc/ajax/sieve_validation.php" ,
type : "get" ,
data : { script : script } ,
complete : function ( data ) {
var response = ( data . responseText ) ;
response _obj = JSON . parse ( response ) ;
if ( response _obj . type == "success" ) {
$ ( '#add_filter_btns > #add_sieve_script' ) . attr ( { "disabled" : false } ) ;
mailcow _alert _box ( response _obj . msg , response _obj . type ) ;
} ,
} ) ;
} ) ;
// $(document).on('DOMNodeInserted', '#prefilter_table', function () {
// $("#active-script").closest('td').css('background-color','#b0f0a0');
// $("#inactive-script").closest('td').css('background-color','#b0f0a0');
// });
2019-03-23 21:17:02 +01:00
$ ( '#addResourceModal' ) . on ( 'shown.bs.modal' , function ( ) {
$ ( "#multiple_bookings" ) . val ( $ ( "#multiple_bookings_select" ) . val ( ) ) ;
if ( $ ( "#multiple_bookings" ) . val ( ) == "custom" ) {
$ ( "#multiple_bookings_custom_div" ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( "#multiple_bookings" ) . val ( $ ( "#multiple_bookings_custom" ) . val ( ) ) ;
} )
$ ( "#multiple_bookings_select" ) . change ( function ( ) {
$ ( "#multiple_bookings" ) . val ( $ ( "#multiple_bookings_select" ) . val ( ) ) ;
if ( $ ( "#multiple_bookings" ) . val ( ) == "custom" ) {
$ ( "#multiple_bookings_custom_div" ) . show ( ) ;
else {
$ ( "#multiple_bookings_custom_div" ) . hide ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( "#multiple_bookings_custom" ) . bind ( "change keypress keyup blur" , function ( ) {
$ ( "#multiple_bookings" ) . val ( $ ( "#multiple_bookings_custom" ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
jQuery ( function ( $ ) {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24816/escaping-html-strings-with-jquery
var entityMap = { "&" : "&" , "<" : "<" , ">" : ">" , '"' : """ , "'" : "'" , "/" : "/" , "`" : "`" , "=" : "=" } ;
function escapeHtml ( n ) { return String ( n ) . replace ( /[&<>"'`=\/]/g , function ( n ) { return entityMap [ n ] } ) }
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/46155/validate-email-address-in-javascript
function validateEmail ( email ) {
var re = /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/ ;
return re . test ( email ) ;
function humanFileSize ( i ) { if ( Math . abs ( i ) < 1024 ) return i + " B" ; var B = [ "KiB" , "MiB" , "GiB" , "TiB" , "PiB" , "EiB" , "ZiB" , "YiB" ] , e = - 1 ; do { i /= 1024 , ++ e } while ( Math . abs ( i ) >= 1024 && e < B . length - 1 ) ; return i . toFixed ( 1 ) + " " + B [ e ] }
$ ( ".refresh_table" ) . on ( 'click' , function ( e ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
var table _name = $ ( this ) . data ( 'table' ) ;
$ ( '#' + table _name ) . find ( "tr.footable-empty" ) . remove ( ) ;
draw _table = $ ( this ) . data ( 'draw' ) ;
eval ( draw _table + '()' ) ;
} ) ;
function table _mailbox _ready ( ft , name ) {
if ( is _dual ) {
$ ( '.login_as' ) . data ( "toggle" , "tooltip" )
. attr ( "disabled" , true )
. removeAttr ( "href" )
. attr ( "title" , "Dual login cannot be used twice" )
. tooltip ( ) ;
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . prop ( "disabled" , false ) ;
2019-10-11 08:51:40 +02:00
heading = ft . $el . parents ( '.panel' ) . find ( '.panel-heading' )
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
var ft _paging = ft . use ( FooTable . Paging )
$ ( heading ) . children ( '.table-lines' ) . text ( function ( ) {
return ft _paging . totalRows ;
} )
function draw _domain _table ( ) {
ft _domain _table = FooTable . init ( '#domain_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "domain_name" , "title" : lang . domain , "style" : { "width" : "250px" } } ,
{ "name" : "aliases" , "title" : lang . aliases , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" } ,
{ "name" : "mailboxes" , "title" : lang . mailboxes } ,
{ "name" : "quota" , "style" : { "whiteSpace" : "nowrap" } , "title" : lang . domain _quota , "formatter" : function ( value ) {
res = value . split ( "/" ) ;
return humanFileSize ( res [ 0 ] ) + " / " + humanFileSize ( res [ 1 ] ) ;
} ,
"sortValue" : function ( value ) {
res = value . split ( "/" ) ;
return Number ( res [ 0 ] ) ;
} ,
} ,
2019-07-27 18:56:51 +02:00
{ "name" : "def_quota_for_mbox" , "title" : lang . mailbox _defquota , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md" , "style" : { "width" : "125px" } } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "max_quota_for_mbox" , "title" : lang . mailbox _quota , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" , "style" : { "width" : "125px" } } ,
2019-05-05 20:49:13 +02:00
{ "name" : "rl" , "title" : "RL" , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md lg" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "100px" , "width" : "100px" } } ,
{ "name" : "backupmx" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "120px" , "width" : "120px" } , "title" : lang . backup _mx , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md lg" } ,
2019-11-11 09:55:15 +01:00
{ "name" : "domain_admins" , "title" : lang . domain _admins , "style" : { "word-break" : "break-all" , "min-width" : "200px" } , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md lg" , "filterable" : ( role == "admin" ) , "visible" : ( role == "admin" ) } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "active" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "80px" , "width" : "80px" } , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "text-align" : "right" , "maxWidth" : "240px" , "width" : "240px" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : lang . action , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md" }
] ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/domain/all' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( data ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw domain table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
item . aliases = item . aliases _in _domain + " / " + item . max _num _aliases _for _domain ;
item . mailboxes = item . mboxes _in _domain + " / " + item . max _num _mboxes _for _domain ;
item . quota = item . quota _used _in _domain + "/" + item . max _quota _for _domain ;
if ( ! item . rl ) {
item . rl = '∞' ;
} else {
item . rl = $ . map ( item . rl , function ( e ) {
return e ;
} ) . join ( '/1' ) ;
2019-07-27 18:56:51 +02:00
item . def _quota _for _mbox = humanFileSize ( item . def _quota _for _mbox ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
item . max _quota _for _mbox = humanFileSize ( item . max _quota _for _mbox ) ;
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="domain" name="multi_select" value="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . domain _name ) + '" />' ;
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' ;
if ( role == "admin" ) {
item . action += '<a href="/edit/domain/' + encodeURIComponent ( item . domain _name ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-domain" data-api-url="delete/domain" data-item="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . domain _name ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' ;
else {
item . action += '<a href="/edit/domain/' + encodeURIComponent ( item . domain _name ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' ;
item . action += '<a href="#dnsInfoModal" class="btn btn-xs btn-info" data-toggle="modal" data-domain="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . domain _name ) + '"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span> DNS</a></div>' ;
2020-02-18 11:30:20 +01:00
if ( item . backupmx _int == 1 ) {
item . domain _name = '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-export"></span> ' + item . domain _name ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
} ) ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'domain_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'domain_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 19:07:01 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
function draw _mailbox _table ( ) {
ft _mailbox _table = FooTable . init ( '#mailbox_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "username" , "style" : { "word-break" : "break-all" , "min-width" : "120px" } , "title" : lang . username } ,
2019-05-05 20:49:13 +02:00
{ "name" : "name" , "title" : lang . fname , "style" : { "word-break" : "break-all" , "min-width" : "120px" } , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md lg" } ,
{ "name" : "domain" , "title" : lang . domain , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md lg" } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "quota" , "style" : { "whiteSpace" : "nowrap" } , "title" : lang . domain _quota , "formatter" : function ( value ) {
res = value . split ( "/" ) ;
2019-03-31 15:49:18 +02:00
var of _q = ( res [ 1 ] == 0 ? "∞" : humanFileSize ( res [ 1 ] ) ) ;
return humanFileSize ( res [ 0 ] ) + " / " + of _q ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ,
"sortValue" : function ( value ) {
res = value . split ( "/" ) ;
return Number ( res [ 0 ] ) ;
} ,
} ,
2019-05-05 20:49:13 +02:00
{ "name" : "spam_aliases" , "filterable" : false , "title" : lang . spam _aliases , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "tls_enforce_in" , "filterable" : false , "title" : lang . tls _enforce _in , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
{ "name" : "tls_enforce_out" , "filterable" : false , "title" : lang . tls _enforce _out , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
{ "name" : "quarantine_notification" , "filterable" : false , "title" : lang . quarantine _notification , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
{ "name" : "in_use" , "filterable" : false , "type" : "html" , "title" : lang . in _use , "sortValue" : function ( value ) {
return Number ( $ ( value ) . find ( ".progress-bar" ) . attr ( 'aria-valuenow' ) ) ;
} ,
} ,
{ "name" : "messages" , "filterable" : false , "title" : lang . msg _num , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md" } ,
2019-05-05 20:49:13 +02:00
{ "name" : "rl" , "title" : "RL" , "breakpoints" : "all" , "style" : { "width" : "125px" } } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "active" , "filterable" : false , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "min-width" : "290px" , "text-align" : "right" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : lang . action , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md" }
] ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/mailbox/all' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw mailbox table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
item . quota = item . quota _used + "/" + item . quota ;
item . max _quota _for _mbox = humanFileSize ( item . max _quota _for _mbox ) ;
if ( ! item . rl ) {
item . rl = '∞' ;
} else {
item . rl = $ . map ( item . rl , function ( e ) {
return e ;
} ) . join ( '/1' ) ;
2019-08-25 16:02:58 +02:00
if ( item . rl _scope === 'domain' ) {
item . rl = '↪ ' + item . rl + ' (via ' + item . domain + ')' ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="mailbox" name="multi_select" value="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . username ) + '" />' ;
item . tls _enforce _in = '<span class="text-' + ( item . attributes . tls _enforce _in == 1 ? 'success' : 'danger' ) + ' glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span>' ;
item . tls _enforce _out = '<span class="text-' + ( item . attributes . tls _enforce _out == 1 ? 'success' : 'danger' ) + ' glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span>' ;
if ( item . attributes . quarantine _notification === 'never' ) {
item . quarantine _notification = lang . never ;
} else if ( item . attributes . quarantine _notification === 'hourly' ) {
item . quarantine _notification = lang . hourly ;
} else if ( item . attributes . quarantine _notification === 'daily' ) {
item . quarantine _notification = lang . daily ;
} else if ( item . attributes . quarantine _notification === 'weekly' ) {
item . quarantine _notification = lang . weekly ;
if ( acl _data . login _as === 1 ) {
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/mailbox/' + encodeURIComponent ( item . username ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-mailbox" data-api-url="delete/mailbox" data-item="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . username ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'<a href="/index.php?duallogin=' + encodeURIComponent ( item . username ) + '" class="login_as btn btn-xs btn-success"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-user"></span> Login</a>' ;
item . action += '<a href="/sogo-auth.php?login=' + encodeURIComponent ( item . username ) + '" class="login_as btn btn-xs btn-primary" target="_blank"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-envelope"></span> SOGo</a>' ;
item . action += '</div>' ;
else {
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/mailbox/' + encodeURIComponent ( item . username ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-mailbox" data-api-url="delete/mailbox" data-item="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . username ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'</div>' ;
item . in _use = '<div class="progress">' +
'<div class="progress-bar progress-bar-' + item . percent _class + ' role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="' + item . percent _in _use + '" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" ' +
'style="min-width:2em;width:' + item . percent _in _use + '%">' + item . percent _in _use + '%' + '</div></div>' ;
item . username = escapeHtml ( item . username ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
//"container": "#tab-mailboxes.panel",
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"components" : {
"filtering" : FooTable . domainFilter
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'mailbox_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'mailbox_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 18:57:58 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
function draw _resource _table ( ) {
ft _resource _table = FooTable . init ( '#resource_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "description" , "title" : lang . description , "style" : { "width" : "250px" } } ,
2019-06-09 16:49:17 +02:00
{ "name" : "name" , "title" : lang . alias } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "kind" , "title" : lang . kind } ,
{ "name" : "domain" , "title" : lang . domain , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" } ,
{ "name" : "multiple_bookings" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "150px" , "width" : "140px" } , "title" : lang . multiple _bookings , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" } ,
{ "name" : "active" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "80px" , "width" : "80px" } , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "text-align" : "right" , "maxWidth" : "180px" , "width" : "180px" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : lang . action , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" }
] ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/resource/all' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw resource table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
if ( item . multiple _bookings == '0' ) {
item . multiple _bookings = '<span id="active-script" class="label label-success">' + lang . booking _0 _short + '</span>' ;
} else if ( item . multiple _bookings == '-1' ) {
item . multiple _bookings = '<span id="active-script" class="label label-warning">' + lang . booking _lt0 _short + '</span>' ;
} else {
item . multiple _bookings = '<span id="active-script" class="label label-danger">' + lang . booking _custom _short + ' (' + item . multiple _bookings + ')</span>' ;
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/resource/' + encodeURIComponent ( item . name ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-resource" data-api-url="delete/resource" data-item="' + item . name + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'</div>' ;
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="resource" name="multi_select" value="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . name ) + '" />' ;
item . name = escapeHtml ( item . name ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"components" : {
"filtering" : FooTable . domainFilter
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'resource_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'resource_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 19:07:01 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
function draw _bcc _table ( ) {
ft _bcc _table = FooTable . init ( '#bcc_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "id" , "title" : "ID" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" , "text-align" : "center" } } ,
{ "name" : "type" , "title" : lang . bcc _type } ,
{ "name" : "local_dest" , "title" : lang . bcc _local _dest } ,
{ "name" : "bcc_dest" , "title" : lang . bcc _destinations } ,
{ "name" : "domain" , "title" : lang . domain , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" } ,
{ "name" : "active" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "80px" , "width" : "80px" } , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "text-align" : "right" , "maxWidth" : "180px" , "width" : "180px" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : lang . action , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" }
] ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/bcc/all' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw bcc table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/bcc/' + item . id + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-bcc" data-api-url="delete/bcc" data-item="' + item . id + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'</div>' ;
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="bcc" name="multi_select" value="' + item . id + '" />' ;
item . local _dest = escapeHtml ( item . local _dest ) ;
item . bcc _dest = escapeHtml ( item . bcc _dest ) ;
if ( item . type == 'sender' ) {
item . type = '<span id="active-script" class="label label-success">Sender</span>' ;
} else {
item . type = '<span id="inactive-script" class="label label-warning">Recipient</span>' ;
} ) ;
} ) ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'bcc_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'bcc_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 19:07:01 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
function draw _recipient _map _table ( ) {
ft _recipient _map _table = FooTable . init ( '#recipient_map_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "id" , "title" : "ID" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" , "text-align" : "center" } } ,
{ "name" : "recipient_map_old" , "title" : lang . recipient _map _old } ,
{ "name" : "recipient_map_new" , "title" : lang . recipient _map _new } ,
{ "name" : "active" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "80px" , "width" : "80px" } , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "text-align" : "right" , "maxWidth" : "180px" , "width" : "180px" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : ( role == "admin" ? lang . action : "" ) , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" }
] ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/recipient_map/all' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw recipient map table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( role == "admin" ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
item . recipient _map _old = escapeHtml ( item . recipient _map _old ) ;
item . recipient _map _new = escapeHtml ( item . recipient _map _new ) ;
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/recipient_map/' + item . id + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-recipient_map" data-api-url="delete/recipient_map" data-item="' + item . id + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'</div>' ;
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="recipient_map" name="multi_select" value="' + item . id + '" />' ;
} ) ;
} ) ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'recipient_map_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'recipient_map_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 19:07:01 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
function draw _tls _policy _table ( ) {
ft _tls _policy _table = FooTable . init ( '#tls_policy_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "id" , "title" : "ID" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" , "text-align" : "center" } } ,
{ "name" : "dest" , "title" : lang . tls _map _dest } ,
{ "name" : "policy" , "title" : lang . tls _map _policy } ,
{ "name" : "parameters" , "title" : lang . tls _map _parameters } ,
{ "name" : "active" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "80px" , "width" : "80px" } , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "text-align" : "right" , "maxWidth" : "180px" , "width" : "180px" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : ( role == "admin" ? lang . action : "" ) , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" }
] ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/tls-policy-map/all' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw tls policy map table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( role == "admin" ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
item . dest = escapeHtml ( item . dest ) ;
item . policy = '<b>' + escapeHtml ( item . policy ) + '</b>' ;
if ( item . parameters == '' ) {
item . parameters = '<code>-</code>' ;
} else {
item . parameters = '<code>' + escapeHtml ( item . parameters ) + '</code>' ;
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/tls_policy_map/' + item . id + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-tls-policy-map" data-api-url="delete/tls-policy-map" data-item="' + item . id + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'</div>' ;
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="tls-policy-map" name="multi_select" value="' + item . id + '" />' ;
} ) ;
} ) ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'tls_policy_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'tls_policy_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 19:07:01 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
function draw _alias _table ( ) {
ft _alias _table = FooTable . init ( '#alias_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "name" : "id" , "title" : "ID" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" , "text-align" : "center" } } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "address" , "title" : lang . alias , "style" : { "width" : "250px" } } ,
{ "name" : "goto" , "title" : lang . target _address } ,
{ "name" : "domain" , "title" : lang . domain , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" } ,
{ "name" : "public_comment" , "title" : lang . public _comment , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
{ "name" : "private_comment" , "title" : lang . private _comment , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
2019-09-22 15:10:56 +02:00
{ "name" : "sogo_visible" , "title" : lang . sogo _visible , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "active" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "50px" , "width" : "70px" } , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "text-align" : "right" , "maxWidth" : "180px" , "width" : "180px" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : lang . action , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" }
] ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/alias/all' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw alias table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/alias/' + encodeURIComponent ( item . id ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-alias" data-api-url="delete/alias" data-item="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . id ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'</div>' ;
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="alias" name="multi_select" value="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . id ) + '" />' ;
item . goto = escapeHtml ( item . goto . replace ( /,/g , " " ) ) ;
2019-03-18 02:03:59 +01:00
if ( item . public _comment !== null ) {
item . public _comment = escapeHtml ( item . public _comment ) ;
else {
item . public _comment = '-' ;
if ( item . private _comment !== null ) {
item . private _comment = escapeHtml ( item . private _comment ) ;
else {
item . private _comment = '-' ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
if ( item . is _catch _all == 1 ) {
item . address = '<div class="label label-default">Catch-All</div> ' + escapeHtml ( item . address ) ;
else {
item . address = escapeHtml ( item . address ) ;
if ( item . goto == "null@localhost" ) {
item . goto = '⤷ <span style="font-size:12px" class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash" aria-hidden="true"></span>' ;
else if ( item . goto == "spam@localhost" ) {
item . goto = '<span class="label label-danger">Learn as spam</span>' ;
else if ( item . goto == "ham@localhost" ) {
item . goto = '<span class="label label-success">Learn as ham</span>' ;
if ( item . in _primary _domain !== "" ) {
item . domain = "↳ " + item . domain + " (" + item . in _primary _domain + ")" ;
} ) ;
} ) ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"components" : {
"filtering" : FooTable . domainFilter
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'alias_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'alias_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 18:57:58 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
function draw _aliasdomain _table ( ) {
ft _aliasdomain _table = FooTable . init ( '#aliasdomain_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "alias_domain" , "title" : lang . alias , "style" : { "width" : "250px" } } ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
{ "name" : "target_domain" , "title" : lang . target _domain , "type" : "html" } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "active" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "50px" , "width" : "70px" } , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "text-align" : "right" , "maxWidth" : "250px" , "width" : "250px" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : lang . action , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" }
] ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/alias-domain/all' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw alias domain table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/aliasdomain/' + encodeURIComponent ( item . alias _domain ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-alias-domain" data-api-url="delete/alias-domain" data-item="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . alias _domain ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'<a href="#dnsInfoModal" class="btn btn-xs btn-info" data-toggle="modal" data-domain="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . alias _domain ) + '"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign"></span> DNS</a></div>' +
'</div>' ;
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="alias-domain" name="multi_select" value="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . alias _domain ) + '" />' ;
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
if ( item . parent _is _backupmx == '1' ) {
item . target _domain = '<span><a href="/edit/domain/' + item . target _domain + '">' + item . target _domain + '</a> <div class="label label-warning">' + lang . alias _domain _backupmx + '</div></span>' ;
} else {
item . target _domain = '<span><a href="/edit/domain/' + item . target _domain + '">' + item . target _domain + '</a></span>' ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
} ) ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'aliasdomain_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'aliasdomain_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 19:07:01 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
function draw _sync _job _table ( ) {
ft _syncjob _table = FooTable . init ( '#sync_job_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" , "text-align" : "center" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "id" , "title" : "ID" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" , "text-align" : "center" } } ,
{ "name" : "user2" , "title" : lang . owner } ,
2019-05-09 11:30:14 +02:00
{ "name" : "server_w_port" , "title" : "Server" , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md" , "style" : { "word-break" : "break-all" } } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "exclude" , "title" : lang . excludes , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
{ "name" : "mins_interval" , "title" : lang . mins _interval , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
2019-05-09 11:30:14 +02:00
{ "name" : "last_run" , "title" : lang . last _run , "breakpoints" : "xs sm md" } ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
{ "name" : "log" , "title" : "Log" } ,
{ "name" : "active" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "70px" , "width" : "70px" } , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "is_running" , "filterable" : false , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "120px" , "width" : "100px" } , "title" : lang . status } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "text-align" : "right" , "maxWidth" : "180px" , "width" : "180px" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : lang . action , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" }
] ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/syncjobs/all/no_log' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw sync job table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
item . log = '<a href="#syncjobLogModal" data-toggle="modal" data-syncjob-id="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . id ) + '">Open logs</a>'
item . user2 = escapeHtml ( item . user2 ) ;
if ( ! item . exclude > 0 ) {
item . exclude = '-' ;
} else {
item . exclude = '<code>' + item . exclude + '</code>' ;
item . server _w _port = escapeHtml ( item . user1 ) + '@' + item . host1 + ':' + item . port1 ;
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/syncjob/' + item . id + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-syncjob" data-api-url="delete/syncjob" data-item="' + item . id + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'</div>' ;
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="syncjob" name="multi_select" value="' + item . id + '" />' ;
if ( item . is _running == 1 ) {
item . is _running = '<span id="active-script" class="label label-success">' + lang . running + '</span>' ;
} else {
item . is _running = '<span id="inactive-script" class="label label-warning">' + lang . waiting + '</span>' ;
if ( ! item . last _run > 0 ) {
item . last _run = lang . waiting ;
} ) ;
} ) ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'sync_job_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'sync_job_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 18:57:58 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
function draw _filter _table ( ) {
ft _filter _table = FooTable . init ( '#filter_table' , {
"columns" : [
{ "name" : "chkbox" , "title" : "" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" , "text-align" : "center" } , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "type" : "html" } ,
{ "name" : "id" , "title" : "ID" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "60px" , "width" : "60px" , "text-align" : "center" } } ,
{ "name" : "active" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "80px" , "width" : "80px" } , "title" : lang . active } ,
{ "name" : "filter_type" , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "80px" , "width" : "80px" } , "title" : "Type" } ,
{ "sorted" : true , "name" : "username" , "title" : lang . owner , "style" : { "maxWidth" : "550px" , "width" : "350px" } } ,
{ "name" : "script_desc" , "title" : lang . description , "breakpoints" : "xs" } ,
{ "name" : "script_data" , "title" : "Script" , "breakpoints" : "all" } ,
{ "name" : "action" , "filterable" : false , "sortable" : false , "style" : { "text-align" : "right" , "maxWidth" : "180px" , "width" : "180px" } , "type" : "html" , "title" : lang . action , "breakpoints" : "xs sm" }
] ,
"empty" : lang . empty ,
"rows" : $ . ajax ( {
dataType : 'json' ,
url : '/api/v1/get/filters/all' ,
jsonp : false ,
error : function ( ) {
console . log ( 'Cannot draw filter table' ) ;
} ,
success : function ( data ) {
$ . each ( data , function ( i , item ) {
if ( item . active _int == 1 ) {
item . active = '<span id="active-script" class="label label-success">' + lang . active + '</span>' ;
} else {
item . active = '<span id="inactive-script" class="label label-warning">' + lang . inactive + '</span>' ;
item . script _data = '<pre style="margin:0px">' + escapeHtml ( item . script _data ) + '</pre>'
item . filter _type = '<div class="label label-default">' + item . filter _type . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + item . filter _type . slice ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ( ) + '</div>'
item . action = '<div class="btn-group">' +
'<a href="/edit/filter/' + item . id + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></span> ' + lang . edit + '</a>' +
'<a href="#" data-action="delete_selected" data-id="single-filter" data-api-url="delete/filter" data-item="' + encodeURIComponent ( item . id ) + '" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> ' + lang . remove + '</a>' +
'</div>' ;
item . chkbox = '<input type="checkbox" data-id="filter_item" name="multi_select" value="' + item . id + '" />'
} ) ;
} ) ,
"paging" : {
"enabled" : true ,
"limit" : 5 ,
"size" : pagination _size
} ,
"state" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"filtering" : {
"enabled" : true ,
2019-09-02 11:11:41 +02:00
"delay" : 1200 ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"position" : "left" ,
"connectors" : false ,
"placeholder" : lang . filter _table
} ,
"sorting" : {
"enabled" : true
} ,
"on" : {
2019-05-05 20:59:59 +02:00
"destroy.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
$ ( '.refresh_table' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'true' ) ;
} ,
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
"ready.ft.table" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'filter_table' ) ;
2019-05-05 20:44:29 +02:00
} ,
"after.ft.filtering" : function ( e , ft ) {
table _mailbox _ready ( ft , 'filter_table' ) ;
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
2019-07-27 18:57:58 +02:00
} ,
"toggleSelector" : "table tbody span.footable-toggle"
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
} ) ;
} ;
2019-07-27 18:56:51 +02:00
$ ( 'body' ) . on ( 'click' , 'span.footable-toggle' , function ( ) {
event . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} )
2019-02-23 17:59:18 +01:00
draw _domain _table ( ) ;
draw _mailbox _table ( ) ;
draw _resource _table ( ) ;
draw _alias _table ( ) ;
draw _aliasdomain _table ( ) ;
draw _sync _job _table ( ) ;
draw _filter _table ( ) ;
draw _bcc _table ( ) ;
draw _recipient _map _table ( ) ;
draw _tls _policy _table ( ) ;
2019-10-04 08:44:31 +02:00
} ) ;