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# Changelog
## [1.12.0]( (2021-04-02)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Require PHP 7.4 for types attributes [\#496]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add x-mac-ce charset as alias for windows-1250 [\#488]( ([aixkalur](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Cannot decode a content with an uknown encoding [\#491](
**Closed issues:**
- Implement copyMove\(\) function [\#494](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Implement move with imap\_mail\_copy+CP\_MOVE [\#495]( ([Slamdunk](
- Dev tools refactor [\#486]( ([Slamdunk](
2021-01-04 11:11:04 +01:00
## [1.11.0]( (2020-11-30)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- PHP 8 Compatibility [\#481](
- \[GA\] PHP 8 compatibility fix [\#483]( ([Slamdunk](
- Support PHP 8.0, require PHP 7.3 [\#482]( ([Slamdunk](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fix: Outlook date format [\#480]( ([gajosadrian](
**Closed issues:**
- Closing Connection [\#479](
- Problem with charset of message part / DataPartInfo [\#475](
- Unsupported charset "X-UNKNOWN" [\#425](
## [1.10.1]( (2020-08-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- getThread and getMessageSequence not using with the same id [\#469](
- imap\_thread: use absolude ids [\#474]( ([Slamdunk](
**Closed issues:**
- How to get a message by Message-ID [\#472](
- Mail with e-sign [\#467](
- Duplicate method definition in MessageInterface [\#455](
- Missed errors in search method [\#444](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Subtype not always present [\#473]( ([Piskvor](
- Improved error handling for message search method [\#445]( ([ikarol](
## [1.10.0]( (2020-01-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Handle comments \(CFWS\) in Date header + not-valid formats [\#439]( ([pupaxxo](
- Support PHP 7.4, require PHP 7.2 [\#433]( ([Slamdunk](
**Closed issues:**
- Invalid Date header when trying to fetching date on not RFC compliant emails [\#438](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Clear the last used mailbox cache when closing a connection [\#447]( ([dhzavann](
- README: update PHP version to match composer.json [\#441]( ([Slamdunk](
- Typo [\#440]( ([OskarStark](
## [1.9.0]( (2019-11-25)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Quota: let's also test the numbers [\#431]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add getQuota method using imap\_get\_quotaroot to Connection class [\#430]( ([arkadiusjonczek](
**Closed issues:**
- markAsSeen\(\) not work [\#415](
**Merged pull requests:**
- CS Fix: strip redundant php docs [\#428]( ([Slamdunk](
- Fix: Variable name [\#412]( ([localheinz](
## [1.8.0]( (2019-04-15)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Add phpstan-strict-rules, expose PartiInterface::getDescription\(\) [\#409]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.7.2]( (2019-04-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Handle message/rfc822 when content-disposition is missing [\#410]( ([Daredzik](
## [1.7.1]( (2019-03-18)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Encoding problem with 1.7 [\#405](
- imap\_search/imap\_sort: default params must not be passed if unspecified [\#406]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.7.0]( (2019-03-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Docker and Travis differs in handling new message eols [\#404]( ([Slamdunk](
- Update PHP-CS-Fixer rules [\#403]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add charset for imap\_search or imap\_sort [\#402]( ([Slamdunk](
- PHPStan clean ups [\#400]( ([Slamdunk](
- Adding an undelete\(\) message method [\#386]( ([C-Duv](
**Closed issues:**
- Convert from GBK \(X-GBK\) to UTF-8 Issue [\#395](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add new ResourceCheckFailureException to handle imap\_check\(\) false [\#399]( ([pyatnitsev](
- Remove GBK -\> X-GBK Alias and add X-GBK -\> GBK [\#396]( ([pyatnitsev](
- Add Feature Requests to [\#394]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.6.0]( (2018-12-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Require PHP ^7.1 [\#257](
- Require PHP ^7.1 [\#383]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add ability to pass options and retries to imap\_open [\#382]( ([Slamdunk](
- Docker setup for running tests [\#374]( ([LeadTechVisas](
- Get messages by UID sequence [\#373]( ([LeadTechVisas](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Undeliverable mail: attachment parsing error [\#334](
- imap\_getmailboxes returns false; [\#134](
- Fix mailbox name as only numbers [\#381]( ([Slamdunk](
- Gracefully handle possible non-array return value of imap\_getmailboxes [\#372]( ([Slamdunk](
**Closed issues:**
- \[AUTHENTICATIONFAILED\] Authentication failed - Too many login failures [\#368](
- last folder in list [\#353](
- Caching IMAP server connections [\#88](
## [1.5.5]( (2018-08-21)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Plain text attachments are not identified as Attachment parts [\#341](
- Handle plain/text attachments without Content-Type header [\#367]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.5.4]( (2018-08-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Very long filename, result of getFilename\(\) = NULL? [\#365](
- Support RFC2231 attachment filenames [\#366]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.5.3]( (2018-07-20)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Dates: handle UT timezone [\#361]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.5.2]( (2018-07-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Fails to load Message Headers [\#358](
- Handle invalid headers [\#359]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.5.1]( (2018-05-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- getContent\(\) method returns wrong content part [\#342](
- Fix handle of attachment messages with attachments [\#343]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.5.0]( (2018-03-26)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- ImapResource: cache last opened mailbox [\#328]( ([Slamdunk](
**Fixed bugs:**
- AbstractPart::isAttachment\(\) handle unknown part type [\#302]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.4.1]( (2018-03-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Return value of Ddeboer\\Imap\\Message\\AbstractPart::getDecodedContent\(\) must be of the type string, boolean returned [\#284](
- base64\_decode may return false in PHP \< 7.1 [\#324]( ([Slamdunk](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add entry in README about Mailbox::addMessage [\#325]( ([soywod](
## [1.4.0]( (2018-03-19)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Lazy load Message [\#320]( ([Slamdunk](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Invalid argument supplied for foreach\(\) in Parameters.php line 52 [\#317](
- Message "11964" does not exist: imap\_fetchstructure\(\): Bad message number [\#310](
- imap\_mime\_header\_decode may return false [\#322]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.3.1]( (2018-03-09)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Allow empty port [\#312]( ([Slamdunk](
**Closed issues:**
- getServerString\(\) with no port [\#311](
## [1.3.0]( (2018-02-28)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Implement bulk-move [\#306]( ([particleflux](
**Closed issues:**
- feature: Bulk move [\#305](
**Merged pull requests:**
- add `Unknown search criterion: OR` note [\#304]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.2.3]( (2018-02-09)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- $part-\>type can be 9 [\#301](
**Merged pull requests:**
- code-coverage has higher priority than Scrutinizer [\#300]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.2.2]( (2018-02-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Allow PHPUnit ^7.0 [\#296]( ([Slamdunk](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Attachment-\>getFilename return null [\#297](
- Don't handle multiplart as an attachment [\#298]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.2.1]( (2018-01-29)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Introduce strict comparison [\#289]( ([Slamdunk](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Invalid Date header found: "Thur, 04 Jan 2018 06:44:23 +0400" [\#293](
- MessageIterator::current\(\) fails when there are no messages [\#288](
- Remove weekday while parsing date header [\#294]( ([Slamdunk](
- MessageIterator: forbid raw calls [\#290]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.2.0]( (2018-01-15)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Make imap\_append\(\) optional arguments reachable [\#280]( ([Slamdunk](
- PHPStan: introduce static analysis [\#276]( ([Slamdunk](
**Fixed bugs:**
- getAttachments\(\) problem when mixin inline and attachment [\#281](
- UnexpectedEncodingException: Cannot decode "5" [\#278](
- Handle correctly multiple nested attachments [\#283]( ([Slamdunk](
- Manageable UnexpectedEncodingException [\#282]( ([Slamdunk](
**Closed issues:**
- Appending mail with options [\#279](
## [1.1.2]( (2017-12-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Unsupported charset "134": mb\_convert\_encoding\(\): Illegal character encoding specified [\#270](
- Support Microsoft charset values [\#271]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.1.1]( (2017-11-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Transcoder: expand charset aliases list [\#267]( ([Slamdunk](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Charset aliases: fix to lowercase search [\#266]( ([Slamdunk](
**Merged pull requests:**
- add timeout note [\#263]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.1.0]( (2017-11-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Deprecate MessageInterface::maskAsSeen\(\) in favour of MessageInterface::markAsSeen\(\) [\#255]( ([Slamdunk](
- Lazy load structured Headers [\#250]( ([Slamdunk](
- Implement imap\_thread [\#249]( ([Slamdunk](
- Require ext-iconv [\#248]( ([Slamdunk](
- Message Part: expose $partNumber [\#244]( ([wujku](
- Add Mockability helpers and documentation [\#236]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add missing interface change for \#225 [\#233]( ([Slamdunk](
- Connection: check if the connection is still active with `imap\_ping` [\#232]( ([wujku](
- Message: add `References` and `In-Reply-To` headers shortcuts [\#230]( ([wujku](
- Added bulk set / clear flags functionality for mailbox messages [\#225]( ([wujku](
**Merged pull requests:**
- make docs more obvious [\#252]( ([lgg](
- add Table of Contents with Travis checker [\#234]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.0.8]( (2017-10-27)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Headers: no catchable exception [\#246](
- imap\_thread [\#113](
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[TypeError\] Return value of Ddeboer\Imap\Message\AbstractMessage::getId\(\) must be of the type string, null returned [\#253](
- BasicMessageInterface::getId\(\) can be null [\#254]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.0.7]( (2017-10-16)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Problem with a IMAP resource stream [\#245](
- IMAP resource must be checked at every call for mailbox context [\#247]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.0.6]( (2017-10-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- \[TypeError\] Return value of AbstractMessage::getFrom\(\) must be an instance of EmailAddress, null returned [\#241](
- Message: Date header can be absent [\#243]( ([Slamdunk](
- Message: From header can be absent [\#242]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.0.5]( (2017-10-12)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Use set\_error\_handler with late exception [\#240]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.0.4]( (2017-10-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Avoid \(set|restor\)\_error\_handler [\#239]( ([Slamdunk](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Current Transcoder class does not support all charsets. [\#237](
- Relay also iconv during decoding [\#238]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.0.3]( (2017-10-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Attachment::getFilename\(\) may be null on inline-att, widen return type [\#235]( ([wujku](
## [1.0.2]( (2017-10-06)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Issue with saving XML attachments [\#228](
- Do not charset-decode attachments [\#231]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.0.1]( (2017-10-05)
[Full Changelog](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Error with attachment charset [\#226](
- If charset is not specified defaults to "us-ascii" [\#227]( ([Slamdunk](
## [1.0.0]( (2017-10-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Implemented enhancements:**
- Need getAll for headers [\#200](
- Tests: implement @covers to avoid false positive on code-coverage [\#188](
- Remove commented code [\#174](
- Regex in SearchExpressions [\#157](
- How do I get unread messages count? [\#98](
- Add mocking ability through Interfaces [\#221]( ([Slamdunk](
- Wrap imap resource to periodically check its status [\#220]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add more coding-standard rules [\#218]( ([Slamdunk](
- Always keep unseen: remove keepUnseen, add markAsSeen [\#217]( ([Slamdunk](
- Embedded messages: refactor \#106 [\#216]( ([Slamdunk](
- Headers now extends \ArrayIterator [\#215]( ([Slamdunk](
- Implement imap\_mail\_copy [\#214]( ([Slamdunk](
- Imap sort [\#213]( ([Slamdunk](
- Increased code-coverage [\#211]( ([Slamdunk](
- Update to PHPUnit ^6.2 [\#209]( ([Slamdunk](
- Use specific exceptions to ease user catches [\#208]( ([Slamdunk](
- Wrap Exception on invalid Date header [\#205]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add tests for \#144 set flags functionalities [\#203]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add imap\_fetchheader\(\) functionality to get raw headers [\#202]( ([Slamdunk](
- Parse all email type headers [\#199]( ([Slamdunk](
- Test search conditions [\#198]( ([Slamdunk](
- Mailbox: get status [\#192]( ([Slamdunk](
- SearchExpression is a Search\ConditionInterface [\#191]( ([Slamdunk](
- SearchCondition: \_\_toString\(\) -\> toString\(\) [\#187]( ([Slamdunk](
- Retain imap\_getmailboxes\(\) results [\#184]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add type hints and return types [\#183]( ([Slamdunk](
- Exception: increase verbosity with imap\_alerts\(\) and imap\_errors\(\) [\#182]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add coding-standards [\#181]( ([Slamdunk](
- Travis: re-enable code-coverage on scrutinizer [\#177]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add .gitattributes to remove from releases unneded files [\#173]( ([Slamdunk](
- Travis: use local Dovecot installation [\#170]( ([Slamdunk](
- Need all Headers in string format [\#149]( ([FlashWS](
- Get raw mail [\#146]( ([styxit](
- add getBcc\(\), Set, Clear Flag\(\Seen, \Answered, \Flagged, \Deleted, and \Draft\), getHeadersRaw\(\) [\#144]( ([trungpv93](
**Fixed bugs:**
- Search\Condition needs charset escaping/indication [\#190](
- imap\_utf7\_\(encode|decode\) -\> mb\_convert\_encoding [\#185](
- España [\#176](
- getHeaders\(\) decode broke information [\#171](
- Date format for date search condition [\#168](
- Error when trying fetch messages from container [\#167](
- Attachment encoding error [\#158](
- getFilename\(\) is empty and no attachment, even when there is an attachment. [\#142](
- Encoding issues [\#136](
- URGENT: The timezone could not be found in the database [\#135](
- Incorrect transcoding of text attachments [\#132](
- Undefined offset [\#123](
- ICS file not supported as attachment [\#120](
- Should iconv be a requirement? [\#115](
- KeepUnseen doen't work [\#92](
- PHP Fatal error Failed to parse time string in ddeboer/imap/src/Message.php [\#89](
- encoding issue [\#85](
- keepUnseen not working correctly with Hotmail [\#84](
- Iconv Exception [\#78](
- $message-\>getAttachments\(\) doesn't recognize some attachments [\#74](
- Message::move\(\) doesn't work. [\#73](
- Message\Part: part number must distinguish original message [\#223]( ([Slamdunk](
- Recursive Embedded email body bug [\#222]( ([Slamdunk](
- Exclude HTML from allowed attachment subtype [\#212]( ([Slamdunk](
- Fix imap\_mail\_move behaviour and test it [\#207]( ([Slamdunk](
- Undefined encoding: throw exception [\#197]( ([Slamdunk](
- Message charset: mb\_convert\_encoding + aliases [\#196]( ([Slamdunk](
- Mailbox: only UTF-8 names [\#193]( ([Slamdunk](
- Search\Date\AbstractDate: fix format to RFC-3501 [\#189]( ([Slamdunk](
- Travis: fix failing tests [\#172]( ([Slamdunk](
- Return body of single-part HTML message as HTML, not text [\#101]( ([joker806](
- Implement "undisclosed recipients" addresses [\#86]( ([darit](
**Closed issues:**
- Potential memory issue with attachments [\#195](
- Explain Message::delete [\#175](
- Get raw message [\#161](
- Composer install problem [\#160](
- Transcoder not exist [\#154](
- The library doesn't support using sort by [\#151](
- Office 365 - Array to string conversion error [\#131](
- Is there a method to turn a seen message into an "unseen" one ? [\#130](
- Create mailbox [\#126](
- Move and Delete Message not working [\#112](
- Problem on production server [\#111](
- Authentication failed for a Gmail account [\#109](
- A method to run IMAP commands? [\#83](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Update to latest develop changes [\#224]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add Filippo Tessarotto as an author of the package [\#219]( ([Slamdunk](
- call Connection::expunge after move and delete [\#210]( ([Slamdunk](
- Remove misleading Mailbox::expunge\(\) [\#206]( ([Slamdunk](
- Add [\#194]( ([Slamdunk](
- updates [\#178]( ([Slamdunk](
## [0.5.2]( (2015-12-03)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- $message-\>getAttachments\(\) returns null if message has no attachments [\#80](
- Email objects visibility [\#76](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Fixed the keepUnseen method [\#95]( ([aeyoll](
- Mark Mailbox as countable, fix doc comments [\#91]( ([krzysiekpiasecki](
- Message::getAttachments confirm to signature [\#82]( ([boekkooi](
- Added hasMailbox to Connection [\#81]( ([boekkooi](
- Make sure imap connection are reopened [\#79]( ([joserobleda](
## [0.5.1]( (2015-02-01)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- imap\_open error [\#72](
- $message-\>getAttachments\(\) does not return anything, even though a message has at least one attachment [\#71](
- Prepare docs for 1.0 [\#69](
- "date" header is not reliable [\#63](
- File Attachments don't show up [\#55](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Add support for attachments without content disposition [\#70]( ([ddeboer](
## [0.5.0]( (2015-01-24)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Use utf8\_encode\(\) function to encode content [\#66](
- Please add function order by date [\#59](
- mb\_convert\_encoding breaks code [\#57](
- How get I getMessages but newest first ... [\#11](
## [0.4.0]( (2015-01-04)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Please add 6th parameter to imap\_open call [\#62](
- Should Message::delete\(\) use the Message UID? [\#46](
- mb\_convert\_encoding\(\): Illegal character encoding specified [\#35](
- Deleting a message isn't working [\#30](
- imap\_header doesn't work with message uid [\#26](
**Merged pull requests:**
- Added basic requirement [\#61]( ([nikoskip](
- FIX: PHP error: "Cannot declare class Ddeboer\Imap\Search\Text\Text ..." [\#58]( ([racztiborzoltan](
- Message::delete sets the FT\_UID flag. Fixes \#30 Fixes \#46 [\#54]( ([ctalbot](
- Allow binary-encoded part content [\#48]( ([joker806](
- Fix CS [\#47]( ([xelan](
- fixed typo [\#45]( ([xelan](
## [0.3.1]( (2014-08-11)
[Full Changelog](
**Merged pull requests:**
- \imap\_header dosen't work with UID [\#44]( ([ysramirez](
## [0.3.0]( (2014-08-10)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- please remove useless wiki [\#42](
- Travis tests allways fail? [\#40](
- Garbled e-mail body encoding [\#27](
- Improve docs [\#25](
- "undisclosed-recipients" throws error [\#23](
**Merged pull requests:**
- correct minor typo [\#43]( ([cordoval](
- Utf-8 encode body content. [\#39]( ([cmoralesweb](
- Fix regex parsing the date header \(allowing multiple brackets\) [\#38]( ([joker806](
- Allow empty connection flags [\#34]( ([joker806](
- Fixed typo [\#32]( ([abhinavkumar940](
## [0.2]( (2013-11-24)
[Full Changelog](
## [0.1]( (2013-11-22)
[Full Changelog](
**Closed issues:**
- Prevent setting SEEN flag [\#20](
- Add tests [\#18](
- delete messages [\#9](
- README is missing basic usage [\#7](
- Subject and other texts are decoded incorrectly [\#3](
**Merged pull requests:**
- also fetch inline attachments [\#24]( ([kaiserlos](
- since leading slash is always needed [\#22]( ([huglester](
- Added missed createMailbox\($name\) function [\#19]( ([burci](
- Added move and delete function to message + expunge function [\#17]( ([burci](
- Clean up some unused variable [\#16]( ([burci](
- Fixed mailbox encoding [\#15]( ([burci](
- Create new mailbox [\#14]( ([burci](
- Fixed bug in getDecodedContent with 'format=flowed' email [\#13]( ([burci](
- Fixed date parsing for some imap servers [\#12]( ([thelfensdrfer](
- Add support for more complex search expressions. [\#10]( ([jamesiarmes](
- Allow user to change server connection flags [\#6]( ([mvar](
- Improvements in EmailAddress class [\#4]( ([mvar](
\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*